Following on the
heels of Air Trails: Hobbies for Young Men magazine
(October 1928 through October 1955) was the replacement
Young Men • Hobbies • Aviation • Careers. It lasted for a mere
13 issues before being re-named American Modeler. This issue,
November 1956, was the final edition, and included an announcement of the name change. The reason given was that readers
were more interested in a concentration on strictly aeromodeling topics. Personally, I liked the mix of full-scale aircraft
and aerospace career articles along with the modeling aspect.
Thanks to Bob Balsie for scanning the pages.
Final Edition Farewell Message

An Announcement of Special Importance to Model Builders Everywhere ... of All Ages ... Expert or Beginner ... Amateur
or Professional
On Sale Nationally November 8:

Street & Smith's All-Model Magazine Featuring the Best in Model Planes, Radio Control and Model Boating
In response to the ever-increasing demand for a model building magazine devoted to the model plane, radio control and
model boat enthusiast, Street & Smith Publications, Inc., announces that effective with the next issue (December 1956
- on sale nationally November 8), this publication becomes "American Modeler."
In the forthcoming December issue of "American Modeler" you will find the best in model editorial reporting. Highlights
include the first complete report on a brand-new air-model competition that may well become the biggest free flight event
ever, a helpful, interesting report that everyone can understand on a new model engine, and an important "here's how" feature
directed to every newcomer to control line modeling.
Top-notch columnists and contributors include Howard McEntee writing as only he can on "Radio Control"; Walt Jefferies
offering scale views of the Martin P6M-1 Seamaster; Dick Everett presenting "West Coast Modeling"; and H. A. Thomas with
his incomparable "Sketchbook" drawings. Specially selected projects like Cal Smith's radio-controlled guided missile ship,
Walt Musciano's scale Lockheed Lightning P-38 control line plane and Lloyd Curtis' contest-proven "Curtis Special" stunter
make this a real collector's issue!

"American Modeler"
Street & Smith Publications, Inc.
304 East 45th Street
New York 17, N. Y.
Posted May 7, 2016