Model Rockets & Space Flight

This list of pages of articles and information for model rockets. The articles are from Air Trails and American Modeler, and there are also a few pages featuring the rocket models that I have built over the years.

As always, if there is something specific you are looking for on this website, please type your keywords into the Search box at the top of the page, just below the website logo.

Apollo 8 Enters Orbit Around Moon on Christmas Eve 1968

NASA "Journey to the Moon" Poster

Estes Model Rocket News - vol. 10, no. 2, June 1970

Estes Model Rocket News - vol. 11, no. 1, January 1971

Estes Model Rocket News - vol. 11, no. 2, June 1971

Estes Model Rocket News - vol. 12, no. 1, January 1972

Estes Model Rocket News - vol. 12, no. 4, September 1972

Estes Model Rocket News - vol. 13, no. 2, July 1973

Estes Model Rocket News - vol. 9, no. 1, February 1969

Estes Model Rocket News - vol. 9, no. 2, September 1969

Countdown: Low-Drag Design - May 1968 American Aircraft Modeler

Rocket Trails - March 1955 Air Trails Hobbies

Bomarc IM-99 - August 1958 American Modeler

Count-Down: Soviet MR-1 Meteo Sounding Rocket - March 1967 American Modeler

Estes Alpha Rocket - My and my son's (Philip) 1st model rocket

Estes Altiscope / AltiTrak - A 'close enough' instrument for measuring altitude

Estes Avenger Rocket - My 1st 2-stage model rocket

Rocket Trails: Boost Gliders: Winged "Birds" - March/April 1963 American Modeler

Estes Cobra 3-Engine Cluster Rocket - My 1st 3-engine cluster model rocket

Estes Falcon Rocket Boost Glider - My 1st rocket boost glider model

Estes 1971 Model Rocketry Catalog - This has all the models I built as a kid

Estes Gemini DC Rocket - My daughter's (Sally) 1st model rocket

Gemini VII Launch Announcement - December 4, 1965 TV Guide

Estes Gyroc Rocket - My 1st spin recovery system model rocket

Honest John Rocket Article - September 1968 American Aircraft Modeler

Estes Mercury Redstone Rocket - The original kits required much more construction skill

Milestone in Mankato: Ninth Rocketry Nats - January 1968 American Aircraft Modeler

My Model Rockets - As best as I can recall, these are the rockets I built as a kid

National Association of Rocketry Membership Application - January 1968 American Aircraft Modeler

Nike Smoke Sounding Rocket - April 1968 American Aircraft Modeler

Estes Orbital Transport - Rocket boost with separating glider

Philip with His First Estes Alpha Rocket - Smithsburg, Maryland

Estes Porta-Pad - The originals were wooden

Rocket Battle at Denver - April 1962 American Modeler

"Rocket College" for Model Makers - August 1959 American Modeler

Model Rocket Manufacturers & Retailers - A handy-dandy list

Rockets & Missiles at the Udvar-Hazy Center - May 10, 2012 visit to the Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center (NASM), in Chantilly, Virginia.

National Association of Rocketry Membership Application - January 1968 American Aircraft Modeler

Rocket Trails - August 1962 American Modeler

Rocket Trails: Boost/Gliders on Upswing - July/August 1963 American Modeler

Rocket Trails - We Lead the U.S.S.R. - July 1962 American Modeler

Rocket Trails - How to Get Started in Model Rocketry - June 1962 American Modeler

Rocket Trails: 1962 Nationals Pix - December 1962 American Modeler

Rocket Trails - November/December 1963 American Modeler

Estes Zinger Rocket - My daughter, Sally, with her rocket

Semroc Saturn 1B Rocket - If you can find an original Estes kit, it'll run you $400 or more. Yet to be built...

Estes Saturn V Rocket - My pride and joy

Semroc Model Rocket Fin Alignment Guide - This is a very handy tool

Semroc Hawk Boost Glider Rocket Kit - Another hard to find original Estes kit.

Semroc Shrike Model Rocket Kit - Yet to be built...

Semroc V-2 Rocket Kit - I always wanted to have one of these when I was a kid, but never did.

This NATS Was for the Birds - 1963 Annual Edition American Modeler

The Truth About the Russian Space Program - July 1968 American Modeler

Peanuts Toys - Featuring Snoopy the Astronaut - 1969 Sears Christmas Wish Book

Estes Viking Rocket - Daughter, Sally's, model

Wombat Rocket-Boost Glider Plans - Compliments of David Wagner

X-Acto Advertisement - December 1962 American Modeler

Estes Yankee Rocket - Philip's first model rocket that he built by himself

Billy Blastoff - 1969 Sears Christmas Wish Book

G.I. Joe Astronaut's "Spacewalk" Outfit - 1969 Sears Christmas Wish Book

Revell's Saturn V and Visible V-8 Engine Models - 1969 Sears Christmas Wish Book

Rockets Away! More Than 500 Students Participate in NASA Student Launch Projects Challenge - NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center

First Music Live from Space by Wally Schirra & Thomas Stafford - December 16, 1965, Gemini 5

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