Front of Sears store at Friendly Center in Greensboro, NC

Sears tool department entrance at Friendly Center

Craftsman tool department at Sears in Friendly Center

Sears at Friendly Center

Melanie on the escalator in Sears at Friendly Center

What remains of the Sears at Friendly Center

Upstairs clothing and kitchen appliance departments at Sears
in Friendly Center

Sears Auto Center shut down in Friendly Center
Call me a hopeless nostalgist when it comes to favored institutions I grew up
with. I miss
Montgomery Ward, and
Radio Shack stores. I miss
Uncle Ben on the converted rice package, and the Indian squaw on the
Land O'Lakes margarine package. I miss trips to
Video stores on Saturday to pick up a movie on VHS tape, and walking through
R Us during the Christmas season. General Foods, Woolworth, Eastern Airlines,
Circuit City, Western Auto, Drug Fair, Read's Drug, Britt's Department Stores, Lafayette
Radio, A&P Grocery, Northern Reflections, Hechinger Home Improvement, Babbage's
Software. All those and more were part of my growing up in the Annapolis, Maryland
area (with
Parole Plaza being the prime shopping complex in the era).
One of the things I miss the most is the old
Sear, Roebuck and Co. stores - particularly the Craftsman tools and lawn and garden
sections. My parents bought just about everything from Sears, from us kids' (five
of us) school clothing, to household appliances, to lawn mowers, to furniture. Sears'
Open Hearth sofas, chairs, end tables, etc. (pretty sure we had
this), were
nice wood and cloth designs which wore well and were fairly inexpensive (which is
why we bought them). Of course the
Sears Wish Book and
Montgomery Ward Christmas catalogs were anxiously watched for in the mailbox
each Fall.
Tragically, our local Sears in Erie, Pennsylvania, closed its doors just before
Christmas in 2015. It was always the entrance and exit point of our weekly Sunday
excursions for walking the Millcreek Mall, of course always parking nearest to
the tool department door. Sundays have never been the same since then. Nearly every
Sears store in the country has shut down by now. Melanie and I recently moved back
to the Greensboro, North Carolina, area, and to my surprise and delight I discovered
that the Sears in the Friendly Center shopping complex is still open! The Auto Center
has shut down, but the main store is still in business.
Admittedly, the merchandise stock level is pathetically low, and the place is
like a ghost town inside, but it still fundamentally looks like the Sears I remember
from when we first moved to NC back in 2001. Only two employees were anywhere in
sight on the ground floor, and I didn't see any upstairs. It was a bittersweet experience.
Melanie dubbed the place a "Sears Museum." Out of a sense of customer loyalty, we
bought a couple items (Craftsman tools - now primarily sold by Lowes - and shirts) with the
Sears brand name on them. There just wasn't much to choose from.
The pictures shown on this page are evidence that yes, there is still at least
one Sears store left in the world, and it's about 12 miles from my home. Now that
I know it's here, we'll make a habit of stopping in occasionally. I could almost
feel the ghosts of people hustling and bustling - especially at Christmastime -
in days gone by. I feel I did my part to help keep Sears alive, since most of my
hand tools and workshop power tools are Craftsman - some of them I've owned for
more than four decades. Melanie still wears the Lands' End clothes from days gone
by. This is what happens when you cross the 60-year point...
Posted April 6, 2022