August 1955 Popular Electronics
Table of Contents

August 1955 Popular Electronics

August 1955 Popular Electronics Cover - RF Cafe [Table of Contents]

People old and young enjoy waxing nostalgic about and learning some of the history of early electronics. Popular Electronics was published from October 1954 through April 1985. As time permits, I will be glad to scan articles for you. All copyrights (if any) are hereby acknowledged.


August 1955

Vol. 3, No. 2


Behind the U.L. Label, by E.D. Morgan 31
"Over the Horizon" Transmission 39
Lingo of the Schematic 44
What is an Audio Watt? 84
After Class - Power Transformers 88


Here is a list of all available Popular Electronics articles.


August 1955 Popular Electronics Table of Contents - Airplanes and Rockets



Posted August 16, 2011

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