While looking through some old issues of American Aircraft Modeler, I was quite
surprised to find that none other than radio great Paul Harvey is (or was) a builder
and flyer of radio controlled airplanes. There was a feature article done by Paul
Harvey in one of the issues in the 1974 timeframe. Mr. Harvey then wrote a regular
column titled "Paul Harvey Views."
Understandably, the column only ran for a few months - probably because
of his extremely busy schedule.
I did a Google search to try to find information on Paul Harvey's modeling activities,
but could not find anything at all. That is when I decided to go ahead and reprint
this one article from the May 1974 edition of American Aircraft Modeler. I hope
he won't mind.
There was an article in the February 2008 edition of Model Aviation that featured
a short article on the saxophone player for the Rolling Stones, Bobby Keys, who
is also an avid RC modeler.

See Paul Harvey columns in the
May 1972,
May 1974, and
December 1974
issues of R/C Modeler magazine.
Posted July 24, 2008