Du-Bro Tristar Helicopter Wanted - Airplanes and Rockets

Please Donate to AirplanesAndRockets.com

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Please consider making a donation toward my labor running the AirplanesAndRockets.com website. Keeping fresh information posted is time consuming and costly.

Please be as generous as possible - $5 doesn't buy what it bought just a couple years ago thanks to massive inflation. In fact, according to the BLS's Inflation Calculator it is equivalent to $2.49 compared to when RFCafe.com began as ModelAirplanes on Earthlink in 1996. I don't get cost of living increases, have no insurance, no investments, and no retirement plan.


An alternative could be to donate test equipment, technical books, or other hardware items that might not be useful to you any more. I can always find a good use for stuff.

I have never passed on personal information about website visitors (e-mail address, name, etc.).


Thank you.



Kirt Blattenberger

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