1 Joint Winner and World ChampionĀ·- Tom Brett, U.S.A.
Engine, K&B 45; Prop, Rev-Up 11 x 6; Model, Original "Perigee";
Span, 60 7/8"; Length, 50"; Weight, 84 ounces; Wing Area, 570 sq.
in.; Wing Thickness, 15%; Radio, Orbit Superhet 10 Channel. Helen
Brett cleans up model after its winning flight.

3 C. Olsen, Great Britain. Engine, Merco 49; Prop,
Tornado Nylon 11" x 6" (cut down from 12" dia.); Model, Original
"Uproar"; Span, 66"; Length, 50"; Weight, 94 ounces; Wing Area,
756 sq. in.; Wing Thickness, 12% (NACA 0012); Radio, Homebuilt 10
channel receiver (Super Regen with relays).

5 Don Brown; U.S.A. Engine, Merco 49 (deBolt clank
tank); Prop, 12 x 6 Tornado Nylon; Model, Original "Ambassador";
Span, 74"; Length, 50"; Weight, 103 ounces; Wing Area, 768 sq. in.;
Wing Thickness, 15% (semi-symmetrical); Radio, Original Quadruplex
proportional system (Dee Bee servos).

7 J. M. Malherbe, South Africa. Engine, Veco 45;
Prop, Top Flite 11 x 6; Model, Modified "Stormer" (flat-top type,
full span ailerons, tricycle); Span, 64"; Length, 52"; Weight, 84
ounces; Wing Area, 720 sq. in.; Wing Thickness, 15%; Radio, Orbit
10 Channel (Transistorized Superhet). Mechanic Bob Dunham is bundled
up against chilling wind. Malherbe built six similar models, all
weighed within 2-oz.! One of two at Kenley RAF air base seen in

9 W. Robinson, U.S.A. Engine, K&B 45; Prop,
Rev-Up 1 x 6; Model, Original "Moody 2" (based on Jack Butler's
original Moody) has lower cabin and narrower fuselage; Span, 72";
Length, 56"; Weight, 100 ounces; Wing Area, 756 sq. in.; Wing Thickness,
17%; Radio, Orbit 10 channel all transistorized Superhet (all transistorized
transmitter, Transmite servos).

11 H. Gast, Germany. Engine, K&B 45; Prop,
Tornado Nylon 12 x 6; Model, "Stormer" (Flat-Top version), with
tricycle gear, no canopy, 1/2 span ailerons; Span, 71"; Length,
51"; Weight, 84 1/2 ounces; Wing Area, 720 sq. in.; Wing Thickness,
15%; Radio, Bellaphon, with tune filters.

13 T. Corghi, Italy. Engine, Super Tigre 56; Prop,
Super Record 11 x 6; Model, Original - by Corghi and R. Bacchi.
(Unique in having slight wing sweepback; low wing had half span
ailerons, tricycle landing gear); Span, 72"; Length, 56"; Weight,
98 3/4 ounces; Wing Area, 852 1/2 sq. in.; Wing Thickness, 17%;
Radio, Controlaire superhet relayless (cells taped to outside of
transmitter case). Mechanic Bacchi shown with model.

15 P. Eliasson, Sweden. Engine, Merco 49;
Prop, Tornado Nylon 12 x 5; Model, "Mustfire" original, based on
Mustang and Spitfire, designed by mechanic J. von Segebaden, a wind
tunnel engineer, and fully worked out from design angle, not hit
and miss effort; Span, 69 1/2"; Length, 52"; Weight, 120 ounces;
Wing Area, 790 1/2 sq. in.; Wing Thickness, 12%; Radio, Ace-Kraft
10 channel custom superhet.

17 P. Louis, Belgium. Engine, K&B 45;
Prop, Power Prop 12 x 6; Model, "Nimbus" (Tom Brett design); full
span ailerons, tricycle gear; Span, 68"; Length, 56"; Weight, 100
ounces; Wing Area, 716 sq. in.; Wing Thickness, 15%; Radio, Orbit
10 channel Superhet, Transmite servos.

19 A. Matthey, Switzerland. Engine, O. S. Max 49;
Prop, Super Record (Italian) 11 x 6; Model, "Orion" with nose 3"
longer than standard; Span, 68"; Length, 51"; Weight, 120 ounces;
Wing Area, 700 sq. in.; Wing Thickness, 15%; Radio, F&M 10 channel
Hercules receiver with only 8 channels used. Midas transmitter .
Transmite servos.

21 A. Bickel, Switzerland. Engine, K&B 45;
Prop, Tornado Nylon 12 x 4; Model, Original - neat, straight tapered
surfaces - little dihedral, well cowled, side-mounted engine; Span,
74"; .Length, 51"; Weight 130 ounces; Wing Area, 821 1/2 sq. in.;
Wing Thickness, 14%; Radio, Nievergelt (original), pneumatic, home
made servos.

23 (top) F. Plessier, France. Engine, K&B 35;
Prop, Top Flite 10 x 6; Model, Original "Grrr!" (sharks teeth on
nose); Plessier is Major and test pilot in French Air Force, flies
Mirage, claims his "Grrr!" was dirtiest model at Championships!
Model slabsider, shoulder wing, dural landing gear (with axle);
flew fine; Span, 62"; Length, 45"; Weight, 80 ounces; Wing Area,
682 sq. in.; Wing Thickness, 15% (RAF 30); Radio,' Grauppner 10
channel Bellaphon, relay, triple proportional. 24 (bottom)
J. Levenstam, Sweden. Engine, Merco 49; Prop, Tornado Nylon
12 x 4; Model, "Sonic-Cruiser" (deBolt kit design); Span, 68"; Length,
50"; Weight, 110 ounces; Wing Area, 710 sq. in.; Wing Thickness,
12%; Radio, R.E.P. 8 Octon by Honest-Redlich, 8 channel, relay.

27 P. Marrot, France. Engine, K&B 45; Prop,
Power Prop 12 x 6; Model, Original; Span, 70"; Weight, 106 ounces;
Wing Area, 840 sq. in.; Wing Thickness, 12% (NACA 2412); Radio,
Original relayless 9 channel, with home-made reeds. Servo is transistor
amplified; relay fitted inside servo case neutralizes servo on "off."

29 P. Velichkovsky, USSR. Engine, Super Tigre
35; Prop, Rev-Up 11 x 6; Model, Original. Semi-scale low-wing, access
to R/C through large canopy (he also had another model, with Fox
59, which he crashed early in contest); Span, 74"; Length, 54";
Weight, 116 ounces; Wing Area, 775 sq. in.; Wing Thickness, 15%;
Radio, Home-made 10 channel. Team member Arler shown with model.

31 W. de Mulder, Holland. Engine, K&B
45; Prop, Tornado Nylon 12 x 6; Model, Orion modified; ailerons
had hinge point moved back to give aerodynamic balance; Span, 72";
Length, 49 1/2"; Weight, 113 ounces; Wing Area, 690 sq. in.;
Wing Thickness, 15%; Radio, Copy of Orbit 10 channel relayless.

1 Joint Winner - Harry Brooks, Great Britain. Engine, McCoy
60 (Rogers custom-rebuilt, Johnson Automix Throttle); Prop, Tornado
Nylon 12 x 6; Model, Original "Reb"; Span, 69"; Length, 50"; Weight,
122 ounces; Wing Area, 695 sq. in.; Wing Thickness, 15%; Radio,
F&M Superhet 10 Channel.

4 Frank Van den Bergh, Great Britain. Engine, Merco
49; Prop, Tornado Nylon 12 x 6; Model, Original "Sky Dancer"; Span,
60"; Length, 50"; Weight, 104 ounces; Wing Area, 690 sq. in.; Wing
Thickness, 12 1/2%; Radio, Orbit Superhet 10 Channel. Frank is seen
with Team Manager Stewart Uwins (at left).

6 F. Bosch, Germany. Engine, Super Tigre 56; Prop,
Tornado Nylon 11 x 6; Model, "Voltswagon"; Span, 70"; Length, 51";
Weight, 120 ounces; Wing Area, 650 sq. in.; Wing Thickness, 8%;
Radio, OMUĀ·Multi-control (relayless, Transmite servos). Wife is
rated as Grade A mechanic!

8 G. Samaan, Germany. Engine, Merco 49; Prop, Tornado
Nylon 11 x 6; Model, Original; Span, 74"; Length, 52"; Weight, 81
ounces; Wing Area, 806 sq. in.; Wing Thickness, 14%; Radio, Graupner
Belaphon 10 channel, simult. & proport. (Polyton transmitter
- fully tranisistorized, but Super Regen relays.) Samaan, wearing
Walt Good's AMA cap - a popular swap item, is former Wakefield champ.

10 C. Teuwen, Belgium. Engine, K&B 45; Prop,
Tornado Nylon 12 x 6; Model, "Valkyrie 2" based on Bill Bertrand's
design, but with 2" longer original fuselage. Stab area also increased
and 15% thick wing in place of 9%. Wing section changed to NACA
2415 and symmetrical at tip; Span, 71 1/2"; Length, 50"; Weight,
114 ounces; Wing Area, 720 sq. in.; Wing Thickness, 15%; Radio,
Orbit 10 channel Superhet (transistorized transmitter).

12 A. Bellochio, Italy. Engine, K&B 45;
Prop, Power Prop R/C 12 x 6; Model, Original design; Best of his
3 models was damaged due to broken aileron linkage during practice
landing; Span, 68"; Length, 50"; Weight, 113 ounces; Wing Area,
666 1/2 sq. in.; Wing Thickness, 16%; Radio, Orbit 10 channel Superhet,
Orbit transistorized transmitter, Transmite servos. Mechanic Scaglia
shown with model.

14 M. Kato, Japan. Engine, K&B 45; Prop, Top
Flite 11 x 6; Model, Original "Thunderchief" (showed Orion influence);
Span, 68"; Length, 49 1/2"; Weight, 80 ounces; Wing Area, 682 sq.
in.; Wing Thickness, 15% (NACA 2415); Radio, Orbit 10 channel Superhet
(with Kato's own M.K. servos).

16 A. Sauthier, Switzerland. Engine, K&B
45; Prop, Tornado Nylon 11 x 6; Model, Original; had hardly any
dihedral, (named "Horus");' Span, 69"; Weight, 109 ounces; Wing
Area, 772 sq. in.; Wing Thickness, 12%; Radio, C. G. Hercules 10
channel receiver; C. G. Midas transmitter; Transmites servos. Mechanic
Maret shown with plane

18 R. Dilot, Sweden. Engine, K&B 45; Prop,
Tornado Nylon 12 x 5; Model, "Orion" modified, tricycle landing
gear (not steerable); Span, 69 1/2" Length, 50"; Weight, 105 1/2
ounces: Wing Area, 690 sq. in.; Wing Thickness, 15%; Radio, Bramco
relayless (removed relays and changed circuit).

20 J. De Dobbeleer, Belgium. Engine, K&B 45;
Prop, Power Prop 12 x 6; Model; "Orion" modified, increased area
ailerons; Span, 72"; Length, 51"; Weight, 100 ounces; Wing Area,
619 sq. in.; Wing Thickness, 15%; Radio, Orbit 10 channel Superhet.

22 H. Oki, Japan. Engine, Enya 45 T.V.; Prop, Tornado
Nylon 11 x 6; Model, Original (showed Orion influence), steerable
nose-wheel; Span, 70"; Length, 49"; Weight, 106 ounces; Wing Area,
705 sq. in.; Wing Thickness, 15%; Radio, Chimitron 10 channel, relay,
super regen, Duramite servos.

25 V. Miliani, Italy. Engine, Super Tigre 56; Prop,
Tornado Nylon 12 x 6; Model, Astro Hog (had vertical wire spike
on nose to slow model on landing); Span, 72 1/2"; Length, 53"; Weight,
134 ounces; Wing Thickness, 15%; Radio, Alletti relayless 10 channel;
Transmite servos.

26 F. Martens, Holland. Engine, K&B 45; Prop;
Tornado Nylon 12 x 6; Model, Orion; Span, 72"; Length, 50"; Weight,
113 ounces; Wing Area, 690 sq. in.; Wing Thickness, 15%; Radio,
Home-made Orbit 10 channel relayless (copied from production receiver).

28 A.A. Arler, USSR. Engine, Webra Twin F.6;
Prop, Hand carved 13 x 6; Model, Original (designer Alexander Arler,
40, is a model building teacher at Moscow Central Air Club, building
R/C models for 10 years. Model had tricycle gear, detachable wing
panels (from 4" stubs attached to fuselage, detachable tailsurfaces);
Span, 94"; Length, 58"; Weight, 135 ounces; Wing Area, 1080 sq.
in.; Wing Thickness, 11.5%; Radio, "Rum-1," produced by Soviet Aero
Club. 8 channels. Pneumatic, reed.

30 W. van de Hoek, Holland. Engine, Veco 29;
Prop, Tornado 9 x 4; Model, Original. Low-wing, Tricycle gear, brakes
on front leg, not steerable; Span, 60 1/2"; Length, 45 1/2"; Weight,
84 1/2 ounces; Wing Area, 600 sq. in.; Wing Thickness, 12%; Radio,
Orbit home-made 8 channel, 2 transistors, 1 tube. Vacuum system.

32 P. Stephansen, Norway. Engine, Enya 29; Prop,
Tornado Nylon 10 x 4; Model, Original; shoulder wing, dural gear;
Span, 57"; Length, 46"; Weight, 87 ounces; Wing Thickness, 17 1/2%;
Radio, Home-made, 3 channel proportional, all transistorized. Model
crashed due to temperature difference problems. It was cold when
tuned before contest, hot during most of contest. |