RF Cascade Workbook - RF Cafe

Astro-Hog Kit by Berkeley Models

Vintage Model Kit Archive

For the benefit of all the aeromodeling community, I have been collecting images of vintage airplane, helicopter, and boat kits which have appeared on eBay and WorthPoint. Over time, it has been a very good source of photos of it boxes and labels, plans, and all the included kit components - balsa, plywood, hardwood, music wire, canopies, and hardware. Hyperlinks to external websites is kept to a minimum because pages disappear frequently. Copyrights, if any, are hereby acknowledged.

Berkeley Models Astro-Hog Kit - Airplanes and RocketsMy best friend and fellow model airplane and rocket, Jerry Flynn, received a Berkeley models Astro-Hog kit along with a few others and some engines from an associate of his father. The guy's father had died and left behind a bunch of modeling stuff. At the time, neither Jerry nor I had built or flown a radio controlled model, having at the age of around 14 years old not had the money to buy equipment. Back in the early 1970s it was not like today where you could buy R/C models and equipment for very little money. Jerry went ahead and built the Astro-Hog over a timespan of about a year, and during that time he bought a second-hand Futaba 4-channel radio (27.095 MHz version). He did his typically very nice job of building and doping the airplane, and decided to try the maiden flight himself. We reasoned that the safest thing to do was to do an unpowered glide test flight, so we took the Astro-Hog to the top of a local hill in Mayo, Maryland, and tossed it off. It did OK for a few seconds, then stalled and went into the ground. The wreckage was pretty extensive, but Jerry repaired it and tried again. It was balanced properly and rigged straight and true, so this time, we decided having a little power available to prevent the stall would be a good thing. Bad idea. This time the model was able to gain a little extra altitude before plowing into terra firma. The Astro-Hog was a total loss.

Astro-Hog Box Top Details - Airplanes and Rockets 

Astro-Hog Box Top Details 

Astro-Hog Kit Contents - Airplanes and Rockets 

Astro-Hog Kit Contents 

Astro-Hog Plans Title Block - Airplanes and Rockets

Astro-Hog Plans Title Block

Maybe Jerry should have built it as a C/L model; it would have lasted a lot longer!

Astro-Hog Kit Box & Contents - Airplanes and Rockets 

Astro-Hog Kit Box & Contents

It was a huge box full of balsa and plywood!

Astro-Hog Original Plans - Airplanes and Rockets 

Astro-Hog Original Plans

Astro-Hog Plans, by Berkeley Models - Airplanes and Rockets

Download Berkeley Astro-Hog Plans 



Posted August 29, 2020

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