Aeronautical & Aerospace Terms & Definitions
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The wing and horizontal stabilizer
incidence angle are important components of aircraft design that affect the stability
and control of the aircraft. The wing incidence angle is the angle between the chord
line of the wing and the longitudinal axis of the aircraft, while the horizontal
stabilizer is a fixed or adjustable surface located at the rear of the aircraft
that provides stability and control in pitch.
The wing incidence angle is a crucial aspect of aircraft design, as it affects
the lift and pitching moment of the wing. A positive wing incidence angle will cause
the wing to generate lift, while a negative wing incidence angle can cause the wing
to stall or generate a negative pitching moment. The optimal wing incidence angle
for an aircraft will depend on the desired flight characteristics, such as takeoff
and landing performance, cruise speed, and climb rate.
The horizontal stabilizer is designed to counteract the pitching moment produced
by the wing and provide stability and control in pitch. The angle of incidence of
the horizontal stabilizer, also known as the angle of attack, is adjustable and
can be changed to fine-tune the aircraft's stability and control. In some aircraft,
the angle of incidence of the horizontal stabilizer can be adjusted automatically
by the aircraft's control system to maintain a desired pitch attitude.
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