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Home Page Archive (page 17)

These archive pages are provided in order to make it easier for you to find items that you remember seeing on the Airplanes and Rockets homepage. Of course probably the easiest way to find anything on the website is to use the "Search AAR" box at the top of every page.

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Crossword Puzzle from December 4, 1965 TV Guide

Crossword Puzzle from December 4, 1965 TV Guide - Airplanes and RocketsTV Guide crossword puzzles were always my mother's favorite Sunday evening pastime. It's not that she couldn't handle the New York Times' notoriously challenging crossword, it's just that The Evening Capital newspaper didn't have a Sunday edition so we didn't get the puzzle. My father worked as the classified advertising manager at The Evening Capital so we received a free subscription tot he paper. This particular crossword puzzle appeared in the edition of TV Guide that featured the first-ever airing of "A Charlie Brown Christmas" which I bought on eBay, so I figured I might as well scan and post it. Enjoy! Back in the day I was not an avid crossword puzzler, but I am now a daily worker of crossword puzzles and once a week I even create a custom crossword for visitors of my RF Cafe engineering website...

Mathematical Puzzles, 1981 Old Farmer's Almanac

Mathematical Puzzles, 1981 Old Farmer's Almanac - RF CafeEach autumn I used to anxiously await the appearance of the newest edition of The Old Farmer's Almanac on the store shelf, and such was the case with this 1981 issue. It is not that I was/am an avid farmer, just that I enjoy reading the anecdotes, tales, and interesting historical tidbits included amongst the pages along with tables of high and low tides, moon and sun rising and setting times, astronomical events, and weather patterns expected for the year that lay ahead. Most of all, I liked working the puzzles and riddles. Over the years the difficulty levels gradually got lower and lower (aka dumbed down), to the point where for the last decade or so I have not even bothered buying the OFA. Now it is full of numbnut stuff...

Mathematical Puzzles, 1986 Old Farmer's Almanac

Mathematical Puzzles, 1986 Old Farmer's Almanac - RF CafeI finally got around to scanning selected content from the 1986 issue of The Old Farmer's Almanac. The "Old and New Mathematical Puzzles" feature was always my favorite, so that's what is posted first. Difficulty levels are assigned as 1 for the easiest to 5 for the hardest. Solutions are provided for levels 1 through 4, but level 5 (problems 12 through 15) problems were to be mailed in (no e-mail in the day) to vie for a cash prize for providing the "best set of solutions," though I don't know how one solution to these problems can be deemed "better" than another. Problem #5 is interesting in that you must assign a value for the various numerical prefixes and quantities. Sure, we all know what "atto" and "score" are, but what about "crore" and "myriad?"

DARPA LongShot Unmanned Air Vehicle

DARPA Initiates Design of LongShot Unmanned Air Vehicle - Airplanes and Rockets"DARPA's LongShot program, which is developing an air-launched unmanned air vehicle (UAV) with the ability to employ multiple air-to-air weapons, has awarded contracts to General Atomics, Lockheed Martin, and Northrop Grumman for preliminary Phase I design work. The objective is to develop a novel UAV that can significantly extend engagement ranges, increase mission effectiveness, and reduce the risk to manned aircraft. Current air superiority concepts rely on advanced manned fighter aircraft to provide a penetrating counter air capability to effectively deliver weapons. It is envisioned that LongShot will increase the survivability of manned platforms by allowing them to be at standoff ranges far away from enemy threats, while an air-launched..."

Mathematical Puzzles from the 1980 OFA

Mathematical Puzzles, 1980 Old Farmer's Almanac - RF CafeEach autumn I used to anxiously await the appearance of the newest edition of The Old Farmer's Almanac on the store shelf. It is not that I was/am an avid farmer, just that I enjoy reading the anecdotes, tales, and interesting historical tidbits included amongst the pages along with tables of high and low tides, moon and sun rising and setting times, astronomical events, and weather patterns expected for the year that lay ahead. Most of all, I liked working the puzzles and riddles. Over the years the difficulty levels gradually got lower and lower (aka dumbed down), to the point where for the last decade or so I have not even bothered buying the OFA. Now it is full of numbnut stuff. Because quite a few of the Mathematical Puzzles from the older editions are worthy of an engineer's cerebration, contemplation, and deliberation, I am posting the ones I own here on RF Cafe. Answers to numbers 1 through 11...

The Ghost from G-2

The Ghost from G-2, May 1934 Flying Aces - Airplanes and RocketsDonald Keyhoe wrote a huge number of aviation adventure articles for Flying Aces magazine in the 1930s. His flying ace was Captain Philip Strange, a "G−2" agent with a unique sense of intuition that allows him to practically (but not really) read people's minds. He is also a master of disguises. Capt. Strange's era is World War I and his venue was the front lines of Germany and France. After Philip Strange came Kerry Keen (aka "The Griffon") during the World War II era, written by real-world ace pilot Arch Whitehouse. You will likely be introduced to a new bunch of words that were particular to the times, like "ack emma," referring to the signalman's phonetic pronunciation of "A" and "M." In "The Ghost from G−2," the reference is to "aircraft mechanics," but ack emma was more routinely applied to "A.M." for morning, or ante meridian ("pip emma" was P.M., or post meridian). "Ack-ack" was for...

Sky Battle Guillow's Javelin / Lancer Postal Contest - April 24−25

Sky Battle Guillow's Javelin / Lancer Postal Contest, KC Free Flight - Airplanes and RocketsMr. Ronnie Espolt, of the Kansas City Free Flight club, is hosting a Postal Contest this weekend, April 24th and 25th, 2021, featuring the Guillow's Javelin and Lancer rubber-powered models. A "postal" contest is where pilots fly their models at their home field, and then report results to headquarters by email. Must be "built to the plan," no major modifications. Stock prop diameter, with landing gear in place. Any covering-material is OK. Any size rubber motor is OK. Deletion of those snappy-looking cheek cowls is allowed. We urge anyone that has photos of their entry or entries into this year's Sky Battle 2021 Postal Contest to submit them so we can add them to the gallery below for everyone to enjoy.

Supersweep Hand-Launched Glider

Supersweep, October 1974 American Aircraft Modeler - Airplanes and RocketsThis is part two of an article that began in the September 1974 American Aircraft Modeler magazine. The Supersweep was used to break the long-standing Indoor Hand Launched Glider (IHLG) record of one minute and thirty seconds. In 2009, Stan Buddenbohm set a new record for 1:52.12 (see video below). Website visitor Ward B. recently wrote asking that I post the second article on the Supersweep, so, here it is. Plans can be found in the September 1974 edition of American Aircraft Modeler.

NASA Ingenuity Helicopter Makes 1st Flight on Mars

NASA Ingenuity Helicopter 1st Flight on Mars - RF Cafe"Monday, NASA's Ingenuity Mars Helicopter became the first aircraft in history to make a powered, controlled flight on another planet. The Ingenuity team at the agency's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California confirmed the flight succeeded after receiving data from the helicopter via NASA's Perseverance Mars rover at 6:46 a.m. EDT. 'Ingenuity is the latest in a long and storied tradition of NASA projects achieving a space exploration goal once thought impossible,' said acting NASA Administrator Steve Jurczyk. 'The X-15 was a pathfinder for the space shuttle. Mars Pathfinder and its Sojourner rover did the same for three generations of Mars rovers. We don’t know exactly where Ingenuity will lead us, but today's results indicate the sky – at least on Mars – may not be the limit'..."

Amazing 8-Year Pinhole Camera Sun Trail Photo

8-Year Pinhole Camera Sun Trail Photo - Airplanes and RocketsI first saw this amazing photograph in the April 2012 issue of Astronomy magazine. It is an 8-year-long image of the sun's path across the sky as recorded by by Fine Art student Regina Valkenborgh from August 2012 through September 2020. She lined some beer cans with photographic paper and punched a tiny hole in the can, mounted them in locations around an observatory in the UK, then forgot about them. Most perished, but this one survived and was found by a staffer. Ms. Valkenborgh now has the honor of being responsible for the longest-ever photographic film time exposure. Pinhole cameras have no lens, since light rays entering the container follow a nearly singular path to the film surface. The smaller the hole, the sharper the focus. Less light enters the camera, so a longer exposure time is required. Pointing it at the sun provides an intense source of light, but it is still little enough to not overwhelm the film over a period of 8 years.

Mathematical Puzzles & Rainy Day Amusements, 1984 OFA

Mathematical Puzzles & Rainy Day Amusements, 1984 OFA - RF CafeFor as long as I can remember, The Old Farmer's Almanac (OFA) has included a set of Mathematical Puzzles in its annual publication. They range in difficulty from 1 (very easy) to 5 (sometimes quite difficult). Having been a faithful buyer and reader of the OFA for as long as I can remember, I have spent many hours toiling with some of the more challenging examples. In fact, there were a lot which I never did figure out and needed to look up the answers in the back (come to think of it, I experienced the same dilemma with my college engineering textbooks). Because quite a few of the Mathematical Puzzles are worthy of an engineer's cerebration, contemplation, and deliberation, they will all be eventually posted here...

"Simplex" Airfoil Templates

"Simplex" Airfoil Templates, Annual 1960 Air Trails - Airplanes and RocketsHere is an ingenious method for mechanically generating properly proportioned ribs for wings that are not rectangular - including sing and double straight tapers and even elliptical planforms. Of course today you can print out a perfectly dimensioned set of ribs to accommodate any planform and root-to-tip thickness taper profile. In 1960 when this "'Simplex' Airfoil Templates" article appeared in the 1960 Annual issue of Air Trails magazine, such conveniences were in the purview of universities and government research facilities. Even if you have no need of cutting ribs for tapered wings, it is worth your time to read this brief article about the mathematical principle - logarithmic (aka equiangular) spirals - behind the scheme. There are no formulas, so don't be scared off ;-)

USAF's New B-21 Bomber

USAF's New B-21 Bomber - Airplanes and Rockets"A second B−21 bomber is now under construction at Northrop Grumman's facility in Palmdale, California. The B−21 is expected to make its inaugural flight next year. Randall Walden, director of the Air Force Rapid Capabilities Office, told Air Force Magazine that while the fifth-generation stealth aircraft hasn't yet reached final assembly, it is 'really starting to look like a bomber.' B−21 Number Two has a slightly different purpose than the first. 'The second one is really more about structures, and the overall structural capability,' Walden explained. 'We'll go in and bend it, we'll test it to its limits, make sure that the design and the manufacturing and the production line make sense.' Capable of carrying both conventional and nuclear weapons, the Air Force expects the B-21 to enter service in 2026 or 2027. The Congressional Budget Office estimates the cost of developing and buying the first 100 aircraft to be $80 billion..."

Mathematical Puzzles, 1974 Old Farmer's Almanac

Mathematical Puzzles, 1974 Old Farmer's Almanac - RF CafeAs mentioned in an earlier post, a while back I bought a box full of vintage Old Farmer's Almanacs (OFA) at a yard sale, figuring there would be a bunch of good items to post here on RF Cafe and on my Airplanes and Rockets hobby website. Chief amongst the postworthy features is the Mathematical Puzzles section. They are a fair challenge to an engineer's cerebration, contemplation, and deliberation. These particular mathematical posers appeared in the 1974 issue of OFA. #10, while rated a difficulty of 4 (where 5 is most difficult), is really not even a mathematical challenge when you think about it (hint - it's an old riddle you've probably seen before). Enjoy!

The C/L Peppy Trainer

The Peppy Trainer, October 1950 Air Trails - Airplanes and Rockets The Peppy Trainer control line (C/L, or U−C) model airplane was designer with multiple factors in mind - low cost, easy construction, easy to fly, ability to perform basic stunts, light weight, and ruggedness for withstanding beginner's mistakes. Lower cost was achieved by specifying only easily obtained, standard components - like using sheet balsa parts for the wing leading and trailing edges rather than pre-formed types. Its built-up 28" wingspan, flat−bottom airfoil, with a solid balsa fuselage and tail surfaces is pulled along by a .09 engine. Construction and rigging is kept simple by not using wing flaps. The author also suggests 17 commercially available C/L trainer kits that are roughly the equivalent of the Peppy Trainer. Plans, a complete parts list, and building and covering instructions are included in this October 1950 issue of Air Trails magazine...

Learjet Production Ending

Learjet Production Ending - Airplanes and Rockets"It's almost the end of the line for one of the most famous names in business aviation, or in aerospace altogether, with the news that manufacturer Bombardier is bringing production of the Learjet to an end this year. It's a blow for the company's 1,500-strong Wichita-based workforce, which will be cut back as a result, and it also brings the curtain down on what's perhaps the world's most familiar bizjet. 'With more than 3,000 aircraft delivered since its entry into service in 1963, the iconic Learjet aircraft has had a remarkable and lasting impact on business aviation,' said Éric Martel, Bombardier's president and chief executive officer, in a statement today. 'However, given the increasingly challenging market dynamics, we have made this difficult decision to end Learjet production..."

Mathematical Puzzles, 1976 Old Farmer's Almanac

Mathematical Puzzles, 1976 Old Farmer's Almanac - RF Cafe1976 is the year I was emancipated (aka graduated) from high school, and this issue of The Old Farmer's Almanac (OFA) happens to be from that year. For as long as I can remember, the OFA has included a set of Mathematical Puzzles in its annual publication. They range in difficulty from 1 (very easy) to 5 (sometimes quite difficult). Having been a faithful buyer and reader of the OFA for as long as I can remember, I have spent many hours toiling with some of the more challenging examples. In fact, there were a lot which I never did figure out and needed to look up the answers in the back (come to think of it, I experienced the same dilemma with my college engineering textbooks). Because quite a few of the Mathematical Puzzles are worthy of an engineer's cerebration, contemplation, and deliberation, all I have will be eventually posted here on RF Cafe. Enjoy!

Flyin' Jenny Comic Strip: February 8, 1942

Flyin' Jenny Comic Strips: February 8, 1942 Baltimore Morning Sun - Airplanes and RocketsThis is the February 8, 1942, "Flyin' Jenny" comic strip. The Baltimore Sun newspaper, published not far from where I grew up near Annapolis, Maryland, carried "Flyin' Jenny" from the late 1930s until the strip ended in the mid 1940s, so I saved a couple dozen from there. The first one I downloaded has a publication date of December 7, 1941 - that date "which will live in infamy," per President Roosevelt. Many Americans were receiving word over the radio of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor while reading this comic at the breakfast table. I expect that soon there will be World War II themes. "Flyin' Jenny," whose real name was Virginia Dare (what's in a name?), was a test pilot for Starcraft Aviation Factory who divided her time between wringing out new airplane designs and chasing bad guys. She was the creation of artist and storyteller Russell Keaton...

Joby Aviation Selects Garmin G3000 for eVTOL Aircraft

Joby Aviation Selects Garmin G3000 for eVTOL Aircraft - Airplanes and Rockets"Joby Aviation has selected the Garmin G3000 integrated flight deck - which first debuted in 2009 - for its eVTOL aircraft, bringing proven avionics into the program to develop commercial operations - which it expects to launch by 2024. The G3000 avionics suite was selected in part for its lightweight, adaptable architecture and high-resolution displays. Garmin anticipates future development in the urban air mobility space, and the Joby platform will allow the company to proceed with further work in creating communications, navigation, and flight sensor solutions as UAM progresses into more advanced phases..."

1954 National Modelplane Championships

National Modelplane Championships, November 1954 Air Trails - Airplanes and RocketsThese are some really great action photos from the 23rd Annual National Modelplane Championships held in Chicago. Considering it was from a time when auto-focus, auto-exposure, auto-f-stop, auto-shutter-speed, and other modern features were not available on cameras, photographer John W. Schneider did an incredible job of obtaining shots with one one chance of getting each instance. Most events were held at Chicago's Glenview Naval Air Station, compliments of the U.S. Navy. Some free flight events were held at the Chicagoland Airport, while indoor flying took place in Chicago's 132nd Infantry Armory. The quality of construction and finishing is apparent, even in the grainy, black and white photos. Coverage of the event appeared in the November 1954 issue of Air Trails magazine. Do you recognize any of the names and/or faces here?

Voltaero's Cassios Hybrid Electric Airplane

Voltaero's Cassios Hybrid Electric Airplane - Airplanes and Rockets"It's developing what it calls its Cassio series of hybrid-powered four- to 10-seat aircraft, two of which are aimed at the air taxi, charter, and utility markets. Hybrid power systems make sense because they use both batteries and gasoline-burning internal combustion engines (ICEs). This can provide benefits beyond system redundancy and higher power ratings. Battery and ICE power can be teamed up for takeoffs, or for high-speed cruising. When low-noise takeoffs and landings are priorities, battery power alone can drive any electric motors. And after an electric-only takeoff, ICEs can be fired up to both recharge batteries and boost en route speed and range. VoltAero's concepts use sleek fuselages, forward canards, straight wings, and twin-boom tails supporting wide-span horizontal stabilizers..."

America's Top F.A.I. Free Flight "Saturn"

America's Top F.A.I. Free Flight "Saturn", Annual 1960 Air Trails - Airplanes and RocketsFlying in a contest with 35 mile per hour winds is hard to imagine, but that was the case at the 1954 Nats FAI Free Flight semi-finals. Fortunately, on the day of the actual event the winds had calmed down. I would never consider flying even an radio-controlled model airplane in 35 mph winds, much less a free flight. Howard Timlin was the designer, builder, and flyer of this beautiful "Saturn," which appeared in the November 1954 issue of Air Trails magazine. It sports a wingspan of about 60 inches with a Goldberg G-10 undercambered airfoil (same as the Carl Goldberg Viking free flight model). Although not specified, I assume this is a Class A model since the F1C class allows up to 0.15 cubic inches (2.5 cc). Howard had another successful contest design - the 50" wingspan ½A "Solar"...

A Radio Controlled Model Airplane

A Radio Controlled Model Airplane, February 1939 Radio News - RF CafeMost people familiar with the history of radio control (R/C) airplanes credit twin brothers Walt and Bill Good for the first truly successful R/C airplane, which they dubbed "Big Guff," in 1938. Interestingly, this YouTube interview with the Good brothers mentions, as does Mr. Isberg in his 1939 article in Radio News magazine article, the first sanctioned R/C contest where the Good's model was the only one to fly. Ross Hull and Clinton DeSoto were two other prominent early R/C'ers. Transmitter operators were licensed Hams who designed and built their own equipment at 56 MHz, unlike modern turn-key R/C systems operating in unlicensed ISM bands. Vacuum tubes were used in the transmitter and the airborne receiver. Lead-acid batteries often provided power for the receiver and control surface actuators (pseudo-servos) in the airplane, which unfortunately would burst during a crash...

Centaur Upper-Stage Rocket Booster Found with Telescope

Centaur Upper-Stage Rocket Booster Found with Telescope - Airplanes and Rockets"Astronomers have confirmed that a small object temporarily captured by Earth's orbit is the Centaur upper-stage rocket booster that helped lift NASA's ill-fated Surveyor 2 spacecraft toward the moon in 1966. The object, designated 2020 SO, was initially detected by the Panoramic Survey Telescope And Rapid Response System, which monitors near-Earth objects such as asteroids that might pose a threat to Earth. Upon closer examination, scientists at the Center for Near-Earth Object Studies (CNEOS) realized that this was no ordinary asteroid. Typically, the orbit of an asteroid is more elongated and tilted relative to Earth's orbit. However, before 2020 SO was captured by this planet's gravity, it was orbiting around the sun in a near circle and in an orbital plane that almost matched Earth's. Adding to the mystery..."

Jetex Job Article & Plans

Jetex Job, February 1949 Air Trails - Airplanes and RocketsWhen this article appeared in a 1949 issue of Air Trails magazine, the Jetex engine line was relatively new to America. It had just been introduced in England in 1947 by Wilmot, Mansour & Company Ltd., of Southampton, consisting of Wilmot brothers, Charles Mandeville Wilmot, John Wilmot, and Joseph Naimé Mansour. In 1950, American Telasco became the U.S. importer and distributor of the Jetex line of motors, fuel, and model airplane kits. Henry Struck's "Jetex Job" uses the Jetex 100 engine, which was bigger and more powerful than the Jetex 50 model. Tailless airplanes were popular because the lack of a vertical fin minimized the influence of wind on flight since weathervaning was less pronounced. Jetex Job is a fairly large model with a 21" wingspan, but you can see how lightweight the construction is. The fuselage uses a formed 1/16" balsa tube in the rear engine area...

Message in NASA's Perseverance Mars Rover

NASA's Perseverance Mars Rover Has Message in Parachute - RF CafeHow come nobody told me about this? With all the articles I've read about the Perseverance rover recently landed on Mars, none come to mind which mentioned a message on the underside of the parachute used to lower the atmospheric entry spacecraft and its load to the point where retrorockets took over just above the surface. It only took a moment to figure it all out - much simpler than Carl Sagan's team's cryptic message on the Pioneer 10 and 11 interplanetary explorer, but a bit more tricky than "We come in peace for all mankind" on Apollo 11's Eagle lunar module. Très cool, IMHO.

Hinge Design Helps Quadrotors Climb

Hinge Design Helps Quadrotors Climb - Airplanes and Rockets"Army researchers invented a hinge that improves how quickly a quadrotor the size of a king-sized mattress can ascend from the ground to the rooftop of a two-story building, particularly with large payloads. The hinge is located at the root of the quadrotor blade next to the hub so that the blade pitch changes with rotor speed. As quadrotors and similar aircraft are scaled up, the extra inertia of the rotor blade slows them down. With the new coupling, the thrust becomes more sensitive to changes in rotation per minute (RPM). Large quadrotors carrying these loads could climb roughly 25 feet in as little as two seconds with the hinge, instead of three or four seconds..."

Macchi-Castoldia C/L Scale Schneider Cup Racer

Macchi-Castoldia Control Line Flying Scale Schneider Cup Racer, Annual 1958 Air Trails - Airplanes and RocketsThere are not too many control line float planes around for good reason. Unless you have an amphibious plane that can take off and land on water or a hard surface, it is hard to find a place where you can stand in the water far enough from shore to ensure a compete flight circumference of water. In most cases the water would be pretty deep. Even waist depth water can make turning difficult. A sandbar would be ideal, or maybe you are fortunate enough to have access to a shallow pond (natural or manmade). This Macchi-Castoldia Schneider Cup Racer C/L model fits the bill as an amphibious plane if you build the wheeled dolly included on the plans by Paul Palanek. the article and plans appeared in the Air Trails 1958 Annual edition...

Wanted: Windward & Windfree Kits

Windfree (Mark's Models) - Airplanes and RocketsWindfward (Mark's Models) - Airplanes and RocketsAs part of my effort to collect the model airplanes I had as a kid, I would like to get the Mark's Models Windward and Windfree gliders. If you have one or both of these and would sell them, please contact me at KirtAAR@aol.com. They appear on eBay occasionally, but are a bit out of my price range there. Selling directly eliminates the eBay listing cost, so hopefully would lower the price. Thank you.

Espresso Engineering Workbook
Model Aircraft Museum, AMA - Airplanes and Rockets

Academy of Model Aeronautics Government Advocacy Coalition - Airplanes and Rockets

Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA) - Airplanes and Rockets

Academy of Model Aeronautics

Tower Hobbies logo - Airplanes and Rockets

Tower Hobbies

Horizon Hobby logo - Airplanes and Rockets

Horizon Hobby

Sig Manufacturing - Airplanes and Rockets

Sig Mfg

Brodak Manufacturing - Airplanes and Rockets

Brodak Mfg