The Bean Hill Flyers club is Erie, Pennsylvania's, only organized
control line flying group. It operates under sanction of the Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA), charter
#4673. Two main flying sites are maintained, one in Albion, PA (on the property of club member
Dalton Hammett), and
the other in Millcreek Township, just west of the Erie city line (behind the Ford dealership). If you
are looking for plastic scale model airplanes, you will want to look at the huge list of 21 kits from
Dave Evar - prices range from $2 to $10.
Class: Control Line
AMA Chartered Club
#4673 Flying Field Location: Rt. 6N, just east of Albion, PA (see map) Contact: Joe Daniels Phone: 814-881-1895
Joe Daniels
Vice President: Dennis Thomas Treasurer: George Towns
Safety Officer: Chris Keller Newsletter Editor: Dalton Hammett Secretary:
Greg Rodney Plans Librarian
Bill Hayes
Hi Everyone,
The end of the year newsletter is here. There is probably not much warm flying weather left in the
year. But as many of you know by now, that doesn't mean we won't still be flying. Let's talk about some
club business. In this newsletter you will find the 2014 membership form. Here are the basic instructions
for joining or renewing members:
1. Fill out the form completely.
2. Send the completed form and dues to the treasurer, George Towns, his address is on the form.
3. Aim to complete the above two steps no later than January 31, 2013.
Remember, Kids under 15 may join for free. AMA membership is required. Flying at the club field or
at club events require this AMA membership for insurance purposes. So please send form and dues to George
Towns only, and he will pass the info to Greg Rodney, who update the roster so the new one will be accurate
for 2014. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.
For those of you that still receive Flying Models magazine, check out the Brodak event coverage.
I see that several of our members are mentioned, Denny Thomas and Bill Stewart come to mind, with photos
of them and or their airplanes. What a great show of presence for the Bean Hill Club. It's always great
to see pictures of fellow club members Airplanes in the news. Check it out in the September issue, Great
coverage of the event, one magazine that still gives control line it's due. Also check out the PAMPA
newsletter coverage of the event as well.
As I write this, lots of good flying weather left (and some not so good).
See you at the field, Joe Daniels 814-881-1895
Club Schedule
January 1, 2014 "Kick off 2014" Fun Fly at the Albion school
at 1:00.
February 23, 2014 Annual club meeting and dinner at Hess's Restaurant in
Erie, PA.
For Sale
Dave Evar has furnished a list of plastic models he has for sale. The list is on the next page.
You can contact Dave at 216-200-6633.
Dalton Hammett still has some engines to sell. Contact Dalton at 814-756-5572 or 814- 882-1927.
1. Cox .049 with stunt tank $18. 2. Older fox .15 $18.
3. Veco .19 with speed control $20. 4. Fox .049 with tank $20.
Plastic model airplanes for sale
1/32 scale Revell Curtis P-40 E Flying Tiger unassembled 1982. $10 1/32 scale Revell Grumman F-4
F Wildcat unassembled. 1982. $10
1/32 scale Revell Vought F-4 U Corsair unassembled. Decal marginal. $8. 1/32 scale Revell Vought
F-4 U Corsair unassembled. No decal, extras. $8.
1/32 scale Revell Republic P-47 D Thunderbolt Razorback. Original sealed box. $12.
Box opened all contents in factory sealed plastic
1/72 scale Academy Minicraft Lockheed PV-1 Ventura. $4. box opened all contents in factory sealed
1/72 scale Heller Focke WuIfFW-56 Stosser. $4. box opened all contents in factory sealed plastic
1/72 scale Hobby Craft AVRO CF-105 Arrow. Rare $5. box opened all contents in factory sealed plastic.
1/72 scale Hobby Craft Beechcraft C-45 H Post war version. $4. box opened all contents in factory
sealed plastic.
1172 scale Williams Brothers Boeing 247 Airliner. $5. box opened all contents in factory sealed plastic.
Some more model airplane kits
1/72 scale amt Brewster B-339 EID Buffalo. 1982. $2 Opened, unassembled
1/72 scale Lindberg Republic P-47D Thunderbolt. $2 Opened, unassembled
1/72 scale mpc Republic P-47D Thunderbolt. $2 Opened, unassembled
1/72 scale Lindberg Vought OS2-U Kingfisher. $2 Opened, unassembled
1/72 scale Matchbox Curtiss SBC-4 Helldiver. 1982. $2 Opened, unassembled
1172 scale Matchbox Hawker Tempest. 1982. $2 Opened, unassembled
1172 scale mpc Douglas A-1 J Skyraider. $2 Opened, unassembled
1/72 scale Revell Bell P-39 Airacobra. 1982. $2 Opened, unassembled
1/72 scale Revell Grumman F4 F - 4 Wildcat. $2 Opened, unassembled
1/72 scale US Airfix Douglas A-26 Invader. 1982. $2 Opened, unassembled
1/72 scale US Airfix Grumman F-4 F Wildcat. 1981. $2 Opened, unassembled
 Albert Bergener with his very fine Corsair. |
 Dominick Dorinzio with an old stunter he rebuilt.
 Some of Denny Thomas' colorful planes. |
 Remember the Battle Wagons? We still see Joe Daniels
plane out flying now and then. |
Here are the original scanned pages:

Here is a page featuring other
flying clubs and hobby
shops in the Erie, PA, area.
Map for Bean Hill Flyers
AMA Chartered Club
View Larger Map
Posted November 12, 2013