Bean Hill Flyers club is Erie, Pennsylvania's, only organized control line
flying group. It operates under sanction of the Academy of Model Aeronautics
(AMA), charter #4673. Two main flying sites are maintained, one in Albion,
PA, and the other in Millcreek, just west of the Erie city line. This month's
Safety column editor Chris Keller takes a humorous swipe at consumer product
safety tips. Class: Control Line
AMA Chartered Club #4673 Flying Field Location: Rt. 6N, just east
of Albion, PA (see map) Contact:
Joe Daniels Phone: 814-881-1895

President: Joe Daniels
Vice President: Dennis Thomas Treasurer: George Towns
Safety Officer: Chris Keller Newsletter Editor: Dalton Hammett
Secretary: Greg Rodney
Plans Librarian
Bill Hayes Hi Everyone, It's been a busy summer for many of us. Odd weather
at times, a bit more rain than usual has kept the grass growing. In spite
of this, the weather has been great when we needed it. The club fun fly
and building contest was great and well attended. Beautiful Cosmic Winds,
Busters, and Shoestrings gave the judges a really difficult time choosing
the winners. But that's what a building competition is all about. Congratulations
to all who participated, and attended, and many thanks to Dave Evar, Clint
McBeth and Joe Maxwell. It was a great time for all. In case you
weren't there, I can tell you that you missed some really interesting stuff.
Such as the fact that George Towns seems to have mastered throttle controlled
flying with a standard motor and two lines. Perfect take offs and landings
under power. How does he make it do that? And Denny Thomas' Buster has to
be the lightest I've ever seen. How does he do it? Balsa Termites? And yes,
it is really fast. Anyway, more things for us to aspire to. Flying
every Sunday afternoon at the Albion field has taken off this summer! George
Towns got the ball rolling and everyone has been enjoying it. From about
1:30 in the afternoon till "whenever" has been the schedule. It's like the
old days you remember, wooden airplanes and iron men ....... or is it the
other way around? Come join the fun. Some final notes, the next
winter build will be a Ringmaster, we are going to try and get a Foxberg
race day in yet this year, more on these later. And a request to the membership,
please contact our club secretary, Greg Rodney, and make sure your email
info is up to date. We are going to be sending this newsletter in digital
format. We can save some mailing cost, and we will mail only to those who
do not have email access. So may your lines be tight, your landings soft,
and your fingers intact, the season is not over yet .... See you
at the field, Joe Daniels 814-881-1895
Club Schedule
Sept 21 &22 Annual Cleveland-Akron C/L event to be held
at the MAPS Museum behind the Akron-Canton Airport. Sept 29 Racing
Day at the Albion Field for Foxberg and Coxberg starting at 1:00pm. Fun
Fly afterwards. Oct 6 Worldwide Ringmaster Fly-A-Thon which
we participate in annually. Flying will be at the Albion Field or school
if necessary and if anyone makes any Ringmaster Flights on the s" report
them to Joe Daniels as Saturday flights also count. Jan 1st 2014
We plan on a "kick-off 2014" fun fly at the Albion school at 1:00.
***Remember - there has been flying every decent Sunday after 1:00
in Albion.

Safety Page
Well BH, I'm writing this safety column on the eve of fatherhood.
Tomorrow my wife is, scheduled at 8:30AM to deliver our twin boys, Samuel
Eugene Keller and Eli Otto Keller. I proposed the names Sig and Brodak,
but Amy wouldn't have any of it. Anyway, as I'm writing this article I'm
looking around my house at things the internet has told me were dangerous.
Peanut butter should be illegal, all outlets should have covers on them,
stairs need doors or gates, trashcans must have child proof lids, carpet
must be vacuumed at least 15 times a day, rugs should be secured to the
floor with Velcro tape to avoid suffocation, plastic grocery bags should
not even be allowed in the minivan let alone the house, hardwood floors
should be mopped 3 times daily to pick up any errant dust - but with vinegar
not harsh chemicals - and not too much vinegar as to irritate the little
ones noses. Laundry must only be done in tepid water with $47-per-bottle,
dye-free, scent-free, detergent-free laundry detergent. Cribs shall only
contain a mattress covered with an organically grown, locally sourced, sustainable
cotton sheet with no pillows or blankets. Car seats are a must and should
only be installed by a certified technician who has no less than 2 years
of classroom instruction and 4 years of on-the-job training, not to mention
first aid and CPR certification. The car seats shall have additional padding
installed so as to further cushion the child in the seat, effectively turning
them into a real life version of the classic engineering school project
of how to drop an egg off a building using only toothpicks and printer paper.
Everything must be sterilized and sanitized and decolorized with no traces
of harsh chemicals or unnatural products. Kids can't play with boxes,
bags, matches, traffic, knives or anything else fun. It is mind numbing.
I got to thinking about this hysteria being applied to us as adults and
to a point I suppose it has begun a long time ago. A recent car commercial
showed a Fiat diving into the ocean in Italy and driving onto shore in the
US. A disclaimer said "Simulated, Do not attempt". Well thank heavens they
cleared that up. I know this rambling doesn't have anything to do
with airplanes, but I'll be darned if I could think of anything to write
about the safety of model airplanes the night before I'm having twin boys.
Don't glue your fingers together or grab a hot motor. May your planes
always land when you planned, Chris Keller
Planes Worth Considering

Pictured above are the plans for PDK LLC Laser Cut Kit's new profile
Corsair. The plan spans 54" and the wing is 622 sq. in. in area. PDK has
designed the plane for .40 to .53 size engines and the wing construction
is worth noting. A slotted sheet spaces the ribs correctly making construction
pretty quick and easy. The first kits were selling for $175.00 including
shipping and insurance. For further information contact: Pat King
5133 W. Jason Dr. Monee, Ill. 60449-8677 708-921-6322
For Sale
I am selling the following items out of my collection.
Dalton 882-1927 1. Cox .049 with the larger stunt tank 18.00
2. Old Fox 15
18.00 3. Fox .19 looks very good
22.50 4. Merco.35 with muffler
35.00 5. OS Max .35
Winter Building Challenge
At our annual event we had some very nice building entries in our building
challenge. It looks like it is going to have to get a little harder to keep
it a challenge - but, don't worry that won't be until next year.
The rules are pretty simple. The plane has to be built during the time
between events, i.e., for next year's event you have from now until our
event in July 2014. The judging is on build, finish etc, but the plane must
fly a minimum of 10 laps to qualify, The flight is not judged except in
the case of ties. There can be other things looked at also - kind of depends
on the plane and general conditions. Now, next year's build was
announced yesterday but due to some requests we are going to add a little
change to it. We will have a phase 1 and a phase 2 challenge. It was decided
to build a Ringmaster to kind of help us gain more participation in the
annual Ringmaster fly day. Phase 1 - You canĀ· build a 42"-Ringmaster
Profile. It can be done from a kit or plans but must be one of the 42" profile
Ringmasters. There are a couple of companies still making kits for this
model and it does not have to be one of the S-1 OTS models unless you want
it to be. Phase 2 - Here's where it can get a little harder. The
phase 2 build will be any one of the "full body" Ringmaster models. There
are a number of them and they are actually not difficult models to complete.
This means there will be-more chances to be a winner and the possibility
of adding more planes to your fleet so please consider participating. This
competition is open to only club members so entries will be limited and
to answer the question I can see coming ----- YES; you can have an entry
in both phases if you wish... For information, both Brodak and RSM
offer the 42" profile kits and there are still many of the old Sterling
and Estes kits floating around. As for the full body kits, I know Walter
Unland offers the Imperial, RSM offers the Super Ringmaster and PDK has
a Sportster short kit available plus a number of these kits still do pop
up on the internet. Also, plans are available for most of them too. I believe
Joe Daniels has the Ringmaster Profile plan in his collection. We
would like to hear from everyone who is going to participate as to what
they are building so we can be prepared for the event next year.
13th Annual Cleveland-Akron
Area Stunt Championships
By Akron SkyMasters Co Sponsored By North Coast Control Liners
Saturday Sept 21th & Sunday Sept. 22th 2013 Held at
M.A.P.S. - Military Aviation Preservation Society 2260
International Parkway North Canton, Ohio Saturday: Classic, Old
Time, ARF Stunt, Profile Stunt (JSO) Sunday: Pampa Classes 323
(JSO) 324 (JSO) 325 (JSO) 326 (JSO) Beginner, Intermediate,
Expert and Advanced: Awards: Certificates thru Third place, each
category. $10 Entry first event, $5 each additional Registration
at 9am - First flight at 10am - No appearance points all events
No mufflers required Sanction #13-1918 AMA 4705 CD: Ray
Rowh 330-703-0823 Contact info: Roger Strickler:330-645-1435

Clockwise from the top left: 1st place winner Denny Thomas
receives award Judges Dave Evar and Clint McBeth Al Bergener
flies the Cosmic Wind Denny starts up for his official flight
Here are the original scanned pages:

Here is a page featuring other
flying clubs and hobby shops in the Erie, PA, area.
Map for Bean Hill Flyers
AMA Chartered Club #4673
View Larger Map
Posted September 7, 2013