This mantel clock is a multi-generational heirloom. It was not expensive, but had emotional
value. Melanie's family hearkens from the York, Pennsylvania, region and this clock, I discovered,
was manufactured by the
company and sold by Will K. Rebert, Watchmaker and Jeweler, in York. Her parents gave
it to me for Christmas of 2006, and I decided to refinish it and return it to them the next
Christmas. Unfortunately, Melanie's father passed away from cancer last summer, but we were
able to present it to her mother. I used chemical stripper to avoid sanding to preserve the
intricate and shallow engravings. As it turned out there was a milk paint coating underneath
the black paint that was hard as a rock. The case insides and back cover are stained with
a Deft lacquer topcoat. The case outside and door are black lacquer paint. All the metal hardware
was wire wheeled and clear lacquered. The dial was replaced with on from another old wind-up
clock I had, and the broken pendulum-driven mechanism was replaced with a nice electronic
one from
Klockit. Fall 2007.

Ansonia Mantel Clock Original Condition

Ansonia Mantel Clock Original Clockworks

Ansonia Mantel Clock Original Milk Paint on Door

Ansonia Mantel Clock Restored w/Electronic Clockworks

Ansonia Mantel Clock Restored Factory Label
Posted October 19, 2014
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