The venerable Cessna 150
first came on the scene in 1958. Per Wikipedia, "The
Cessna 150 is a two-seat
tricycle gear general aviation airplane, that was designed for flight training,
touring and personal use. The Cessna 150 is the fourth most produced civilian
plane ever, with 23,839 aircraft produced. The Cessna 150 was offered for sale
in the 150 basic model, Commuter, Commuter II, Patroller and the aerobatic Aerobat
models." The design has changed considerably since 1958, with two of the most
notable changes being the vertical fin and the rear fuselage behind the cockpit.
Note that a photo of the 1958 Cessna 150 is on the cover of this edition. Here are the covers of all the
vintage Model Aviation
editions I have.
Vintage Model Aviation News Bulletin Articles:
many modelers, nothing brings a warmer glow to the heart than to see a near-perfect
scale model of a full-size aircraft. Although many of the full-scale jobs lend themselves well to modeling, the
flight characteristics of the models sometimes leaves something to be desired.
Our subject this month is the two-place Cessna 150, which, with its high
wing and tricycle landing gear, promises to be a good performer and will undoubtedly
give our free flight flying scale fans many hours of pleasure flying.

Posted April 2, 2012