Espresso Engineering Workbook

Amateur Astronomy News Archive #1

Archive pages for Amateur Astronomy News:

                     #1 | #2 | #3

Pluto Remains Shrouded in Mystery - Airplanes & RocketsPluto Remains Shrouded in Mystery

Strange Vortex Discovered on Saturn Moon Titan - Airplanes & RocketsStrange Vortex Discovered on Saturn Moon Titan

New Light Shed on Explosive Solar Activity - Airplanes & RocketsNew Light Shed on Explosive Solar Activity

Sun Erupts with Strongest SummerSolar Flare Yet - Airplanes and RocketsSun Erupts with Strongest Summer Solar Flare Yet

Mars Panorama - Next Best Thing to Being There - Airplanes & RocketsMars Panorama - Next Best Thing to Being There

Astronomers Use Zeppelin to Hunt for Meteorites - Airplanes & RocketsAstronomers Use Zeppelin to Hunt for Meteorites

Atacama Large Millimeter Array Taking Shape - Airplanes & RocketsAtacama Large Millimeter Array Taking Shape

Hubble Views a Cosmic Skyrocket - Airplanes & RocketsHubble Views a Cosmic Skyrocket

UKIRT Discovers 'Impossible' Binary Stars - Airplanes & RocketsUKIRT (very respectable name) Discovers 'Impossible' Binary Stars

Double Stars Shine Bright in July Night Sky - Airplanes & RocketsDouble Stars Shine Bright in July Night Sky

Giant Dark Matter Bridge Between Galaxy Clusters Discovered - Airplanes & RocketsGiant Dark Matter Bridge Between Galaxy Clusters Discovered

Crowd-Funded Space Telescope to Spy Dangerous Space Rocks - Airplanes & RocketsCrowd-Funded Space Telescope to Spy Dangerous Space Rocks

Huge Moon Crater's Water Ice Supply Revealed - Airplanes & RocketsHuge Moon Crater's Water Ice Supply Revealed

American Astronomical Society Annual Meeting Highlights - Airplanes & RocketsAmerican Astronomical Society Annual Meeting Highlights

Voyager 1 Reaches Edge of the Solar System - Airplanes & RocketsVoyager 1 Reaches Edge of the Solar System

Massive Solar Flare in March Broke Sun Storm Records - Airplanes & RocketsMassive Solar Flare in March Broke Sun Storm Records

Extremely Little Telescope Discovers Pair of Odd Planets  - Airplanes & RocketsExtremely Little Telescope Discovers Pair of Odd Planets

NRO Donates Spare Telescopes to NASA - Airplanes & RocketsNRO Donates Spare Telescopes to NASA

Amateur Scientists Find Niche in Locating New Planets - Airplanes & RocketsAmateur Scientists Find Niche in Locating New Planets

Nanoparticles Found in Moon Glass Bubbles Explain Weird Lunar Soil Behaviour - Airplanes & RocketsNanoparticles Found in Moon Glass Bubbles Explain Weird Lunar Soil Behaviour

ESO Council Approves Construction of Largest Telescope Ever - Airplanes & RocketsESO Council Approves Construction of Largest Telescope Ever

Hobby-Eberly Telescope Measures Two Stars with One Orbiting Planet - Airplanes & RocketsHobby-Eberly Telescope Measures Two Stars with One Orbiting Planet

Electric Moon Jolts the Solar Wind - Airplanes & RocketsElectric Moon Jolts the Solar Wind

SETI Finds No Signs of ET Nearby - Airplanes & RocketsSETI Finds No Signs of ET Nearby

Members Agree Dual Site for SKA Radio Telescope - Airplanes & RocketsMembers Agree Dual Site for SKA Radio Telescope

James Webb Telescope's Miri Instrument Flies out to U.S. - Airplanes & RocketsJames Webb Telescope's Miri Instrument Flies out to U.S.

New Way of Looking at the Sun: See It in Extreme Ultraviolet Light to Show Solar Plasma - Airplanes & RocketsNew Way of Looking at the Sun: See It in Extreme Ultraviolet Light to Show Solar Plasma

Tiny Planet-Finding Mirrors Borrow from Webb Telescope Playbook - Airplanes & RocketsTiny Planet-Finding Mirrors Borrow from Webb Telescope Playbook

Africa and Australasia to share Square Kilometre Array - Airplanes & RocketsAfrica and Australasia to share Square Kilometer Array

Three-Telescope Interferometry Allows Astrophysicists to Observe How Black Holes Are Fueled - Airplanes & Rockets3-Telescope Interferometry Allows Astrophysicists to Observe How Black Holes Are Fueled

World's Largest Solar Eclipse Party Takes Over Football Stadium Sunday - Airplanes & RocketsWorld's Largest Solar Eclipse Party Takes Over Football Stadium Sunday

£2M UK Space Agency Funding for Mars Exploration Projects

Star Trails from the ISS - Airplanes & RocketsStar Trails from the ISS

Hubble to Use Moon as Mirror to See Venus Transit - Airplanes & Rockets

Hubble to Use Moon as Mirror to See Venus Transit

Catch a Glimpse of Halley's Comet Debris: Eta Aquarid Meteor Shower - Airplanes & RocketsCatch a Glimpse of Halley's Comet Debris -- Eta Aquarid Meteor Shower

Cairo Calendar Shows Egyptians Discovered Binary Algol First - Airplanes & RocketsCairo Calendar Shows Egyptians Discovered Binary Algol First

Sifting Through Dust Near Orion's Belt - Airplanes and RocketsSifting Through Dust Near Orion's Belt


Weird Star Produces Flaring Radio Emissions - Airplanes & RocketsWeird Star Produces Flaring Radio Emissions

NASA Astrophysicist Sten Odenwald to Discuss Transit of Venus - Airplanes & RocketsNASA Astrophysicist Sten Odenwald to Discuss Transit of Venus

Supermoon Alert: Biggest Full Moon of 2012 Due Saturday - Airplanes & RocketsSupermoon Alert: Biggest Full Moon of 2012 Due Saturday

Giant Lava Coils Seen for First Time on Mars - Airplanes & RocketsGiant Lava Coils Seen for First Time on Mars

UK Industry to Build Solar Orbiter Satellite - Airplanes & RocketsUK Industry to Build Solar Orbiter Satellite

Astronomers Identify 3 New Extrasolar Planets

European Telescope Reveals Beautiful Star Cluster - Airplanes & RocketsEuropean Telescope Reveals Beautiful Star Cluster

Jet Stream Damages Country’s Highest Astronomical Observatory - Airplanes & RocketsJet Stream Damages Country’s Highest Astronomical Observatory

Dark Matter Search Turns up Empty - Airplanes & RocketsDark Matter Search Turns up Empty

Lyrid Meteor Shower Wows Skywatchers Around the World - Airplanes & RocketsLyrid Meteor Shower Wows Skywatchers Around the World

Australia-New Zealand Square Kilometre Array Site Is Already Producing World-Class Astrophysics - Airplanes & RocketsAustralia-New Zealand Square Kilometre Array Site Is Already Producing World-Class Astrophysics

Giant Solar Prominence Erupts - Airplanes & RocketsGiant Solar Prominence Erupts

Space Shuttle Loaded Atop 747 for Funeral Flight to D.C. - Airplanes & RocketsSpace Shuttle Loaded Atop 747 for Funeral Flight to D.C.

Amazing Hubble Photo Reveals Tarantula Nebula's Star-Filled Web - Airplanes & RocketsAmazing Hubble Photo Reveals Tarantula Nebula's Star-Filled Web

First-Ever Model Simulation of the Structuring of the Observable Universe - Airplanes & RocketsFirst-Ever Model Simulation of the Structuring of the Observable Universe

NASA Goddard Engineers Testing Webb Telescope's OSIM and BIA Instruments - Airplanes & RocketsNASA Goddard Engineers Testing Webb Telescope's OSIM and BIA Instruments

Russia Sets Space Science Priorities: Astrophysics, Plasma Research and Planetary Missions - Airplanes & RocketsRussia Sets Space Science Priorities: Astrophysics, Plasma Research and Planetary Missions

First Light of Powerful New Infrared Instrument - Airplanes & RocketsFirst Light of Powerful New Infrared Instrument

When Stellar Metallicity Sparks Planet Formation - Airplanes & RocketsWhen Stellar Metallicity Sparks Planet Formation

SDO and STEREO Spacecraft Spot Something New on the Sun - Airplanes & RocketsSDO and STEREO Spacecraft Spot Something New on the Sun

Nine NASA-Funded Astrophysics Missions Granted Extensions - Airplanes & RocketsNine NASA-Funded Astrophysics Missions Granted Extensions

Surprise! Venus May Have Auroras Without a Magnetic Field - Airplanes & RocketsSurprise! Venus May Have Auroras Without a Magnetic Field

Milky Way's Black Hole Close to Being Confirmed - Airplanes & RocketsMilky Way's Black Hole Close to Being Confirmed

Earth Has More Than One Moon, Study Suggests

Kepler Telescope Gets Mission Extension Through 2016 - Airplanes & RocketsKepler Telescope Gets Mission Extension Through 2016

A Telescope That Generates More Data Than the Whole Internet - Airplanes & RocketsA Telescope That Generates More Data Than the Whole Internet

Venus, Mars Top Stargazing Attractions for April - Airplanes & RocketsVenus, Mars Top Stargazing Attractions for April

South Pole Telescope Hones in on Dark Energy, Neutrinos - Airplanes & RocketsSouth Pole Telescope Hones in on Dark Energy, Neutrinos

New Finding Affects Understanding of Formation of the Solar System - Airplanes & RocketsNew Finding Affects Understanding of Formation of the Solar System

Rare Venus Transit of Sun Occurs in June - Airplanes & RocketsRare Venus Transit of Sun Occurs in June

Mysterious Stone Monolith Likely an Ancient Astronomical Calendar - Airplanes & RocketsMysterious Stone Monolith Likely an Ancient Astronomical Calendar

Flying Formation - Around the Moon at 3,600 MPH - Airplanes & RocketsFlying Formation - Around the Moon at 3,600 MPH

Clocking an Accelerating Universe: First Results from BOSS - Airplanes & RocketsClocking an Accelerating Universe: First Results from BOSS

Milky Way Image Reveals Detail of a Billion Stars - Airplanes & RocketsMilky Way Image Reveals Detail of a Billion Stars

Solar Storm Dumps Gigawatts into Earth's Upper Atmosphere - Airplanes & RocketsSolar Storm Dumps Gigawatts into Earth's Upper Atmosphere

Raging Solar Tornado Five Times Wider Than Earth Filmed for the First Time - Airplanes & RocketsRaging Solar Tornado Five Times Wider Than Earth Filmed for the First Time

Public to Get Access to Spectacular Infrared Images of Galaxies - Airplanes & RocketsPublic to Get Access to Spectacular Infrared Images of Galaxies

Engineers Set Their Sights on Asteroid Deflection

18th-Century Bone Telescopes Discovered in Amsterdam - Airplanes & Rockets18th-Century Bone Telescopes Discovered in Amsterdam

Highlights from the 43rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference - Airplanes & RocketsHighlights from the 43rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference

Square Kilometer Array (SKA) telescope - Airplanes & RocketsSuper Telescope Will Search for Secrets of the Universe

Giant Telescope Project Begins with a Bang - Airplanes and RocketsGiant Telescope Project Begins with a Bang



RF Electronics Shapes, Stencils for Office, Visio by RF Cafe

Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA) - Airplanes and Rockets

Academy of Model Aeronautics

Tower Hobbies logo - Airplanes and Rockets

Tower Hobbies

Horizon Hobby logo - Airplanes and Rockets

Horizon Hobby

Sig Manufacturing - Airplanes and Rockets

Sig Mfg

Brodak Manufacturing - Airplanes and Rockets

Brodak Mfg