RF Cascade Workbook - RF Cafe

Model Aviation Crossword Puzzle #5

Back around 2000, I submitted a few model aviation themed crossword puzzles to the Academy of Model Aeronautics' monthly magazine, Model Aviation. After many months, Mr. Bob Hunt responded saying that he had just assumed the position of editor for the "If It Flies" column, and that he would be interested in publishing the crosswords. So, six of the puzzles appeared in 2001 editions.

Today, while searching through some old files, I ran across the document that I originally submitted, and I figured it might be nice to make them available to visitors to the Airplane and Rockets website. Enough time has gone by now that I hope they don't mind that I have reproduced them here.

Here are links to all of the crossword puzzles:

#1 | #2 | #3 | #4 | #5 | #6

Model airplane Crossword Puzzle #5 - Airplanes and Rockets


1 Fuel film

2 Connector that prevents twisted control lines

4 Be without a propeller

7 Purchase model supplies

10 Grabbing surfaces of pliers

14 Man a racing pylon

15 Rough-edged

19 Edit

22 .049 size models

26 Convenient vehicle for transporting giant scale planes

27 Charlie Brown's expression

28 What the epoxy did when mixed properly

30 Sound of a cow

31 Monkey

32 Repulsive

33 Sign up for a flying contest

34 Engine combustion byproduct

35 Radio control

36 1/1,000,000th of a microsecond

37 You, ___, can learn to fly

38 The Golden ___ of Aviation

40 Rechargeable battery type

43 Indian dish

46 Propeller centers

48 Keeps your RC blimp floating

49 State in AMA District IX

51 The goodwill efforts of AMA

52 Only

54 Loop performed beginning inverted

57 Tool for cutting outside threads

58 Observation, abbr.

60 Small nail

61 Transmitter component, abbr.

62 Leftover balsa from die-cut sheet

63 Lopsided

65 Positive lead color

66 Pocket bread

68 Geographic region of AMA District V

69 State in AMA District VI

70 Poorly lighted

71 Emotion following a crash

73 My daughter __ learning to fly model planes

74 Leave this at home when heading to the field

76 Printer's measures

78 Wing____, aerobatic maneuver

80 Starter's command at a pylon race

81 State in AMA District XI

82 I ____ a new radio system

83 Continent of AMA headquarters

85 RC car

87 Body of retainers

89 I ___ a great day at the flying field!

91 Local oscillator

92 Soft food for infants

93 Eccentric mechanism

95 Top US modeling contest, abbr.

97 Embankment

98 Computer network departments

99 Control _______; i.e., elevator, aileron

101 Islamic chieftain

102 Quarter bushel

103 Full-time model builder & flier, abbr.

104 Energy source for giant scale engines

105 Pilot's record

106 Dr. Sandy _____, AMA District VIII VP - 2000


1 Tool for shaving balsa

3 Model Aviation department

5 State in AMA District V

6 Control line

7 I'll __ at the flying field all day

8 Describes a quantity

9 Yo-__ CL airplane

11 State in AMA District VIII

12 __ have a contest planned for next weekend

13 State in AMA District IX

14 Drafting software

15 Balance point

16 That's ___ finest P-38 freeflight model I've ever seen

17 Soaring club in Riverside, CA

18 State in AMA District IV

20 Atomic mass unit

21 Airline abbr. for city of Pikes Peak Soaring Society

22 Computer printout

23 Propeller vendor, in Woodland, CA

24 Front edge of a wing

25 Soak up fuel

26 AMA district that includes KY and MO

27 Country where AMA is based

29 Back edge of a wing

32 Joyce _____, AMA Executive Director 1999-2000

36 Engine sound

38 Mood on the flight line

39 Expunge

41 Iron-on Mylar finish by TopFlite

42 Flying field shack

43 Tip-to-tip distance of propeller

44 Printed sale announcements in Model Aviation

45 Permits

46 ___ do you do such perfect loops?

47 Rolls 180 degrees from inverted

48 Hasten

50 Japanese sash

53 Dropsy

55 Snap ______ - control line connector

56 Part of LSF

57 Darn!

59 Increase the angle of attack

61 Radio modulation type

64 Model engine manufacturer in Gardnerville, NV

67 Length of time a plane has been in existence

70 Beetle

72 Female deer

75 Probability

77 Don't fly in front of this!

79 Split apart

81 State in AMA District IV

82 Original airfoil classifier

84 Original AMA magazine

86 Tool for cutting inside threads

88 Used to arrest crippled carrier planes on landing

90 Similar to

91 Stud for mounting wheels

92 Precision Approach Radar

94 State in AMA District VII

96 State in AMA District V

98 State in AMA District VII

99 __ what?

100 Models with no external control influence during flight

Model airplane Crossword Puzzle Solution #5 - Airplanes and Rockets

Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA) Plans Service - Airplanes and Rockets
RF Electronics Shapes, Stencils for Office, Visio by RF Cafe

Cafe Press

Model Aircraft Museum, AMA - Airplanes and Rockets

Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA) - Airplanes and Rockets

Academy of Model Aeronautics

Tower Hobbies logo - Airplanes and Rockets

Tower Hobbies

Horizon Hobby logo - Airplanes and Rockets

Horizon Hobby

Sig Manufacturing - Airplanes and Rockets

Sig Mfg

Brodak Manufacturing - Airplanes and Rockets

Brodak Mfg