Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA) Plans Service - Airplanes and Rockets

Estes Altiscope / AltiTrak

Estes AltiscopeEstes Altiscope kit (Cat. No. 651-A-1) - Airplanes and RocketsHere are the vintage Estes Altiscope (left) and AltiTrak (right). The one I had back in the 1970s was the wooden Altiscope. It used a plastic tube filled with kerosene as a level indicator. The AltiTrak one is a newer incarnation made of plastic and is held like a pistol. It uses a weighted plumb bob as an indicator.

Both models work on the right triangle completion principle. You stand off a predetermined distance from where you expect the rocket to be at apogee (its high point of flight), and then follow it up with your instrument. At the highest point, you lock the angle indicator on the protractor. You can see the concept in the picture to the left (click for a larger version).

The base of the right angle angle is the side adjacent to the measured angle (θ), which makes the vertical line to the apogee the side opposite the measured angle. Since the tangent of an angle is equal to the quotient of the side opposite divided by the side adjacent (which you determined at the beginning), that leaves the altitude being:

Altitude = Base * tan (θ)

Estes Altiscope - Airplanes and RocketsWhen I was a teenager trying to use my Altiscope, I didn't know a tangent from a schmangent. Fortunately, Estes provided a table of values. Yes, teachers had attempted to learn me about trigonometry, but I wasn't having any of it. As they did with many other rocket-related topics, Estes produced a very nice Estes Altiscopepamphlet entitled "Estes Industries Technical Report TR−3, Altitude Tracking," Cat. No. 651−TR−3. NASA has a do-it-yourself Altitude Tracker plan for building a simpler type of height measuring device (here it is on in case NASA disappears due to being too White for them these days).

Estes Altiscope kit contents (Cat. No. 651-A-1) - Airplanes and Rockets

Estes Altiscope Kit  (Cat. No. 651−A−1)

Here is a list of my other rocket models.



Posted March 20, 2023
(updated from original post on 5/15/2011)

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