Bean Hill Flyers club is Erie, Pennsylvania's, only organized control line
flying group. It operates under sanction of the Academy of Model Aeronautics
(AMA), charter #4673. Two main flying sites are maintained, one in Albion,
PA, and the other in Millcreek, just west of the Erie city line.
Class: Control Line
AMA Chartered Club #4673 Flying Field Location: Rt. 6N, just east
of Albion, PA (see map) Contact:
Joe Daniels Phone: 814-881-1895

President: Joe Daniels
Vice President: Dennis Thomas Treasurer: George Towns
Safety Officer: Chris Keller Newsletter Editor: Dalton Hammett
Secretary: Greg Rodney
Hi Everyone, It's time to start thinking about spring time and
summer flying. Keep your news letters handy to plan time for the various
club events and nearby contests and flying get-togethers. A model airplane
club is all about the camaraderie associated with the building and flying
of models. Competition, fun flying, building, bull session enthusiast, (my
personal favorite) or whatever your connection to controline models is,
the more you connect with others of similar interest, the more fun and rewarding
your time in this hobby will be. We hope the Bean Hill Flyers Club will
offer as much opportunity as possible to enjoy this hobby in many ways.
The key to this enjoyment is your participation and attendance. This year
we plan to focus more frequent flying together on weekends, as well as the
planned events we all look forward to. We will use email and telephone
contact to encourage regular flying. And if you don't want to fly that day,
you can still show up and enjoy the time together. But here's a warning,
you may end up flying something. Please note that the current Club
By-Laws are in the this newsletter. We keep it simple as you can see, but
there they are so please take a few minutes to read them through.
Lastly, please don't hesitate to engage and dialog with the officers.
We need your input and valuable ideas. Let's all have a great year together.
Tight Lines, Joe Daniels
Bean Hill Flyers
Bylaws Updated - January 1, 2013
I. |
Club Name |
A. Bean Hill Flyers |
II. |
Location |
A. 10,000 US 6N, Albion PA 16401 |
III. |
Purpose |
A. Enjoy and promote the sport of control line flying
IV. |
Membership |
A. AMA or MAAC Membership required for flying members. |
B. Payment of dues required the amount to be determined
at the end of each year for the
following year. |
C. Non-flying enthusiasts may become members, attend
functions and receive the club newsletter
without AMA or MAAC membership. These members should be designated
on the club roster as "Associate" where the
AMA or MAAC number would show. |
V. |
Club Officers |
A. Officers will be elected every four years.
B. All officers must be AMA members. |
C. The President, Treasurer and Safety Officer must
be 19 years of age or older. |
D. List of Officers |
President: The
President shall be the executive officer of the club and shall preside
at meetings whenever possible.
He shall be the spokesperson for the club. |
Vice President:
The Vice President shall assist the President in
all matters and shall assume the
duties of the President if, for any reason, he is not able to perform
his duties. |
Secretary: The
Secretary shall maintain club correspondence, maintain a current
club membership roster and keep
records of club meetings. The Secretary shall work with other club
officers to schedule meetings
and events for the club. The secretary shall insure that all flying
members have their AMA or MAAC
number office. |
Treasurer: The
Treasurer shall maintain club funds, collect appropriate dues from
members, pay club costs and work
with other club officers to schedule meetings and events for the
club. The Treasurer will furnish
a detailed report of transactions when requested. |
Newsletter Editor:
The Newsletter Editor shall provide a newsletter on a regular basis.
He shall work with other officers
to provide items to include in the newsletter as well as obtaining
items of interest to include from
all members. |
Safety Officers:
The Safety Officer shall work to promote increased safety awareness
on the part of all members, to
improve the public perception of modeling as a safe and desirable
sport and provide a means by
which important safety information can be shared between clubs.
The Safety Officer is a communication
liaison between the club and AMA headquarters to ensure timely
distribution of safety related material. The club safety officer
must have email access. |
Club Plans Librarian:
This officer shall maintain a list of plans accumulated for use
by our members. Members needing
a specific plan should contact this officer to verify if it is available.
VI. |
Bylaw and Grievance Procedure |
It is the intent of the club to keep bylaws simple and promote
the enjoyment of the sport. Any grievance except safety items should
be taken to any club officer for handling. Safety items should be
taken to the Safety Officer. |
VII. |
Changes: |
Any proposal brought forth during a club meeting that may significantly
affect the direction or face of the Bean Hill Flyers Club shall
be voted on for approval by a majority vote of dub members who respond.
Such items will be published in the club newsletter and include
a returnable ballot addressed to the club secretary. Only ballots
received that are postmarked within the prescribed time limit, as
noted on the ballot, will be included in the vote for such proposal.
Items and events that have become standards of the club: |
A. Annual dinner meeting to kick off the year, normally
in January or February. B. Winter building challenge
to promote building over the winter months. C. At
least one competitive event to be held after the Brodak event.
D. Build sessions during the winter months to promote
and assist with building projects. E. Fun flies
as often as possible plus participation in events including an EAA
open house in Meadville, PA,
a model air show at VoTech in Erie, PA and Dan Rice Days in Girard,
PA. F. The character of the hillbilly flying on
a hilltop has been adopted as the club emblem and dark
green was adopted as the color of the club shirt. |
Club Schedule
March 8 Build Session
March 17 Skylark's Annual Swap Shop - see page
March 23 Building Session
April 13 Building Session
April 27 Building Session
May 11 Building Session
June 8-9 Open International C/L event in Portugal
June 9 Our annual event at the Meadville
Airport. We need all the planes and pilots we can get. For
information contact Randy Shaffer.
June 11-15 Brodaks!! ! *******
Building sessions are held at Maxwell's hobby shop from about 4pm until6pm.
Bring your projects
in if you would like some help or just stop in to visit and possibly help
someone else. For more
information contact Joe Maxwell.
******* Our club has a table reserved at the Skylark's Swap
Shop. Any club member can use it to display
items for sale. You must monitor your items and remove them when you leave.
For Sale
I have the following items for sale. If you would like to ask questions
call me at 814-882-1927, Dalton.
1) Pee Wee Pup C/l kit for .020 - .049 size
engines. This is an original Joy Products Kit
which has a 20" wingspan. That's 4" larger than the Blackhawk remake of
the kit. $28 2) Small wood control handle.
Ideal for smaller hands and .15 - .19 engine planes. $9
3) Veron Stunter kit. This one has a little of the building started
on it, 30" span and looks a
bit like a small Mustang. The box indicates it is for a .061- .099 engine
but I think a .10 to
a small .15 would work. $50
March/April 2013
Hello BHF! I don't know about you, but this year I have vowed to build
more in the off season, but with two forced bathroom renovations (don't
ask - I'm sure you can think of a number of breakages that would cause this)
in quick succession, it is turning out to be a rather slow building season.
However, the Bean Hill club officers had a meeting in mid January and afterward
managed to get a few flights in when it was about 60 degrees out. It gave
me the itch. Bad. My eyes are always bigger than my board, unfortunately
and even though I have too many kits already, I still have the dog-eared
Brodak Catalog sitting on the lid of my toilet tank. I swear I think about
building more than I actually build. But, it will come together. Somehow,
So, just some musings from my limited time at the bench this winter:
1. Balsa dust is very fine. I find it extremely irritating.
And tasty.
2. Instant Glue gives off wicked fumes when you apply
it in large quantities. These fumes will make you
tear so bad you can't see. Which is bad when you are gluing something INSTANTLY.
Plan accordingly. Much like when
bench pressing - it helps to have a spotter. 3. Alcohol
is best at dealing with epoxy on the skin - I prefer Wild Turkey. 101 of
4. T-pins are demonic instruments of torture. There's
no tip here - its just a fact.
5. I always use fresh X-acto blades. That way it doesn't
hurt so bad when I cut myself.
6. Instant glue and kicker makes a great bandage.
7. YOU might not like the smell of dope in the basement.
Eh, never mind, go ahead and paint in the
basement. Its cold outside.
8. Razor planes are better at shaving knuckles than
balsa wood.
9. Broken propellers make great epoxy sticks.
10. Don't snake a tub drain that is full of Drano. You work hard
for those calluses on your hand and
I assure you - a few minutes in a Drano bath will erase all that hard work.
And your finger nails. One more
thing - check your prop nuts if the plane has been sitting a while, especially
on wood props. I have said this
before and sure enough, I forgot. First fire on the motor on my P40 and
sure enough the prop came loose.
Nothing happened, but you never know. Stay safe this season guys! (But as
always, let me know if something
Chris Keller 814-218-4078
Skylarks of Sharon,
Pa.Annual Model Swap
ShopSunday, March 11,2013 9:00 A.M. to ???
AMA Club #569
The Skylarks of Sharon, PA invite you to our annual Swap Shop and Flea
Market held at the Hickory VFW at 5550 E. State St., Hermitage, PA 16148.
- The set up starts at 8:00 A.M. - Table Space:
Full Tables only, $10.00 each. - 50-50 Raffle. - Coffee,
soda, donuts and hot dogs will be sold. - General admission $4.00,
each table sold includes one admission. For more information contact
Gordon Longstreet at 724-346-2841 or e-mail at or
visit us on the web. Send pre-registration to Skylarks of Sharon, 230 S.
Myers Ave., Sharon, PA 16146. Pre-registration is highly recommended!
Payment in full should be included with registration. For up to the
minute information stay in touch with us on the web:


Joe Maxwell with a Ringmaster profile he is rebuilding. The plane has
an interesting history of being built for control line then changed to Re.
Now it is being returned to control line flying. Bottom:
Lee Hammett shows us his "Magician Unlimited" which has been in planning
and building for a couple of years now. It spans about 67" and will be powered
by an Evo .60. Here is a page featuring other
flying clubs and hobby shops in the Erie, PA, area.
Map for Bean Hill Flyers
AMA Chartered Club #4673
View Larger Map
Posted March 3, 2013