Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA) Plans Service - Airplanes and Rockets

Model World on the International Scene
October 1967 American Modeler

October 1967 American Modeler

October 1967 American Modeler magazine cover Table of Contents

These pages from vintage modeling magazines like Flying Aces, Air Trails, American Modeler, American Aircraft Modeler, Young Men, Flying Models, Model Airplane News, R/C Modeler, captured the era. All copyrights acknowledged.

The fictitious 'Plaster of Paris Aircraft Corporation,' comprised of a couple university of Michigan professors and a handful of students constructed three giant scale models of what were probably originally Guillows rubber powered model airplane plans. They were intended as outdoor display models and were the basis of a study in materials and construction. The Fokker DR-1 spanned 16', and two 18' span SE-5 Scouts were built, and then auctioned off. Also in the story is a British model airplane contest.

English modelers Jack Morton, Chris Olsen, Mick Charles and Dave Platt - Airplanes and RocketsMagnificent Men and Their Movie Machines

English modelers Jack Morton, Chris Olsen, Mick Charles and Dave Platt, shown with probably the finest flying scale models ever, produced in only five weeks, to provide realistic radio controlled models for a film concerning the Battle of Britain in World War II. Cancellation of film production ended the project but successful test flights were made.

The Hurricane weighed 11 lbs. 6 oz. - Airplanes and RocketsThe Hurricane weighed 11 lbs. 6 oz., had a 6' 8" span. The Stuka, right, weighed 11 lbs. 14 oz.; wing area of 1500 sq. inches. Both were powered by Super Tigre .71 engines with special 14 X 6 props. The ME 110 weighed 16 lbs., flew with OS .60 engines. Underway when the project ended were a Spitfire, an ME 109 and a nine ft. Heinkel III!

Arnold Nelson, of Long Beach, California - Airplanes and RocketsHalf a Wing is Better

Arnold Nelson, of Long Beach, California, showed last June what could be done in FAI control-line speed without a tuned exhaust by clocking 149.73 mph. Engine was a front rotor Super Tigre G-15. Asymetrical design is similar to that flown to third place by Chuck Schuette at the 1966 world championships in England.

Still in Tune

Last year's CL speed world champion, Bill Wisniewski - Airplanes and Rockets

Last year's CL speed world champion, Bill Wisniewski, beat the AMA Class A record with a flight of 169.9 mph in June with the famous .15 size T.W.A. tuned exhaust engine, on "hot" rather than standard FAI fuel - latter is limited to 20% Nitro; record fuel was K & B with 60%. Roger Theobald, right, Bill's second place partner at '66 champs, continues team work at U.S. meets.

16-ft. wingspan Fokker Triplane - Airplanes and RocketsKing Size Kit?

Actually put up for auction by famous Christies of London at their New York offices this year, complete with "six ft. doubled rubber motor" was this 16-ft. wingspan Fokker Triplane giant model airplane, weighing 300 lbs. Also up for sale were two 18-ft. span SE-5 Scouts and a giant model box about 1 ft. by 4 by 10 ft.

The models and box were made by two University of Michigan professors, according to a story in the Detroit Free Press newspaper. George Manupelli and Joseph Wehrer of Ann Arbor were identified as the craftsmen who built the models as an outdoor sculpture experiment in construction and materials. Note numbered parts.

They started by building one of the giants for the Fourth of July holiday last year and kept going until three were completed. Aiding the project were wives, students and sympathizers who organized the effort under the name of the Plaster of Paris Aircraft Corporation.

Much better than a sun dial, we think, on your lawn!

It Didn't Win!

SBD-5 Dauntless for the 1967 British Nationals - Airplanes and RocketsDave Platt, who proved how fast he could build a superb flying scale model for the movies (see opposite page), followed that project with a spectacular SBD-5 Dauntless for the 1967 British Nationals. The McCoy .60 powered RC craft crashed just before the Nats but was rebuilt in a week of continued frantic effort.

Flying at the Nats without adequate time for thorough adjustment, the Dauntless was not able to place first - that went to an equally amazing Percival Provost model by R. Yates - but Platt's entry was probably the most photographed.

The British Nationals, incidentally, is renowned for magnificent scale jobs and unstinting effort.

A Wing and a Prayer

English free flighter Mike Gaster - Airplanes and RocketsFamous English free flighter Mike Gaster shows off classic launch technique at the British National meet last May. Model is Open Power entry with Cox .15 engine, aptly named Gastove.

British FF models are now required to use snuffer tubes for dethermalizer fuses as a precautionary move by the national organization, the SMAE, to prevent possible loss of flying sites by fire hazard.













Posted May 12, 2013

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