Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA) Plans Service - Airplanes and Rockets

Snowbird - The World's1st Successful Ornithopter

Leonardo Da Vinci's conceptual design for a flapping-wing flying machine - Airplanes and RocketsOn August 2, 2009, students from the University of Toronto Institute of Technology set a world record for sustained man-powered ornithopter flight - 19.3 seconds, covering a distance of 145 meters at an average speed of 25.6 k/hr. The included video records that flight which took place at the Great Lakes Gliding Club in Tottenham in Ontario, Canada, in the "Snowbird" 1st Sustained Human-Powered Ornithopter Flight - Airplanes and Rocketspresence of the Federation Aeronautique Internationale (FAI). The "Snowbird" weighs in at just 45 kg (99 pounds w/o pilot), and has a wing span of 32 meters (105 feet), and is powered by a 0.3 hp engine (the human pilot). Model building skills and materials are used throughout; e.g., carbon fiber, Styrofoam and balsa, CA glue and vacuum-bagging laminated assemblies. Details of the aircraft structure and wing-flapping device are hard to find.

Here is the video of the epic event

Ruh-Roh, here's what also happened...



Posted March 22, 2013

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