Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA) Plans Service - Airplanes and Rockets

AT's Post-War Motor Roundup
September 1949 Air Trails

September 1949 Air Trails
September 1949 Air Trails Cover - Airplanes and RocketsTable of Contents

These pages from vintage modeling magazines like Flying Aces, Air Trails, American Modeler, American Aircraft Modeler, Young Men, Flying Models, Model Airplane News, R/C Modeler, captured the era. All copyrights acknowledged.

Featured here in the September 1949 issue of Air Trails magazine are no fewer than 52 model aircraft (or boat or car) engines on the market at the time. As with most items considered non-essential that required critical resources (material and/or manufacturing capacity), the modeling industry took a hit during the World War II years. Much print space was consumed by tips and tricks for how to make your own components or substitute material for what had been customary. Balsa was in short supply because it was (and still is) used in the construction of air-dropped equipment pallets. Rubber, metal, plastic (still relatively new at the time), and even some cloth and paper was often difficult to procure for building or repairing models. Once the war was over, companies went as fast as they could in converting from wartime production back to peacetime production. This plethora of model engines is one bit of evidence of that.

AT's Post-War Motor Roundup

AT's Post-War Motor Roundup, September 1949 Air Trails - Airplanes and RocketsIn this pictorial roundup of leading post-war engines we have attempted to present as complete a picture of the model motor market as possible. All information was furnished by the manufacturer, exclusive distributor, or importer, and was carefully checked, but is subject to change.

Some motors no longer manufactured and not included here are being offered today at prices far below their original retail cost. In some instances they may be bargains, but will eventually be sold out and therefore are not listed. The engines best known to the average Air Trails reader have been included here.

It is interesting to note the effects of the competition which has returned to the model motor field. Custom motor builders in most instances have held their prices of necessity and continue to produce fine motors in limited quantity. Quality motor manufacturers have reduced prices as their volume of sales paid off tooling costs, so now many motors cost less than their pre-war counterparts despite the inflated dollar.

(p39) Motor Roundup, September 1949 Air Trails - Airplanes and RocketsThe author wishes to express his appreciation to the motor manufacturers for their fine cooperation in the preparation of this roundup. If any reader desires more information on any engine here, consult first your local hobby dealer. If your questions cannot be fully answered, contact the manufacturer.

Some of the data pertaining to what engines were used to establish various official national records is subject to change. This is because new marks are established with great rapidity and it is impossible to present a 100% correct listing in that regard.

The following abbreviations are used: d, displacement in cubic inches; b, bore in inches; s, stroke in inches; wt, weight; bwt, bare weight; ck, crankcase; cyl, cylinder; p, piston; con rod, connecting rod; hp, horsepower; rpm, revolutions per minute; mph, miles per hour; cr, compression ratio; oz, ounce; pc, piece; phos, phosphorous; ht, height.

- James Noonan

America's Hobby Center, Inc.: 156 W. 22nd St., New York 11, N. Y. Buzz engines are aluminum and steel construction. Simple design for easy replacement and service. Factory repair service available. Motors operate as glow plug or spark-ignition. Many accessories available.

Buzz A

Buzz A: d - .199; b - .66; s - .562; wt - 4oz; 1/7 hp at 7,500 rpm; 3 port; uses 8" prop.

Buzz B

Buzz B: d - .299; b - .812; s - .562; wt - 4 1/2 oz; 1/6 hp at 8,000 rpm; 3 port; uses 10" prop.

Buzz C

Buzz C: d - .350; b - .880; s - .562; wt - 4 1/2 oz; 1/5 hp at 8,500; 3 port; uses 11" prop.

Buzz D

Buzz D: d - .610; b - 1.00; s - .777; wt - 9 oz; 1/4 hp at 9,000 rpm; 3 port; uses 12" prop.

(p40) Motor Roundup, September 1949 Air Trails - Airplanes and RocketsAtwood Manufacturing Co.: 147 Pasadena Ave., S. Pasadena, Calif. Don Newberger won 1948 Class C speed championship at Olathe, Kan., National meet using a Triumph Special (not yet in production) equipped with ball bearing crankshaft and disc rotary valve. Atwood motor was first to have really large ports (1941). They hold several National records. The Triumph series have exceptional power-to-weight ratio.

Super Champ

Super Champ: d - .624; b - .940; s - .900; 2 port; wt - 11 1/2 oz.


Glo-Devil: d - .624; b - .940; 8-.900; 2 port; wt - 11 oz; used by National Stunt Champ Dave Slagle to win Jim Walker trophy in 1947; Slagle also won 1948 National precision event using this engine.

Atwood Triumph

Trimph 49 Glow Plug: d - .490; b - .890; s - .790; 2 port; wt - 8 1/2 oz; Triumph 49 Ignition has same specifications except wt is 9 oz. Triumph 51 Glow Plug: d - .510; b - .900; s -.790; 2 port; wt - 8 1/2 oz; Triumph 51 Ignition has same specifications except wt is 9 oz.


Berkeley Model Supplies: 138 Greenpoint Ave., Brooklyn 22. N. Y. Cobra (made by Air-O Model Supply Co.): d - .45; b - 7/8"; s - 3/4"; wt - 7 1/2 oz; side porting; max hp at 10,000 rpm; cyl, steel; ck - hi-pressure die-cast aluminum; crankshaft, 1 pc. steel; aluminum head; p - steel, 2 rings; con rod - steel, chrome moly. bushings. Notes: a rugged motor suitable for stunt and free-flight. Has long wearing qualities. Two models available for both glow plug and ignition operation; 1949 model - shorter, uses 1/4" plug; 1948 model - uses 3/8" plug.

(p41) Motor Roundup, September 1949 Air Trails - Airplanes and RocketsL M. Cox Mfg. Co.: 730 Poinsettia St., Santa Ana, Calif. Cameron Bros.-built Thimble Drome is special engine designed for Thimble-Drome race car. D - .199; b - .635; s - .625; die-cast construction; steel sleeve; glow plug operation.


Thimble-Drome #519: data as above; plus high dome piston; ground tubular steel piston pin; 2 rings; wt - 4 oz.

Thimble-Drome #515: d - .15; b - .625; s -.500; wt - 4 oz; high dome baffle piston; 2 rings; speeds in excess of 18,000 rpm.

Thimble-Drome #509: d - .099; b - .500; s - .500; wt - 4 3/4 oz; machine-cut hardened steel piston. All engines 2 15/16" high; 3 7/8" long.


Dooling Brothers: 5452 W. Adams Blvd., Los Angeles 16, Calif. D - .607 (10 cc.); b - 1.015; s - .750; 1 1/2 hp at 16,000 rpm; cr - approx. 9-1; bwt - 14 oz; operates as ignition or glow plug; cyl-ck, aluminum alloy; liner - centrifugal cast iron; cyl head - aluminum alloy; p, aluminum alloy; 2 cast iron rings; con rod - aluminum alloy; forged crankpin bearing; roller crankshaft bearing; 2 ball bearings; inlet valve-rotary valve; disc type timer, hi-speed automotive type. Notes: peak hp is reached at 15-16,000 rpm. Motor available with adapters for boats, cars or planes. The Dooling is result of intensive experiment and development and is claimed to have the highest power-to-weight ratio of any motor. Recommended fuel: 3 parts methanol, 3 parts nitromethane, 2 parts castor oil. Complete information and use of fuels available in mfgr's booklet. Holds Cl. D U-control speed record of 155.11 mph by Bob Thomas, Anaheim, Calif.

Drone Diesel

(p42) Motor Roundup, September 1949 Air Trails - Airplanes and RocketsDrone Engineering, Inc.: 851 Anna St., Elizabeth, N. J. Drone Diesel: d - .297; b - .21/32"; s - 7/8"; 3 port; rotary ck valve; wt - 9 oz; 1/4 hp at 8,000 rpm; cast aluminum crankcase and front end; hardened and ground shaft and liner; cast iron lapped piston; forged and bushed con rod; New Departure precision ball bearing; aluminum fuel tank mounted on crankcase; cr-18-1; variable compression and glow heads available. Notes: the original Drone Diesel resembled French diesels. In its latest form it is faster and more powerful, as well as very rugged. Its ability is indicated by its consistent winning of National and Eastern stunt events. Excellent performance also obtained in free-flight and radio-control. Hint: add a little "Cata-Crax" to Drone Diesel fuel.

Duro-Matic Products Co.: Hollywood 38, Calif. McCoy motors hold 11 of 12 speed records as well as free-flight records. Held in high esteem by modelers the world over. Have been copied by engine builders in many countries, so that even some foreign racing diesels look like J McCoys. Engines are of rugged construction, have high speeds that are hard to surpass. Built in a range from .19 to .60 disp. for all classes.

McCoy 19 Ignition

McCoy 19, Ignition: d - .195; b - .625; s - .630; wt - 4 oz; .35 hp at 14,600 rpm; ball bearing; steel crankshaft; aluminum castings; cast iron cylinder; aluminum Z rings piston; forged aluminum con rod; disc rotary inlet.

(p43) Motor Roundup, September 1949 Air Trails - Airplanes and RocketsMcCoy 19 Hot-Point Glow Plug

McCoy 19 Hot-Point Glow Plug: see McCoy Iggnition data above.

McCoy 19 Race Car Engine

McCoy 19 Race Car Engine: see McCoy 19 Ignition data above; 2 ball bearings; pinion gear; Hot-Point glow plug.

McCoy Sportsman 29

McCoy Sportsman 29: d - .295; b - .746; s - .670; wt - 6 oz; ball bearing; steel crankshaft; aluminum castings; cast iron cylinder; aluminum piston, cast iron rings; forged aluminum con rod; disc rotary inlet.

McCoy Sportsman Junior

McCoy Sportsman Junior: d - .359; b - .809; s - .670; wt 6 1/2 oz; .4 hp; see McCoy Sportsman 29 for other specifications.

McCoy Sportsman Senior

McCoy Sportsman Senior: d - .548; b - .940; s - .790; wt - 9 1/2 oz; .6 hp; see McCoy Sportsman 29 for other specifications.

McCoy 29 Red Head

McCoy 29 Red Head: d - .2994; b - .750; s - .670; wt - 7 1/2 oz; .54 hp at 15,000 rpm; 2 MRC ball bearings; chrome moly crankshaft; aluminum castings; cast iron cylinder; aluminum piston, cast iron rigs; forged aluminum con rod; disc. rotary inlet. 

McCoy 49 Red Head

McCoy 49 Red Head: d - .499; b - .890; s - .790; wt - 11 oz; .83 hp at 15,500 rpm; see McCoy 29 Red Head for other specifications.

McCoy Super 60 Red Head

McCoy Super 60 Red Head (Series 20): d - .6072; b - .940; s - .875; wt - 13 1/2 oz; 1.32 hp at 17,000 rpm; see McCoy 29 Red Head for other specifications.

Forster Brothers: Lanark, Ill. Exceptional motors, Forsters combine high power-to-weight ratio with very smooth speed changes with 2-speed timers. Good performance with glow plugs. The "29" has proven itself in author's 6-ft. radio-control model. Forster engines have won many first places in regional and National meets. Two-speed timer is standard equipment on "99," optional on "29" and "305."

Forster 29

Forster 29: d - .297; b - .750; s - .672; .cr - 9 to 1; wt - 6 1/2 oz; .35 hp at 12,500 rpm; steel hardened and ground crankshaft; ball bearing in rear, outer bearing is "oil-lite" sleeve; ck - aluminum alloy; rotary valve, steel ground and lapped; full-floating, steel wrist pin; aluminum tank, 2/3 oz. capacity; aluminum alloy cyl head.

Forster 305: d - .305; b - .760; s - .672; cr - 9 to 1; wt - 6 1/2 oz; .4 hp at 13,200; see Forster 29 for other specifications.

Forster 99

Forster 99: d - .99; b - 1.0625; s - 1.125;. cr - 8 to 1; wt - 14 oz; .69 hp at 7,800 rpm; aluminum alloy crankcase and cyl; steel cyl sleeve; 2-ring aluminum piston; steel hardened crankshaft with ground finish, ball bearing in rear, outer bearing is "oil-lite."


Gotham Hobby Corp.: 107 E. 126th St., New York 35, N. Y. Deezil motor available in kit form: d - .125; b - .473; s-708; 8,000 rpm; wt - 5 oz; ht - 3.5 in; beam mounting; Deezilmix fuel; construction, aluminum castings; steel sleeve and piston; free-flight prop, 10" dia., 6" pitch; U-control prop, 8" dia., 10" pitch. Notes: the motor design is basically that of the Italian Movo and Swiss Dyno, known for simplicity and reliability. A good motor for sport flying.

E. D. Bee Diesel

G. S. T. Hobbies: Box 885, Los Angeles 53, Calif. E. D. Bee Diesel (made in England): d - .06 (.984 cc.); b - .437; s - .400; variable compression; wt - 2.75 oz; rotary valve in rear of crankcase; 2 transfer and 2 exhaust ports; ck - aluminum alloy; cyl barrel cast in one piece; carburetor, rotary valve and rear crankcase cover are detachable unit; no tank supplied; plain bearings; beam mounting; hollow spinner nut; flat top piston. Notes: very compact and will fit in scale or contest models without any projecting parts. It starts and runs at 8-10,000 rpm with little effort, running well on U. S. diesel fuels. Very rugged and nicely built; will last long time with careful handling.  

H & H 45

H & H Model Motor Co.: 307 W. Marshall St., Norristown, Pa. H & H "45": d - .451; b - .875; s - .750; wt - 8 oz; 10,500 rpm with 9/8 prop; cyl - cast iron; steel, hard chrome plated piston; hardened, ground-steel crankshaft; con rod - 3 piece, brazed construction; diecast aluminum crankcase, Oil-lite bushing; machined aluminum cylinder head; machined aluminum, top-drawn tank; glow ignition is platinum coil, fully exposed in cyl head. Notes: the H & H was first glow ignition motor on the market, having been developed prior to the war. Fuel is 70% alcohol, 30% castor oil.

Herkimer·Tool & Model Works: Herkimer, N. Y. The Herkimer "O.K." line offers a wide choice of motors from the tiny Cub to the giant Twin. Reasonably priced and easily serviced, since parts are sold almost everywhere. O.K. motors have racked up an impressive list of records and competition victories throughout the country.

OK Cub

OK Cub: d - .049; b - .390; s - .415; cr - 6·1; bwt - 1 1/2 oz; cyl - steel; cyl head, aluminum; con rod, die-cast aluminum; p - hardened steel; 2 port; shaft rotary inlet valve; prop - 5 1/4-6 1/2" dia., 2-4" pitch; with prop 6-15,000 rpm; radial and beam mount; fuel, glow; thrust, 6-8 oz.

OK Bantam

OK Bantam: ignition model shown; both ignition and glow plug. version made; d - .199, b - .656, s - .590, cr - 7-1; bwt - 3 1/4 oz; cyl - steel; integral cyl head; con rod, die-cast aluminum; ck - die-cast aluminum; p - cast iron; phos. bronze crankshaft bearing; 2 port; disc rotary inlet valve; prop - 7-9" dia., 4-8" pitch; with prop 5-11,600 rpm; beam mount; thrust 24-32 oz. As ignition engine uses gas and oil fuel; as glow plug engine uses glow fuel.

OK Super 29

OK Super 29: d - .299; b - .760; s - .660; cr - 7-1; bwt - 7 1/2 oz; cyl head - aluminum; con rod - aluminum forged; ck - die-cast aluminum; p - hardened steel; phos. bronze crankshaft bearing; 2 port; shaft rotary inlet valve; prop, 8-11" dia., 6-8" pitch; with prop, 5-11,800 rm: beam mount; fuel, alcohol or gas; 36-48 oz thrust.

OK Hot Head: this glow plug engine has same specifications as the ignition OK Super 29 above except bwt - 7 oz; cyl head, integral; no crankshaft bearing; uses glow fuel.

OK Super 60

OK Super 60: ignition model shown; both ignition and glow plug versions made, d - .604, b - .900, s - .950, cr - 8-1; bwt - 12 oz; cyl - steel; cyl head, integral; con rod, forged aluminum; ck, die-cast aluminum; p - hardened steel; crank-shaft ball bearing; 2 port; shaft rotary inlet valve; prop - 11-15" dia., 6·9" pitch; with prop, 5-10,000 rpm; beam mount; 72-96 oz thrust. As ignition engine uses gas and oil fuel; as glow plug engine uses glow fuel.

OK Raceway·Marine: same specifications as OK Super 60 above, but is equipped with flywheel in both ignition and glow plug versions.

OK Twin

OK Twin: 2-cylinder; d - 1.208; b - .900; s - .950; 1/2 hp at 5,600 rpm; cr - 6-1; bwt - 22 oz; cyl - steel; cyl head, integral; con rod - forged aluminum; ck - die-cast aluminum; p - hard steel; crankshaft ball bearing; 3 port; prop-16-18" dia., 6-12" pitch; with prop, 1,500-6,000 rpm; radial mount; fuel, gas and castor oil (3-4).

K&B Manufacturing Co.: 6901 Eastern Ave., Bell Gardens, Calif. The Infant, the first of the new small motors to go into production, is constructed entirely of turnings. Special care must be exercised in handling tiny motors and they must be tuned to peak rpm for proper performance. It is not advisable to disassemble these small motors; return them to the factory for repair. The largo K&B's have an enviable reputation for performance; engines are rotary valve type

K&B Infant

Infant: d - .020; b - .281; s - .331; bwt - 1 oz; no castings used; crankshaft - steel: p - steel.

K&B Glo-Torp

Glo-Torp 32: d - .318; b - .750; s - .724; bwt - 6 oz; die-cast aluminum castings; bronze bearings; steel crankshaft; p - Meehanite; steel liner.

K&B Torpedo

Torpedo 29: d - .299; b - .725; s-.724; bwt - 7 1/2 oz; see Glo-Torp 32 data above.

Glo-Torp 29: d - .299; b - .725; s - .724; bwt - 6 oz; see Glo-Torp 32 data above.

Torpedo 24: d - .249; b - .662; s - .724; bwt - 7 oz; see Glo-Torp 32 data above.

Glo-Torp 24: d - .249; b - .662; s - .724; bwt - 6 oz; see Glo-Torp 32 data above.


Little Mike Marx Toy Co.: (Div. George C. Knight Co.): 21820 Wyoming Ave., Detroit 20, Mich. Rocket: d - .4610; b - 13/16"; s - 7/8"; rated at 1/5 hp plus; 7,850 rpm with 10 in. pitch, 10 in. dia. propeller; high-test gas (without lead) recommended as fuel; rotary valve; oil-lite bearings; aluminum diecast construction.


Mercury Model Airplane Co.: 920 Utica Ave., Brooklyn 3, N. Y. Glo-Mite: d - .099; b - .500; s - .500; wt - 2.6 oz.; ck - die·cast magnesium; cyl head - die-cast magnesium; alloy steel crankshaft; bronze bearing; p - alloy steel; con rod - alloy steel. Notes: this is the former Mite engine fitted with a glow plug for glow operation.

Micro-Bilt, Inc.: Lee-Mac Ave., Danbury. Conn. Designed by Ray Arden, these motors reflect his 40 years' engine experience. Construction not matched by the finest European hand-made motors. Arden's introduction of the glow plug to the model field created an entirely new type of flying and increased rpm and hp.

Arden 099

Arden (1-P-099) 099: d - .099; b - .495; s - .516; bwt - 2.44 oz; flying wt - 4.19 oz; 1/11 hp at 10,000 rpm; cr - 9-1; plain bearings; 360-deg. radial intake and exhaust porting; fuel - 3 parts white gas and 1 part SAE 70 oil; radial mount; V-3 spark plug; suction gas feed; cyl - alloy steel; aluminum head; p - alloy steel; con rod - alloy steel; rotary shaft type valve; ck - die-cast magnesium crankshaft, hardened ground steel; all joints threaded; fuel-proof plastic tank.

Arden (1-B-099) 099: bwt - 2.62 oz; flying wt - 4.37 oz; 1/10 hp at 10.000 rpm; high-precision annular ball bearings; see Arden 1-P-099- above for all other data.

Arden 199

Arden (1-B-199) 199: d - .199; b - .635; s - .625; bwt - 4.16 oz; flying wt - 5.91 oz; 1/5 hp at 10,000; high-precision annular ball bearings; see Arden 1-P-099 above for all other data.

Wasp Twin

Micro Model Co.: Metropolitan Airport, Van Nuys, Calif: Wasp Twin: 2 opposed cylinders, d - .60, b - .740, s - .702. rpm - 10,000 plus; hp - 3/4; 2 port, rotary valve, beam "shelf" mounting; cr - 7-1; wt - 12 oz; 1 pv. alloy steel crankshaft; 2 main bearings steel cyls; hardened steel pistons; aluminum alloy crankcase, timer and heads. Notes: excellent vibration-free operation, a feature of all opposed, simultaneous firing twins, easy to start. Operation either on ignition or glow plug. Suitable for all types of models.

Super Wasp: d - .65; b - .740; s - .750; 2 cylinder; radial mount (Wasp Twin Special has beam mount); 2 port, 2 cycle; cr - 7-1; down draft carburetor; down exhausts; hi-speed timer; 3/4 hp at 10,000 rpm; wt - 12 oz; power-to-weight ratio 1.08 hp per pound.

Miniature Motors: 8557 Higuera St., Culver City, Calif. Television and camera manufacturer is closing out Torpedo and Bullet engines. Concern states that parts will be available. Good motors for sport and small stunt models.


Bullet: d - .275; b - 3/4"; wt - 6 1/2 oz; rotary valve inlet; cyl - steel, sleeve; p - Meehanite; radial or beam mount; for glow plug or ignition operation.

Torpedo Special

Torpedo: d - .30; b - .711; s - .750; wt - 7 3/4 oz; remaining data same as Bullet above.

Mohawk Chief

Mohawk Engineering .Co.: Mohawk, N. Y.

Mohawk Chief: d - .299; b - .760; s- .660; cr - 7-1; bwt - 7 oz; steel cylinder; die-cast aluminum con rod; ck - die-cast aluminum; hardened steel piston; shaft rotary valve; recommended prop, 8-11" dia.; 6-8" pitch; rpm with prop, 5-11,800; beam mounting; uses standard glow fuels with glow plug; for ignition, gas or alcohol and Castor oil, 2 1/2-to-1 ratio. Notes: very rugged motor, exceptionally easy starting.

Ohlsson & Rice, Inc.: Emery at Grande Vista, Los Angeles 23, Calif. Ohlsson & Rice have been leaders among engine manufacturers since 1936 when the "Gold Seal" was introduced. The "23" in 1938 opened a new field of engine design and engines ceased looking like the venerable Brown Jr. Today Ohlsson & Rice offer variety and good looks as well as performance at a very reasonable price.

O & R 19 Rotary Valve Glow Plug

O & R 19 Rotary Valve Glow Plug: d - .199; b - 11/16"; s - 17/32; .28 hp at 9,000 rpm; cr - 7-1; bwt - 4 3/4 oz; crankshaft rotary valve; cyl - machined steel; con rod, aluminum alloy; ck, die-cast aluminum; p - alloy steel; bronze shaft bearing; ball thrust bearing; 2 port; radial or beam mount; fuel. O&R #2.

O & R 19 Rotary Valve Ignition

O & R 19 Rotary Valve Ignition: specifications same as O&R 19 rotary valve glow plug engine above except fuel. O&R #1.

O & R 19 Side Port Ignition

O & R 19 Side Part Ignition: data same as O & R 19 rotary valve glow plug engine above except side port inlet; .3 port; .156 hp at 8,200 rpm; bwt - 5 oz; fuel, O&R #1.

O & R 23 Rotary Valve Glow Plug

O & R 23 Rotary Valve Glow Plug: d - .23o; b - 11/16"; s - 21/32"; .295 hp at 9,400 rpm; cr - 7.5-1; bwt - 4 3/4 oz; fuel - O & R #2; remaining data same as O & R 19 rotary valve glow plug engine above.

O & R 23 Rotary Valve Ignition

O & R 23 Rotary Valve Ignition: d - .230; b - 11/16"; s - 21/32"; .295 hp at 9,400; cr - 7.5-1; bwt -4 3/4 oz; fuel, O & R #1; remaining data same as O & R 19 rotary valve glow plug engine above.

O & R 23 Side Port Ignition

O & R 23 Side Part Ignition: d - .230; b - 11/16"; s - 21/32"; .22 hp at 8,000 rpm; cr - 7.5-1; bwt - 5 oz; fuel, O & R #1; 3 port; remaining data same as O & R 19 rotary valve glow plug engine above.

O & R 29 Rotary Valve Glow Plug

O & R 29 Rotary Valve Glow Plug: d - .299; b - .760; s - .660; .4 hp at 10,500 rpm; cr - 7.5-1; bwt - 5 oz; fuel - O & R #2; roller thrust bearing; remaining data same as O & R 19 rotary valve glow plug engine.

O & R 29 Rotary Valve Ignition

O & R 29 Rotary Valve Ignition: d - .299; b - .760; s - .660; .4 hp at 10,500 rpm; cr - 7.5-1; bwt - 5 oz; fuel - O & R #1; roller thrust bearing; remaining data same as O & R 19 rotary valve glow plug engine.

O & R 60 Side Port Ignition

O & R 60 Side Port Ignition: d - .660; b - 15/16"; s - 7/8"; .32 hp at 7,000 rpm; cr - 6.5-1; bwt - 9 oz; fuel - O & R #1; p - cast iron; 3 port; side port inlet; remaining data same as O & R 19 rotary valve glow plug engine.


Phantom Motors: 806 E. Gaga Ave., Los Angeles 1, Calif. Phantom: d - .29; b - .715;. s - .750; wt - 6 7/8 oz; ports, 2 intake, 2 exhaust; rotary valve on crankshaft; prop - 11-12" dia.; 3 1/2-6" pitch; cyl - alloy steel, pressed-in by pass, welded-on exhaust ports; cyl liner, hard chrome; p - cast iron, precision ground, hand lapped; con rod - die-cast aluminum alloy; ck - die-cast aluminum. Notes: the Phantom is fitted for ignition and 2 1/2 to 1 gas-oil fuel. Will perform well on glow plug.

Super Cyclone

Super Cyclone. Inc.: Grand Central Air Terminal, Box 1351, Glendale 5, Calif. The Super Cyclone is one of the few pre-war motor designs still on sale, proving its quality arid popularity in a highly competitive market and on the contest field. The author has found the engine excellent for stunt and free-flight work. Complete parts and repair service available. Super Cyclone: d - .604; b - 29/32"; s - 15/16"; wt -9 1/2 oz; rotary valve; hp - 1/5 to 1/4; normal rpm, 6-7,000; prop; 6-8" pitch; 13-14" dia.; rotation counterclockwise; 2 port; aluminum alloy castings; p - cast iron; crank pin and crankshaft, steel; cast iron cylinder liner.

Articles About Engines and Motors for Model Airplanes, Boats, and Cars:



Posted February 26, 2022

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