During World War II, the Allied powers were the countries and nations that
united to fight against the Axis powers and their aggression.
The major Allied powers included:
United States, Soviet Union (after it was invaded by Germany in 1941), United
Kingdom, China - aka "the Big Four" - along with France (after its liberation in 1944), Canada, Australia,
Poland and
New Zealand. These were the principal nations forming the
Allies. However, as the war progressed, many other countries via the
"Declaration by United Nations" also joined the
Allied coalition, either by declaring war on the Axis or providing material and financial support.
Some of these countries included:
Poland, Belgium, Norway, Netherlands, Greece, Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia
(before its occupation by Germany), Brazil, India (as part of the British
Empire), and South Africa (as part of the British Commonwealth). Various other
nations from Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Americas also contributed in
different ways to the Allied cause. The coalition of the Allied powers played a
crucial role in ultimately defeating the Axis powers and bringing an end to
World War II.
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