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One of the most
interesting things I remember about what we learned from the Apollo program is that
the moon has a smell. Upon removing their helmets after the moon
walk, Neil Armstrong remarked, 'We were aware of a new scent in the air of the cabin
that clearly came from all the lunar material that had accumulated on and in our
clothes.' Buzz Aldrin described it as 'the smell in the air after a firecracker
has gone off.'
Did you
ever wonder what would have transpired if the lunar module (LM) rockets had failed
to fire for a return to the orbiting Command Module (CM)? Read "In the Event of Moon Disaster" that was prepared for President
Nixon to broadcast to the world if the unthinkable happened. Of course NASA had
all potential scenarios covered in their
Abort Planning document, complimented by extensive scenario training.
Some fools wanted to shut off communications with the LM to prevent a record of
Armstrong and Aldrin panicking which, of course, would never have happen with the
two seasoned professional military aviators.
"Drone racing's ultimate vision of quadcopters
weaving nimbly through obstacle courses has attracted far less excitement and investment
than self-driving cars aimed at reshaping ground transportation. But the U.S. military
and defense industry are betting on autonomous drone racing as the next frontier
for developing AI so that it can handle high-speed navigation within tight spaces
without human intervention. The
autonomous drone challenge requires split-second decision-making
with six degrees of freedom instead of a car's mere two degrees of road freedom.
One research team developing the AI necessary for controlling autonomous racing
drones is the Robotics and Perception Group at the University ..."
The title of this
IEEE article is misleading in that NASA did not "draft" Barbie
- only Snoopy (and Charlie Brown, BTW). "Snoopy" was the official name of the
Apollo 10
lunar module (LM) and "Charlie Brown" was the name of the moon-orbiting command
module (CM). There was a Gemini astronaut
GI Joe at the time, too. Actually, it was the Apollo 10 astronauts
chose the Peanuts characters as mascots because
of the popularity of the comic strip and Charles Schulz's giving Snoopy the alter
ego of an astronaut (and, of course, a WWI flying ace). Here is the
Kennedy Space Center account of the history of NASA's adoption
of Snoopy. This Saturday, July 20th, marks the 50th anniversary of the
Apollo 11 moon landing.
A part of Design
News' "Space Week 2019" feature is this "8 Technologies We Owe to the Apollo Space Program." Not mentioned
in the list of NASA innovations are freeze-dried food, space blankets (those foil-looking
things), miniaturized quartz crystal timekeeping, joystick controllers, and smoke
detectors. NASA popularized but did not invent Velcro, Tang, or Teflon. Says the
author, "The innovations of the Apollo program didn't stop at the Moon. Many technologies
were created, or innovated into what they are today, thanks to the space program."
"One Small Step
with Model Aviation," produced by the Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA), is
a memorial to the launch of Apollo 11 on this day, July 16, 1969. This short
video features of Neil Armstrong's early life as an avid aeromodeler before and
during his time as an aeronautical engineering student at Purdue University. He
is shown here in the dormitory holding a slide rule outfitted with wings, which
was the Purdue Aeromodelers' club logo. It can be seen printed on their T-shirts.
Neil was an AMA member (as I have been since the early 1970s, AMA#92498). The video
includes narration of some of his friends from the era. Here is my
Estes Saturn V rocket model in the Apollo 11 configuration ...
While reading the July 2019 issue of the
AMA's Model Aviation magazine, I did a double take when looking at the
photograph in the "Viewfinder" feature on page 147. There appears to be a
ghostly human apparition in the sun glare behind the father-daughter
flying team. Click on the above thumbnail and see if you know what's going on. The
truth is out there ;-)
"'Everyone is facing the same problem with
weight in creating these types of vehicles,' said Lizhi Shang, a postdoctoral research
assistant who works on the technology with Andrea Vacca, a professor of agricultural
and biological engineering at Purdue. 'Drones require heavy batteries or lots of
electrical components, which leaves little room for the actual payload.' Shang said
many current systems also are expensive, unstable, unreliable and not environmentally
friendly. Shang and the research team at Purdue University came up with a method
to use
fluid power technology for VTOL AAV. The Purdue team members said
their technology is an inexpensive, recyclable hydraulic propulsion ..."
This is not just another vintage Comet Model
Hobbycraft, Inc., F−86D Sabre Jet from 1952. What makes this kit unique is
that it has the signature of well-known (at the time) Comet draftsman Gerald J.
Blumenthal on the box cover. John Zawiski was the designer. The f-86D Saber has
a wingspan of 13-1/4" and a length of 15-1/16". The model was meant to be flown
either as a free flight glider or attached to a tether line where the pilot drags
it around in a circle. A few of these have sold recently on eBay for around $20-$30,
so they can still be found. This particular kit, provided by Mr. Steven Krick,
is going to be offered as a donation to the AMA's National Model Aviation Museum
in Muncie, Indiana, because of the signature ...
"Seating airline passengers in the wings?
Think about it. A
V-shaped plane designed to carry passengers, cargo, and fuel tanks
in its wings is being seeded as a good idea for the future. Bloomberg said it plain
and simple: Planes may receive a drastic facelift. What drives the appetite to play
with new designs: a practical interest in reducing carbon emissions and improving
efficiencies. It is no secret that climate change researchers recognize the role
that airplanes play in emissions. Architectural Digest reported that the Rhodium
Group released a study showing U.S. carbon dioxide emissions surged in 2018 by 3.4
percent ..."
"Plans have been unveiled for a
3,000mph plane that will fly passengers from New York to London
in just 90 minutes. Aerospace firm Hermeus has won funding to develop supersonic
commercial planes that will fly more than five times the speed of sound within 10
years. Hermeus has funding to develop a supersonic plane that will fly passengers
from New York to London in just 90 minutes The company was set up by alumni from
Elon Musk's SpaceX and Jeff Bezos-backed aerospace company Blue Origin - which is
planning to fly passengers to the moon. Hermeus says its planes would travel at
speeds of more than 3,000mph with a range of 4,600 miles ..."
"Gone is the haze of cigarette, cigar and
pipe smoke. Gone are the coffee, soda and pizza stains. With only a few exceptions,
NASA's Apollo-era
Mission Control has been restored to the way it looked 50 years ago when two
men landed on the moon. It gets the stamp of approval from retired flight director
Gene Kranz, a man for whom failure - or even a minor oversight - is never an option.
Seated at the console where he ruled over Apollo 11, Apollo 13 and so many other
astronaut missions, Kranz pointed out that a phone was missing behind him. And he
said the air vents used to be black from all the smoke, not sparkly clean like they
are now. Those couple of details aside, Kranz could close, then open his eyes, and
transport himself back to July 20, 1969, and Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin's momentous
moon landing ..."
Landing System Made to Enter Spoofing
"Just what the airplane passenger who is
always skittish does not want to hear: Radio navigation on planes for landing purposes
is not secure; signals can be hacked. In a video demonstration of the attack by
researchers, 'Wireless Attacks on Aircraft Landing Systems,' spoofing starts
automatically as soon the aircraft enters 'the spoofing zone. The attacker signal
is in real-time generated accounting for the maneuvers of the aircraft.' What does
the spoof actually do, to trick the pilot? Dan Goodin in Ars Technica said the researchers
can spoof airport signals in a way that causes a pilot's navigation instruments
to falsely indicate ..."
Parris-Dunn "Little Bobby" Helicopter Kite kit may well be the
only one left in existence. Many thanks to Mr. Steven Krick for providing the
kit to me for documenting. I will contact the AMA's National Model Aviation Museum
in Muncie, Indiana, to find out if they want it for their collection of model aviation
historical items. A fairly extensive search on the WWW turned up exactly zero other
examples of this kit, or any mention of it for that matter. Parris-Dunn was primarily
a wind-powered electricity generator company located in Clarinda, Iowa, formed in
the 1930s. In the days before commercial electric power was delivered to rural areas,
farms and homes were run on DC power provided by banks of lead-acid storage batteries,
so the generators were very popular as a means of recharging them. Many early radio
sets ...
For a limited time (get it - time?), you can
buy a 50th Anniversary gold
Speedmaster Moonwatch Professional watch for a mere $9,650. "The
OMEGA Speedmaster Professional Chronograph has a unique place in the history of
space exploration as the only piece of equipment used in all of NASA's piloted space
missions from Gemini to the current International Space Station program. When Buzz
Aldrin stepped on the lunar surface in 1969, he was wearing a Speedmaster Professional,
the chronograph that has been known as the Moonwatch ever since. Today, the timepiece
is driven by virtually the same hand-wound movement trusted by NASA's astronauts
on the Moon." Less expensive options are available for about half the cost. Beware
of knock-offs being sold. Buy directly from Speedmaster.
This "Jet 50" kit was part
of Jetco's Superflite series. It was designed to be powered by the venerable Jetex 50
rocket motor. It is one of the models I had as a kid in Mayo, Maryland, back in
the late 1960s. It was a lot like building and flying the Estes Falcon rocket-powered
glider. The big difference was that the "Jet 50" flew at a leisurely pace as
the Jetex 50 motor burned for about 20-30 seconds with a gentle "hiss," whereas
the Falcon blasted off with more of a "ssst" sound for about half a second whilst
the craft ascended to a couple hundred feet high. Each had its advantages. The "Jet 50"
could be trimmed to fly in a tight circle in the back yard of our half-acre lot,
but the Falcon required bicycling over to Klinken's Field where there was a big
open field of many acres.
Steven Krick, builder of the previously featured
Dornier Do−335 A−6 plastic scale model, has a thing for the Dornier Do−335 in many
of its variants. This version is the
Do−335 V−4. The level of detail is amazing, even including simulated weathering
effects. Here is the text Steve included along with his photos: "This build represents
the Do 335 V−4, the grosse Flach, or extended wing, long range reconnaissance version.
The Werk Nr is 230004, and the Stammkennzeichen is CP + UD. The first flight was
on July 9, 1944, and there are no photos of the aircraft in any of my five reference
books. Several authors speculate that the reason for this is the fact that this
aircraft flew very in the later part of 1944, and no photos have survived (most
of the other Do 335's flew in late 1943, early 1944) ..."
"One of the keys to unlocking the future
Urban Air Mobility (UAM) is exploring how different technologies
and configurations of aircraft will perform in the urban environment. To start gathering
as much data as possible, NASA engineers are moving forward with their newest modular
unmanned aerial system, the Langley Aerodrome #8. 'The project is called Advanced
Urban Air Mobility Test Beds,' said Dave North, Unmanned Aerial Systems Section
Lead. 'This is a new effort in aeronautics to look at urban flight, both unmanned
flight like package delivery vehicles, all the way up to manned vehicles that may
carry six or eight people at a time ..."
"Known as the
Jet, the prototype aircraft is powered by 36 electric jet engines. The main
wings house 24 engines, while a smaller wing bank at the front of the plane is home
to the remaining 12. Maximum power output of 2,000 horsepower is available for take-off
and landing, but Lilium claims less than 10 per cent of this will be required for
cruising flight. The air-taxi has no tail, no rudder, no propellers, no gearbox and
just one moving part in each engine. Founded in Munich in 2015, Lilium has attracted
more than $100M in venture capital ..."
Note: I don't see the inverted gull wing
plane mentioned. "Today, the best-known air race event is probably the Red Bull
Air Race World Championship, where small single-engine aircraft fly through a slalom
course featuring sharp turns at high speed against the clock. However, the
Formula One Air Racing series in fact predates this event, and
was first proposed in 1936 with its first event in 1947. The biggest air race event
in the world, the US National Championship Air Races in Reno, Nevada, attracts some
150,000 spectators annually. In contrast to the Red Bull championship, Formula One
events are full multi-entrant races, where eight aircraft compete virtually wingtip
to wingtip around a 5.13km oval course at an altitude of about 10m ..."