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1976 Yearbook Cover

The Evening Capital newspaper front page article on Southern
Senior High School Class of '76 Graduation on June 7

Names ???

Names ???

The Watertower school newspaper
Supreme Court Ruling Allows Spanking
"After much scrutinization, the third Circuit of Appeals, and
the U.S. Supreme Court, ruled that the law allowing the spanking of public school
students shall stand. This law provides that any student who is continually ungovernable
and who does not submit to the usual form of reprimand, may be spanked provided
there is another administrator present."
FAA Officers Represented Southern
At National Convention.
Really, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)?
Methinks it was supposed to be the FFA (Future Farmers of America). It is evident where today's newspaper editors got their credentials.

Kateri Pascale, Names ???

Keck's Rejects
Phyllis Green, Lorrie Woytovich, Kateri Pascale, Fides Alaisa,
Tammy Conner, Linda Whittington, Stephanie Leighton, Jeannette Roberts, Kathy Conner,
Kathy Catterton, Jana Papetti, Kathy McGill, Dotty Early, Wendy Taylor, Sherrie
Lee, Cheryl Bednarik, Virginia Burdette, Chris Cifizarri, Karen Adelman, Wendy Root,
Kathy Brezina, Brenda Morrill, Wanda Whittaker

Southern Senior High School article from the August 28, 1968
edition of The Evening Capital newspaper

The Evening Capital newspaper editorial on Class of '76's fund
raiser for the American Cancer Society

Character of Life
Eddie Kalb, Linda Vendemia, ???

Names ???

Homecoming Dance Norman Lee, Names ???

Industrial Arts
Mr. Smith, Woodshop, was a great guy. His instruction gave
me my lifelong interest in woodworking. Mr. Pratt, Metalshop, ran the model
airplane club.

Principal Wingate
"When Mr. Wingate first became principal of Southern Junior-Senior
High School in 1947 he was able to know almost every student by name. At that time
he was not only principal, but also a math teacher. This is a field of teaching
that he still enjoys. Mr. Wingate can 'out calculate' almost anyone! He also coached
several sports at that time."
Robin L. Andrews
Barbara J. Ashley
Linda Jane Anderson
Mary Beth Aist
Maria Fides L. Alaisa
Michael Aisquith "Mike"
Glenn R. Ankney
William Adams
Victoria Burke Anderson "Vicki"
Paula Mae Faucette Bast
Frank C. Barr
Walter H. Baker
Joseph R. Baker
Frances L. Beach
James W. Barnett
Elaine M. Beatty
Fred S. Bednarik
Brenda A. Bell
Franklin Lamar Bigham
Kirt R. Blattenberger
Larry Bleigh
Amber L. Boerum
Monte D. Bowen
Francine E. Bilzor "Buck"
Bruce A. Blacker
William R. Booth "Bill"
Amy Joy Bonari
Susan M. Bowen
Alicia Ella Brent
Brenda J. Brafford
Darrell Bridges
Joel R. Breth
Carl A. Brewer
Keith A. Brace
William G. Brafford "Bill"
Susan D. Brady
John C. Brown
Alice K. Brown
Michael D. Brooks "Mike"
Carol L. Bryant
Norman E. Browning Jr.
Wayne K. Brookman
Jerry W. Bunch
Wanda L. Brown
Monica Ann Brookman
Deborah L. Burcham
Julie Burt
Paul W. Burke
David C. Burtis
Donna Lisa Burke
Cynthia B. Bunting
Cathy L. Burroughs
David Byington "Elvis"
James T. Burtis
W. Scott Cleek
George M. Catlett
Donald E. Clark
Gail L. Campbell
Richard Stevens Cassard, Jr.
Kathy Ann Catterton
Sharon Lynn Chapman
Catherine J. Clark
Teri Ann Carter
Janet Cochran
Jeff L. Collison
Philip Coleman
Jack T. Cockrell
Nicholas T. Collison
Patricia M. Collier
Sedgwick L. Cole
Ann Corey
Glendora Creek
Denise M. Cybulski
Beth A. Cully
James H. Crismond
Harvey Lee Cornwell
Thomas E. Davis
Barbara D. Dare
Steve C. Creek
Tracie V. Cramer
Frederick H. Doepkens
Nanette M. Doney
Dale P. Dirks
Arthur W. Dawson
Lynn A. Disque
Marjorie A. Doepken
Karen M. Dawson
Bridget K. Donovan
Dennis M. Dorsey
David S. Dove
Charles L. Episcopo
Marjorie Earnshaw "Jaye"
Katherine M. Dorsey
Derek J. Easton
Barbara Downs
Susan Lynn Eaton
Darlene Downey "Doe"
Danny R. Dove
Maryanne Foard
Deborah Flanagan
Teresa Marie Folmar
David Robert Fairbank
Lisa Fahlstrom
Sue Ferguson
Norman W. Faber
Judith E. Farnsworth "Judy"
Eric A. Foote
James Forrester
Darlene Ford
Robert B. Friday Jr. "Bobby"
John C. Fuhrmann
Steve T. French
Arvil L. Foster
Margaret Ann Franklin "Peggy"
Dennis Fuller
Gregory H. Gott
Frederic Christian Graham
Denise L. Greenwell
Dale Gambrill
Ronald D. Garrett
Cheryl Gray
Diana L. Gibson
Michael E. Gee
Mary L. Gertz
Shirley Griffin
William J. Greenwell
Debbie D. Hafferman
Robert Griner
Dori J. Gurch
Gale Griffith
Randolf G. Gross
Paula Marlene Gross
Raymond Gross
Rosemarie Halter "Putt Putt"
Robin C. Harris
Brenda Hall
David A. Hallock
Mary K Hall
Sherrell A. Harris
Greg W. Harris
Joyce L. Hall
Ruth L. Hall
Douglas Harvey
Mike Harvey
Susan Elaine Hartman
Lavina Harrison
Hollyce A. Hibbard
Kenneth W. Hartwick
Sharon S. Henderson
Charlene L Burris Hatfield "Charley"
Tara Vendora Harris
Ronald Hopkins
Cynthia L. Hill
Alice Marie Holt "AI"
Terrance Orlanda Hopkins
Ron Fuentes Holland
Dave Horan
William H. Hoiland
Pamela K. Hoffman
Dale E. Hoskins
James E. Hunter
Bruce L. Hunter
Herbert Hyde
Eugene L. Hostetter
Theresa A. Howard "Terri"
Debra M. Jackson
Aris T. Johnson
Ronald E. Hostetter
Darleen E. Howell
Larry Russell Jones
Carolyn M. Johnson
Karen D. Jones "Pooh"
Ralph Jones
Dianne Jones
Jody Johnson
Marvin Jones
Judy Jones
Leslie Kay Johnson
Tami Jones
Ruth Anne Jones
Billie Sue Kidwell "Silly Boo"
Susan Kaczorek
Sandy Jones
Benjamin D. Kinnish
Richard D. King
Edgar W. Kalb "Ed"
Sharon D. Jones
Betty Klonitsko
Richard J. Laitinen "Butch"
Donna Lane
Vernella Edna Lanham
Gregory Krams
Theresa Kraus
Susan M. Lamont
Steve Kovacs
Gregory Leon Lane
Christine M. Lescallett
Mary Beth Lee
Denise Lynn Lester
Gary W. Lee
Brenda Lynn Lee
Norman W. Lee
Tom Leighton
Emma J. Leslie
Karen P. Lehane
Michael J. Linkins
Debbie L. Lytle
Leland K. Long
Darlene B. Matthews
Mike S. Marsters
Pernell Matthews
Marie L. Marshall
Kelvin M. Makell
Terrance P. McDonald "Terry" B
Lisa Jean McDevitt
Freddie Wayne May
Karen Matthews
Robin Elizabeth McCeney "Chunky"
Lewis H. McDonald
Vincent D. Mack
Debra Mahoney
Rosalind Matthews
Steven Matthews
Carole L. McDaniel
David Moreland
Steve G. Moore
Aldan Miller
Evelyn Moreland
Robert Medley
Jacqueline A. Mild
Eric George Mills
Timothy Moreland
John Miller
Kevin Lee Mueller
Matthew Newberg "Matt"
Brenda L. Morrill
Marilyn F. Moss
Peter F. Moynihan
Jill Myerly
Anthony A. Myles
Joseph Andrew Nevius "Andy"
Sharon A. Nicol
Jack B. Nicholson
Ginger Linn Nieman
Brett E. Noone
Debbie M. Norfolk
Julia Norfolk
Kathi L. Norris
Patrice Mary Ochall
James O'Day
Teresa A. O'Donnell
E. Pam Ormond
Roberta Owen
Joy L. Owens
Mark E. Owens
Myra L. Parker
Geraldine Parker
Kateri L. Pascale
Donald Paul
Terry Palmer
Michael Pinkney
Angela Pinkston
Kyle Rusty Phillips
Charlie B. Phillips
Sandra K. Phipps
Joseph E. Pettit
Betty Jo Phipps "Jody"
Stuart B. Phipps
Carole Power
Kathryn S. Robey "Kathy"
Mike William Royer
Charles Francis Reumont
Anthony D. Robey
Dana G. Robey
Louis Riley
Sandra Y. Riggs
Faye J. Robb
Dianne Poland
Samuel M. Pumphrey
James Porter
Mary Poole
Violetta Louise Pratt
Richard A. Rahilly
Wayne C. Rawlings
Mary E. Santoiemma
Molly A. Scholley
Glendora Vanessa Sanders
Regina Christine Scott
Terrence A. Salisbury
Caren Sanders
Wilson Allen Scott
Kim Sanders
Joseph Timothy Senesi
Karen J. Severson
Jacquelyn S. Silvers
Delores Sesker
Harold Tom Shaw
Michael J. Sellers
Barbara Sharps
John Seipp
Deborah Silva
Robin G. Simmons
Maria Elena Solis
Carol Smith
Beatrice Elaine Smith "Bea" B
Marsha Skillman
Daniel F. Smith "Danny"
Denise Marzella Smith
Mary Smith
Erica D. Sollers
Ralph Stinson
Joyce A. Spriggs
Robert Spencer
Mike Stratton
Martha A Stallings
Lorraine Stein "Lori"
Linda A. Spriggs
Mike Spriggs
David Stinson
Ralph Suit
William D. Sturgell
David Stuart "Stu"
Debra Stowell
James E. Stull
Mary Styles
Leeanne Suitt
Denise Sundquist
Patrick Brian Sullivan
Karen Sumpter
Vicki Taliaferro
Linda Swindell
Rhonda Veronica Tasker
Kenneth A. Swift "Kenny"
Diana Tasker
Wayne Tart
Jeffrey R. Taylor
Sonny Swanny
Michael Tongue
Robert Tomlinson
Rachel Tillman
Thomas Thompson
Roger Thompson
Sheila Thompson
Mary Tinsley
Diane Treiber
Lisa De Carlo Tyler
Denise Lynne Tuel
Gail Tuohey
Paul Townsend
James Torrence
Kenneth W. Upham II
Joe Tucker
Danny Townsend
Roy Wallace
Diane Wallace
Linda Marie Vendemia
James Walker
Jeff Waller
David Vance
Rosa Walker
Kevin Wallace
Tamara Wallace
Ed Ward
Faith Walton
Cindy Warren
Morgan Wayson
Loretta Wheet
Joseph Wellman
Denise Lorea White "Detey"
Wendy Ward
Richard Whitney
Ann Wilkerson
Scott Wildman
Bonnie Williamson
Donna White
Dwayne Williams
Jerry Wicker
Debra L. Wilkerson
Susan Wildman
David Williamson
Charles Wilson
Leone Wright
Dana Winter
Kathy Lorrie Woytovich
Kelly Young
Carla Wood
Cindy Wolfe
Marsha Lynn Wyvill
Wilma James
Nancy Zell
Michael Zirnhelt