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Model Rocketeer, National Association of Rocketry
March 1969 American Aircraft Modeler

March 1969 American Aircraft Modeler

March 1969 American Aircraft Modeler Cover - Airplanes and Rockets Table of Contents

These pages from vintage modeling magazines like Flying Aces, Air Trails, American Modeler, American Aircraft Modeler, Young Men, Flying Models, Model Airplane News, R/C Modeler, captured the era. All copyrights acknowledged.

Join the National Association of Rocketry - Airplanes and RocketsThe National Association of Rocketry (NAR) has been around since 1957. At one time, the Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA) was pretty tightly joined with them in covering model rocketry events and promoting model rocketry. In fact, for while there was space allotted in American Aircraft Modeler, AMA's monthly magazine, for model rocketry. From February 1968 through August 1969 there was a newsletter feature entitled "Model Rocketeer" in addition to a separate article, often written by G. Harry Stine. A complete list of all editions is provided below.

Sport Rocketry, Part 1, October 2006 - Airplanes and RocketsThe NAR and AMA still work together. For example, the National Aeronautic Association (NAA) delegates authority for aeromodeling and spacemodeling to the Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA), who has in turn delegated Spacemodeling (model rocketry) to the NAR.

Click the NAR logo to the left and go to the membership page of today's National Association of Rocketry. You can read a sample edition of the NAR's magazine, Sport Rocketry, by clicking the thumbnail image to the right (here is part 2).


Model Rocketeer, National Association of Rocketry, March 1969 American Aircraft Modeler - Airplanes and Rockets

(click for larger version)

Page 54 (continued from page 53):

Mullane, John Belkewitch, Jr., J. Talley Guill, Joseph V. Persio, Patrick Staken, Elaine Sadkowski (secretary), and Jay Apt (chairman).


NAR members should plan to attend at least one of the two conventions set for this spring. The first will be the fourth annual Pittsburgh Spring Convention, March 14, 15 and 16, to be hosted by the Steel City Section, 1824 Wharton St., Pittsburgh, 15203 (write for details, include stamped envelope).

Second gathering of NAR members this spring is the M.LT. Section's third annual National Model Rocketry Convention, the weekend of April 4, 1969, at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Age and sex is no barrier to attending; all NAR members are invited.

Host for the event is M.LT. Model Rocket Society, at M.LT. Branch, P. O. Box 110, Cambridge, Mass. 02139, which reported total weekend cost is approximately $20, including hotel accommodations, bedding, launch site transportation, and literature.

Early information received indicated the program includes: guest speakers, two banquets, technical report presentations, model launchings, manufacturers displays, discussion groups, demonstrations, NASA films, and extensive use of analog and digital computers by teletype and closed-circuit television.


On Tuesday, Oct. 22, 1968, the Chairman of NAR's Liaison Committee, Mr. G. Harry Stine, briefed the Education Committee of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics at their 5th annual meeting in Philadelphia. On behalf of the NAR, Mr. Stine presented the Committee (for AIAA Hdqs.) an Estes Astron Delta/Camroc model together with Electro-Launch II unit. The model will be on permanent display in the Board Room of AIAA Hdq. in New York. It was specially built and donated for this purpose by Vern Estes, President of Estes Industries, Inc., Colo.

Mr. Stine noted later that most of the AlAA committee members had no concept of model astronautics and were extremely interested in learning more about it. Those that were aware of NAR and its endeavors, expressed favorable comments about NAR and spoke highly of its program in the U. S.

Though the committee present was impressed by the educational material made available by Mr. Stine through courtesy of model rocket manufacturers, the chairman requested all data, catalogs, information, etc. be sent to him as soon as possible, for use. Send your best material on model rocketry to: E. K. Latvala, Aerospace Environmental Facility, ARO, Inc., Arnold AFS, Tenn. 37389.

Arrangements for the briefing-presentation were made with James Harford, AIAA's Executive Director, and David Kaufmann, AIAA Education Director.

It was just prior to NARAM-9 that the announcement was made concerning AIAA's endorsement of model rocketry for use by its members and university sections. Their endorsement changed a ten-year position against the use of chemical exothermic engines by non-professionals. AlAA's new position paved the way for college and university students, affiliated with the organization, to carry out model rocket experiments as an official program.


An NAR senior member who discovered he received an important award by mistake at NARAM-I0 and quickly and cheerfully returned it to officials, has been selected for Pascack Valley Section's first sportsmanship award. PVS officers, in announcing the award to John Belkewitch Sr., felt he truly represented the "spirit of good sportsmanship which we hope is present in all members of Pascack Valley."

A double honor for John, for he also was presented a service award by the George C. Marshall Space Flight Center, NASA, at NARAM-I0, for his work as NARAM Chief Range Safety Officer at NARAM's 8, 9 & 10. The service award was a large scale model of the Saturn V moon launch vehicle.

An NAR Trustee and vice president of his section, John has been a rocketeer for more than six years. (Credit - PVS Impulse.)


NAR Sections of the Washington, Maryland and Virginia area held their MARS III (or Mid-Atlantic Regional Shoot) Oct. 19-20, 1968, with 65 contestants participating.

The section named MARS took the majority of prizes, walking off with five of six trophies. At first, on Saturday, Hurricane Gladys almost cancelled out launching as members barely managed to get off the parachute duration event. Five other events were successfully flown Sunday.

Dick and Peggy Sipes won the senior division with 180 points; Howard Kuhn was second with 126. In the Leader division, Mark Mercer, of NARHAMS Section, was first with 162 points; second was Jim Stevenson with 153. First place in the junior division was captured by Tom Stevenson who garnered 135 points against fellow section competitor and nearest rival, Craig Kuhn, 108.

Other sections there were: Annapolis Association of Rocketry, Rock Creek, Star Spangled Banner, and United Flying Organization. (Credit - The Banner, SSB Seetion.)


There are thousands of model rocketeers in the U. S. who are launching models on their own, primarily to "see 'em go." However, when you join in the activities of an NAR Section, you have a much better opportunity to appreciate the fun and excitement of model rocketry. You come in contact with those who have your interests, compare models, learn new concepts of construction and flying, and you can compete in exciting regional and national meets.

If you are not a member of a section, locate other model rocketeers in your area to form a NAR chartered section. Details are always available by writing to NAR, 1239 Vermont Ave., N. W., Wash. D. C., 20005 for a Guide-Application form.

Add to section calendar of events -1969:

(Correct entry on: March 14-16, Pittsburgh Spring Convention; June 14-15, W AMARVA I, Ft. Meade.



Posted October 16, 2020

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