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Testors Advertisement May 1954 Model Airplane News

May 1954 Model Airplane News

May 1954 Model Airplane News - Airplanes and RocketsTable of Contents

These pages from vintage modeling magazines like Flying Aces, Air Trails, American Modeler, American Aircraft Modeler, Young Men, Flying Models, Model Airplane News, R/C Modeler, captured the era. All copyrights acknowledged.

"The Testor Corporation has been manufacturing products for hobby, craft, and home decorating for more than eight decades. Since 1929, the oval Testor logo has been associated with quality and integrity. Testor hobby finishing materials and accessories, plastic model kits, craft paints and supplies, and airbrushes are sold world-wide, satisfying the demand for these fine products. Testor currently staffs a manufacturing facility in Rockford." - from the Testors "About Us" page. This advertisement appeared in a 1954 edition of Model Airplane News

Testors Advertisement

Testors Advertisement, May 1954 Model airplane News - Airplanes and Rockets

"39" Fuel Helps Set New World's Model Plane Endurance Flight Record of 8 Hours, 31 Minutes, 50 Seconds...


Model Record

The mechanical-minded young and not-so-young who fly model airplanes in tethered circles have a new mark to fly at. Last week Sherman Holt, 14, of Fayetteville, N.C. kept a model plane in the air for 8 hrs.31 min. and 50 sec., leaving his nearest competitor more than seven hours behind.

Farm Boy Holt built his first (5c) model at the age of six. Since then he has been working toward bigger projects. A few weeks ago he had the idea of refueling his latest model through a plastic tube running up the control wire. With the help from older fans, he fitted the model with an extra gas tank and rigged the plastic tube.

First trial which was at night, lasted for 3 hrs. 43 min., but was cut off after a counter-offensive by kept-awake neighbors. A good part of Fayetteville was on hand during Sherman's next flight. Every seven minutes or so, he pumped fresh gasoline into the tank. The flight would have lasted even longer if the extra gas tank had not vibrated loose. If the model had been flying in a straight line, it would have covered 257 air miles.

As Reported in Time Magazine

Fay Ridenour

Pilot Holt & Craft

From the neighbors, a counter-offensive.

... Impressive evidence that Testors "39" is the all-purpose fuel that you can count on for really dependable performance

The article at the left - reprinted from Time Magazine of September 28, 1953 - gives you the fascinating story of how 14-year old Sherman Holt, Fayetteville, N. C., set a new world's endurance flight record for model airplanes last fall.

For his ingenious engineering, flying ability, resourcefulness, and physical stamina, model-builders everywhere give him congratulations and well-deserved applause.

Here at Testors, we share in the pride of his achievement because he used Testors "39" Fuel - exclusively - in his record-shattering flight! Documented reports read that when the plane landed - hours, 31 minutes, 50 seconds, and 16 pints of fuel after the take-off - the motor was still in good condition!

You, too, will find Testors "39" an all-purpose fuel that wll give you the engine-protecting flight performance you want for any kind of stunt, contest, or just-for-fun flying! It's available in half-pints, pints, and quarts at your favorite hobby shop ...

(Left to right) Here you see record-holder Sherman Holt, his official time-keeper from Piedmont Airlines at Grannis Field, Fayetteville, N.C. where the flight took place, and co-pilot J. W. Cronise who assisted Sherman during the long grind. (Inset above) Camera study of Sherman Holt at the control lines.

Testor Chemical Company Rockford, Illinois



Posted March 22, 2014

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