Espresso Engineering Workbook

Gilbert Erector Set Advertisement
December 1935 Boys' Life

December 1935 Boys' Life

December 1935 Boys' Life - Airplanes and RocketsTable of Contents

The Boy Scouts of America has published Boys' Life since January 1, 1911. I received it for a couple years in the late 1960s while in the Scouts. I have begun buying copies on eBay to look for useful articles. As time permits, I will be glad to scan articles for you. All copyrights (if any) are hereby acknowledged. Here are the Boys' Life issues I have so far.

The the A.C. Gilbert Company was incorporated by founder Alfred Carlton Gilbert, in 1916, in New Hartford, Connecticut. Erector Sets were a very popular learning toy for young boys who liked using their hands and minds to build working models of bridges, towers, cranes, trucks, and all sorts of electro-mechanical contraptions. I owned a couple small Erector Sets as a kid because my parents figured I had a penchant for construction and destruction ;-) This advertisement appeared in the December 1935 issue of Boys' Life magazine. If you ever peruse vintage magazines of any sort, one thing that will stand out is that most men, women, boys and girls are dressed up a bit - almost never in dungarees or work clothes. You could make an argument against the boy shown here wearing a tie when working around a rotating machine. I've viewed many workplace safety films over the years admonishing against loose clothing in the vicinity of drill presses, lathes, saws, etc., due to the potential for being caught up in the machine.

Gilbert Erector Set Advertisement

See What Mighty Mechanical Marvels You Can Build with the Great New Erector.

Gilbert Erector Set Advertisement (December 1935 Boys' Life) - Airplanes and RocketsHello Boys: Look at that giant power plant! You build it yourself with the great new Erector. Piece by piece you erect its massive steel frame. Assemble its enormous flywheel - pistons - governor. Mount its big, shining boilers. Then you hook up the powerful Erector electric engine and it throbs with action.

That's only One of the many exciting engineering models you can build with Erector. You can make that marvelous magnetic crane. Click the switch on the Erector Engine  -pull the control levers and it raises or lowers - swings to the right or left, just as you command. Its magnet is so strong it grabs up steel girders before it touches them.

You can build all of the engineering models shown in the picture - and dozens more - with one Erector set. Enormous drawbridges that actually open and close. Towering airplane beacon that revolves just like the real ones. All-metal airplane. Dump trucks. And, with the new hector Skyscraper sets, you can build sky- scrapers as tall as you.

You're a full-fledged engineer when you have an Erector - ready to build realist, engine-driven models of the world's greatest mechanical marvels. There arc more wonders - more exciting hours of fun-packed in an Erector Set than anything you can own



Posted December 10, 2016



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