I'm continually
amazed at what people are willing to pay for vintage airplane and rocket products. Some kits from the 1960s and earlier
sell for many times what even the inflation-adjusted prices of the originals sold for. This plastic Visible Airplane
Engine kit from Renwal is a prime example. The engine is a Pratt & Whitney 9-cylinder "WASP" radial. It just went
up for auction on
eBay when I did the screen captures. The price is already at $127, and there are still six days left on the auction.
The last one I saw ended up selling for around $350. In fact, featuring the auction here will probably help drive up
the price for the seller (you're welcome).
would love to have the Visible Airplane Engine to build and put on display, but there is no way I can afford to spend
that kind of dough on a kit. I will graciously accept one as a gift, though. It would probably be a good investment
for someone since the price increase seems to outpace inflation - and Uncle Sam won't tax you to death on the profit
(at least not yet).
you can also buy a Visible V-8 Engine kit from Renwal. I had one as a kid, but after assembling it the mechanisms were
so tight that I could barely get the engine to rotate (my fault, no doubt). There is also a
Visible V-8 Engine kit for auction on eBay right now priced at $175 with 5 days left to go. You can buy a new
Visible V-8 Engine kit from Revell
if you want the model but don't want to pay for a vintage kit.
 The Visible Airplane Engine Kit Contents, by Renwal
 Wasp 9-Cylinder Radial by Pratt & Whitney

 Kit Parts
Articles About Engines and Motors for Model Airplanes, Boats, and Cars:
Posted December 28, 2012