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Amateur Astronomy News Archive #2

Archive pages for Amateur Astronomy News:

                     #1 | #2 | #3



Comet ISON: Is Potential 'Comet of the Century' a Dud? - Airplanes and RocketsComet ISON: Is Potential 'Comet of the Century' a Dud?

IRIS Photos of Mystery Region on the Sun - Airplanes and RocketsIRIS Photos of Mystery Region on Sun

Cassini Spacecraft Photographs Earth from 900 Million Miles Away - Airplanes and RocketsCassini Spacecraft Photographs Earth from 900 Million Miles

International Lunar Observatory Planned for Moon - Airplanes and RocketsInternational Lunar Observatory Planned for Moon

Scientists Found Snow Line in a Star - Airplanes and RocketsScientists Found Snow Line in a Star

Murchison Widefield Array: Square Kilometre Array precursor debuts - Airplanes and RocketsSquare Kilometer Array Precursor Debuts

The TLM-18 parabolic dish antenna - Airplanes and RocketsHuge Tracking Dish to Become Available for EME

Cluster Spacecraft Detects Elusive Space Wind - Airplanes and RocketsCluster Spacecraft Detects Elusive Space Wind

Sun Celebrates July Fourth, Unleashes Solar Fireworks - Airplanes and RocketsSun Celebrates July Fourth, Unleashes Solar Fireworks

Pluto's Smallest Moons Officially Named - Airplanes and RocketsPluto's Smallest Moons Officially Named

Astronomers Discover 3 Habitable Planets - Airplanes and RocketsAstronomers Discover 3 Habitable Planets

Voyager 1 Approaches Outer Limit of Solar System - Airplanes and RocketsVoyager 1 Approaches Outer Limit of Solar System

Watch Herschel Space Telescope's Final Moments as Last Commands Are Issued - Airplanes and RocketsWatch Herschel Space Telescope's Final Moments as Last Commands Are Issued

NASA Announces Asteroid Grand Challenge - Airplanes and RocketsNASA Announces Asteroid Grand Challenge

Black-hole bonanza discovered near Earth - Airplanes and RocketsBlack Hole Bonanza Discovered Near Earth

Lightweight Galaxy is Smallest Ever Found - Airplanes and RocketsLightweight Galaxy is Smallest Ever Found  

Kepler Stars Are Bigger Than Thought - Airplanes and RocketsKepler Stars Are Bigger Than Thought

Alien-Hunting Telescope Could be Ready in 5 Years - Airplanes and RocketsAlien-Hunting Telescope Could be Ready in 5 Years

Never-Before-Seen Alien Planet Just 300 Light-Years from Earth - Airplanes and RocketsNever-Before-Seen Alien Planet Just 300 LYs from Earth

Arkyd 100 Unveiled as First Crowdfunded Space Scope - Airplanes and RocketsArkyd 100 Unveiled as First Crowdfunded Space Scope

Boeing Completes Commercial Crew Spacecraft and Rocket Milestones - Airplanes and RocketsBoeing Completes Commercial Crew Spacecraft and Rocket Milestones

Jupiter, Venus, and Mercury Conjunction Above Sydney, Australia - Airplanes and RocketsJupiter, Venus, and Mercury Conjunction Above Sydney, Australia

Accurate Distance Measurement Resolves Major Astronomical Mystery - Airplanes and RocketsAccurate Distance Measurement Resolves Major

Researchers Explain Magnetic Field Misbehavior in Solar Flares - Airplanes and RocketsResearchers Explain Magnetic Field Misbehavior in Solar Flares

Monster Asteroid 1998 'QE2' Misses Earth by Mere 3.6M Miles on May 31 - Airplanes and RocketsMonster Asteroid 1998 'QE2' Misses Earth by Mere 3.6M Miles on May 31

Huge Asteroid Crashes into Moon - Airplanes and RocketsHuge Asteroid Crashes into Moon

Colossal Solar Flare, Strongest of 2013, Shoots from Sun - Airplanes and RocketsColossal Solar Flare, Strongest of 2013, Shoots from Sun

'Ring of Fire' Solar Eclipse on Thursday - RF Cafe'Ring of Fire' Solar Eclipse on Thursday

Russian Space Junk Almost Destroys NASA Telescope - Airplanes and RocketsRussian Space Junk Almost Destroys NASA Telescope

New App Measures Light Pollution Level - Airplanes and RocketsNew App Measures Light Pollution Level

NASA Eyes Monster Hurricane on Saturn - Airplanes and RocketsNASA Eyes Monster Hurricane on Saturn

Russia Now Charging NASA $70 Million Per Seat to Fly U.S. Astronauts - Airplanes and RocketsRussia Now Charging NASA $70 Million Per Seat to Fly U.S.

Bizarre Binary Star System Pushes Study of Relativity to New Limits

Here's What the Big Bang Sounded Like - Airplanes and RocketsHere's What the Big Bang Sounded Like

Kepler telescope spots two planets in life-friendly orbit - Airplanes and RocketsKepler Telescope Spots Two Planets in Life-Friendly Orbi

Nuclear Fusion Rocket Could Reach Mars in 30 Days

Sun Unleashes Biggest Solar Flare of the Year - Airplanes and RocketsSun Unleashes Biggest Solar Flare of the Year

 - Airplanes and RocketsNASA Satellite to Hunt for Planets Orbiting Other Stars

Sun's Magnetic 'Heartbeat' Revealed - Airplanes and RocketsSun's Magnetic 'Heartbeat' Revealed

Green Meteorite May Be from Mercury - Airplanes and RocketsGreen Meteorite May Be from Mercury

Chameleon Pulsar Baffles Astronomers - Airplanes and RocketsChameleon Pulsar Baffles Astronomers 

Big Sunspot Unleashes an Intense Solar Flare - Airplanes and RocketsBig Sunspot Unleashes an Intense Solar FlareLargest Spiral Galaxy Found - Airplanes and Rockets

Largest Spiral Galaxy Found

Curiosity 2 Weeks from Historic Landing on Mars - Airplanes and RocketsCuriosity 2 Weeks from Historic Landing on Mars

SpaceX Scrubs Launch to ISS over Rocket Engine Problem - Airplanes and RocketsSpaceX Scrubs Launch to ISS over Rocket Engine Problem

'Zombie' Planet Fomalhaut B Shocks Scientists - Airplanes and Rockets'Zombie' Planet Fomalhaut B Shocks Scientists

'Eye of Sauron' Hosts Rogue Planet - Airplanes and Rockets'Eye of Sauron' Hosts Rogue Planet

Key Telescopes Threatened by Looming Budget Cuts  - Airplanes and RocketsKey Telescopes Threatened by Looming Budget Cuts

Celestial Flybys Set to Thrill - Airplanes and RocketsCelestial Flybys Set to Thrill

Curiosity Rover Finds 'Flower' on Mars - Airplanes and RocketsCuriosity Rover Finds 'Flower' on Mars

13 Must-See Stargazing Events in 2013 - Airplanes and Rockets13 Must-See Stargazing Events in 2013

European Space Agency Project Will Change How Astronomers View Our Galaxy - Airplanes and RocketsEuropean Space Agency Project Will Change How Astronomers View Our Galaxy

Stunning Saturn Photo Holds a Couple of Hidden Surprises - Airplanes and RocketsStunning Saturn Photo Holds a Couple of Hidden Surprises

Ison Could Be the Comet of the Century - Brighter Than a Full Moon - Airplanes and RocketsIson Could Be the Comet of the Century - Brighter Than a Full Moon

First 'Alien Earth' Is to Be Found in 2013 - Airplanes and RocketsFirst 'Alien Earth' Is to Be Found in 2013

Best Space Photos of 2012 - Airplanes and RocketsBest Space Photos of 2012

New Stunning Nighttime Views of Earth Unveiled - Airplanes and RocketsNew Stunning Nighttime Views of Earth Unveiled (light pollution is terrible)

Voyager 1 Discovers New Region of Space - Airplanes and RocketsVoyager 1 Discovers New Region of Space

Astronomers Find Biggest Black Hole Ever - Airplanes and RocketsAstronomers Find Biggest Black Hole Ever

The Beginning of Everything: A New Paradigm Shift for the Infant Universe - Airplanes and RocketsThe Beginning of Everything: A New Paradigm Shift for the Infant Universe

NASA Spacecraft Confirms Ice at Shadowy North Pole of Mercury - Airplanes and RocketsNASA Spacecraft Confirms Ice at Shadowy North Pole of Mercury

NASA Outpost Beyond Moon Could Lead to Mars - Airplanes and RocketsNASA Outpost Beyond Moon Could Lead to Mars

NASA's Not Sharing a 'Historic' Find on Mars... Yet - Airplanes and RocketsNASA's Not Sharing a 'Historic' Find on Mars... Yet

First of Its Kind Homeless Planet Found Wandering Through Space - Airplanes and RocketsFirst of Its Kind Homeless Planet Found Wandering Through Space

Asteroid Belts May Show Us the Way to E.T. - Airplanes and RocketsAsteroid Belts May Show Us the Way to E.T.

SETI Institute Gets Major Donation From Qualcomm Chief Scientist - Airplanes and RocketsSETI Institute Gets Major Donation From Qualcomm Chief Scientist

NASA Rover Providing New Weather and Radiation Data About Mars - Airplanes and RocketsNASA Rover Providing New Weather and Radiation Data About Mars

Galaxies Without Stars: The Problem of the Missing Hydrogen in the Early Universe - Airplanes and RocketsGalaxies Without Stars: The Problem of the Missing Hydrogen in the Early Universe

Researchers Detect the Brightest Flare Ever Observed in Our Galaxy's Black Hole - Airplanes and RocketsResearchers Detect the Brightest Flare Ever Observed in Our Galaxy's Black Hole

Astrophysicist Says He Has Found Superman's Home Plane - Airplanes and RocketsAstrophysicist Says He Has Found Superman's Home Planet

A Next-Generation X-Ray Telescope Ready to Fly - Airplanes and RocketsA Next-Generation X-Ray Telescope Ready to Fly

Astronomers Have Measured All the Light Ever Created in the Universe - Airplanes and RocketsAstronomers Have Measured All the Light Ever Created in the Universe

Light from Universe's First Stars Seen - Airplanes and RocketsLight from Universe's First Stars Seen

Europe Shapes Moon Lander Design - Airplanes and RocketsEurope Shapes Moon Lander Design

NASA Spacecraft Sees Huge Burp at Saturn After Large Storm - Airplanes and RocketsNASA Spacecraft Sees Huge Burp at Saturn After Large Storm

Amazing Aurora: Best Images From NASA’s Suomi Satellite - Airplanes and RocketsAmazing Aurora: Best Images From NASA’s Suomi Satellite

Booming Meteorite Market Leaves Few Space Rocks for One Researcher - Airplanes and RocketsBooming Meteorite Market Leaves Few Space Rocks for One Researcher

More evidence that Voyager Has Exited the Solar System - Airplanes and RocketsMore evidence that Voyager Has Exited the Solar System

The Astronomical Clock in Prague - Airplanes and RocketsThe Astronomical Clock in Prague


Du-Bro Tristar Helicopter Wanted - Airplanes and Rockets

RF Cascade Workbook 2018 by RF Cafe

Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA) - Airplanes and Rockets

Academy of Model Aeronautics

Tower Hobbies logo - Airplanes and Rockets

Tower Hobbies

Horizon Hobby logo - Airplanes and Rockets

Horizon Hobby

Sig Manufacturing - Airplanes and Rockets

Sig Mfg

Brodak Manufacturing - Airplanes and Rockets

Brodak Mfg