For a while it seemed like the tensions between Russia and the United Sates was easing, but in the last few years
our foreign policy has been so whacky that nobody trusts us. Former allies can't stand us anymore and those who always
hated us hate us even more. 1962 was the height of the Cold War where the world's only two nuclear powers sat with
their fingers on the nuclear launch button, ready to engage in Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD). When the World
Control Line Championships were held in Kiev in 1962, the free world country participants came away agreeing that
the whole affair was rigged, fraught with incompetence, or a combination of the two. Communism has never bred excellence
- just marginal functionality and apathy. The U.S. seems to be adopting the Red way these days with central government
planning and a dependent class of non-producers receiving bread and water (and cellphones ) from the ruling powers
who take it by force from the productive memebers... it's going to be a rough ride. A detailed account of the event
was printed in the January/February 1963 edition of
American Modeler.
Keelhauled at Kiev? Photos from the USSR
Conducted last September at a lovely site in an amusement park on an island in the middle of the Dnieper River
near Kiev, Russia, many non-Iron Curtain modelers returned home with the opinion that most of the proceedings of the
World Control Line Championship meet were "all wet". Organized by the Central Aero Club of the U.S.S.R., the U-Control
"world series" featured flat fuel, biased judging, no practice facilities, too high and whipping flights by the Russians
who took the Stunt and Team Race team titles. Hungary walked off with the speed crown. Complete details in next
American Modeler by eye-witnesses.

America's Team Racing representatives at Kiev, from left: Edwards Jr and Edwards Sr who build as a team, young
Phil is the pilot; Stockton, builder and flyer, Jehlik, pitman, Johnson, pilot, and Ayres, builder and mech.

USA stunt men in the FAI Championships were (from left): Williams, Silhavy, and Southwick. Scale-like "Caudron"
was Williams' entry.

Starting up his stunt entry (center) is Russia's Sirotkine, who led the aerobatic competition during its early
stages, later took the Team Race event. At far left is USSR team manager Mischa Vassiltchenko. Read the full report
in next A.M.

Members of the World Champion speed team, from far left: Krizsma, who placed first, Toth, and Bathge; plus
team manager R. Beck.

Bill Ayres of Pittsburgh with one of the American team racers.

Sixteen year old Juhadi Kari of Finland turned in spectacular stunt performance, placed 2nd in final individual
standings to acclaim of many experts.
Posted July 13, 2014