Models in Birmingham, Model Supply Stores in Manchester, B.M.W Models in London, Hert's Hobbyshop in Stevenage, The Model
Shop in Leeds, Caldonia Model Co. in Glasgow, Westbourne Model Supplies in Bournemouth, Model Aircraft Supplies Ltd. in
London, Redgates in Sheffield, Roland Scott (the modeling specialist) in Bolton, Le-Core Bros. in Rochester, Howe's Model
Shop in Oxford, Radar Co. Ltd in Hong Kong, Central Aircraft Co. Pty. in Australia. Those are all hobby shops of Jolly
Old England
(and her territories) of the bygone days listed in a 1960s issue of Aero Modeller
magazine. Some might still be in existence today, but given the demise of so many good hobby shops with the advent of the
Internet, it is doubtful any in this extensive list remain. You old-timers out there might find yourselves waxing nostalgic
over this list. Please send me a note if you know of any of the shops in the list that are still open for business.
Modelling Traders' Ads

Posted May 14, 2016