Espresso Engineering Workbook

"Guests and Hosts"
June 1960 Aero Modeller

June 1960 Aero Modeller

June 1960 Aero Modeller - Airplanes and RocketsTable of Contents

These pages from vintage modeling magazines like Flying Aces, Air Trails, American Modeler, American Aircraft Modeler, Young Men, Flying Models, Model Airplane News, R/C Modeler, captured the era. All copyrights acknowledged.


"Guests and Hosts"

"Surely," - states the editorial comment in March edition of the Montreal MFC Bulletin, "the basic relationship between organisers and contestants is that of host and guest, though do not forget that these guests pay to join the party." The comment arises in an expression of the editorial viewpoint that too many events are badly run and that it is in the contestants' own interests to complain to the press if they want to criticise.

What a way to abuse the amicable arrangement normally associated with the terms of Host and Guest! It is suggested that magazines are spinelessly preoccupied with casting a rosy glow over model aviation and so will not publish such criticisms, in which case, the Bulletin would be glad to give them headline treatment.

Now we do not feel as though we have lost any of our vertebrae though much backbitten; but we have never fought shy of publicising criticism of any organisation whenever we deemed such to be of value to the movement. If a club, or an area falls down on its accepted task of playing host at a rally, the first duty of the contestants affected should be to offer constructive criticism direct to the organisers. Only by such a polite and correct approach can one expect to see an improvement in contest and rally organisation. The voluntary body which has tried its best to please its guests will not want to have its news secondhand and delayed through the medium of the press, nor will it be guided into more satisfactory administration through such a diatribe.

In our experience, the great fault of all model meetings is the appalling lack of voluntary assistance in manpower to staff the events. It occurs at our Nationals, our Rallies, Galas and even in small club meetings. In our most recent memory is the sight of an Area Chairman who, having done his stint at the gate selling programmes, came on the field to help and wound up by presenting the trophies. This, at a meeting on a large airfield, with over 500 competitors, and several thousand spectators. What a grand Host! Yet there will be complaints that some people missed thermals through having to wait for a timekeeper, or could not fly their class B team racers because no such event could be programmed through lack of staff. We wonder if those who complain have ever offered their services at a model meeting?

To protect itself from the repercussions of such relapses as were mentioned in our January issue, the S.M.A.E. has instituted its contest sanctioning process as will be noted in our Calendar on page 325; but this will not by any means be an insurance for perfection in organisation, it will merely certify that the Society has approved the meeting on the basis of an assurance to meet certain requirements on the part of the organisers. Perfection will depend on the Host/Guest relationship - goodwill in fact which can only arise out of a keen appreciation of the difficulties involved. What we need is more voluntary effort, not plaintive lamentation from those who will not lift a finger to help.

Pups to Javelins

It was with special pleasure that we recently revisited R.A.F. Waterbeach, the scene of several happy Nationals, and currently the home of 46 Squadron. The occasion was for presentation of Ken McDonough's original painting depicting Sopwith Pups of 46 Sqdn. over Cambrai in World War I, as used on our cover for February issue this year. As can be seen in the photograph, the pilots of present day had a keen appreciation for Ken's artwork which will now hang in Squadron Headquarters, and Wing Commander F. B. Sowery, A.F.C. accepted it on their behalf. Since our last visit to 46 Sqdn. for preparation of Javelin I drawings, the Squadron has changed to Mk. II aircraft, and also introduced an attractive delta trio into its red and white insignia on the fin.

Camping at the Nats.

Thanks to Sgt. Brian Emmery of R.A.F. Scampton, and his quick advice to S.M.A.E. Treasurer Harry Barker, there will be a camping site at the Nationals. Harry did not waste a minute once a possible site was located, and it will now be up to modellers to behave properly so that good relations can be maintained for the future. All roads will lead to the Lincolnshire airfield over Whitsun, and for the benefit of those who did not attend last year, we include the map for their guidance.

We understand that running water will be available on the camp site, thus eliminating one of last year's shortcomings: but the litter situation will as ever depend entirely on the camp inhabitants. Why not make it your motto - "If it could be carried there, it could be carried back home again" and so leave the field clean as it was found, and that specially applies to control line wire.

June 5th

Thurston Cup (UIR Glider)

Short Cup (P.A.A. Load)

S.M.A.E. Cup

  (F.A.I. R/C Multi)

Lady Shelley Cup (Tailless)

Knokke Trophy (C/L Scale)

Davies Trophy (Class A)

Combat (Prelim. Heats)


June 6th

Sir John Shelley (U/R Power)

Model Aircraft (U/R Rubber)

Super Scale (F/F Scale)

Ripmax Trophy

  (F.A.I. R/C Single)

Davies Trophy (Class 1/2A & B)

Combat (Finals)


Gold Trophy (Stunt C/L)

Schoolboy entertainment

Demonstrating model flying in the packed Wembley Arena can be an awesome business; but the modellers who flew Stunt, Team race, Combat and Balloon Bursting models prior to the England v. Scotland Schoolboy International were encouraged by the vast and enthusiastic audience on April 30th. They were rewarded too, with the knowledge that their fund raising effort will help to finance the British participation at the World Championships for Control-line at Budapest in September.

My Fair Model!

Aeromodellers in the audience of "My Fair Lady", current success running at Drury Lane Theatre (and in Moscow too!) may not realise that Charles Stapley, the deputy for the leading man spends his waiting time making radio controlled models in the dressing room backstage. We can't think of a better way to pass the hours, waiting for an emergency curtain call!

New Class for Freeflight Power

Those who follow our programme for coming events will have observed that a number of rallies include special contests for 1/2A free-flight power and we are very pleased to see these developments.

There is a wide range of "'049" engines up to 85 c.c. available and we are sure that the introduction of this small model class will be a very good thing to encourage the junior and beginner aeromodellers to try their hand at contest flying. Present power contests have tended to become the province of the prosperous enthusiast, able to afford specially modified engines. The .049 size motors are sold relatively cheaply, the cost of the model is considerably less and, moreover, we might add that the small model is also less prone to serious damage. We look forward to seeing many entries at the various rallies, the first of which will be Northern Heights Gala on June 26th at R.A.F. Halton where specially generous prizes will be awarded to encourage the class.

S.M.A. E. Results





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