There is no such thing as too
many 3-view drawings of the
Supermarine Spitfire. This is the Mark 2 (Mk 2, or Mk II) version,
inked by Leonard Wieczorek. According to the Wikipedia entry, Supermarine manufactured
24 variants (Mark, or Mk) of the Spitfire which included various combinations of
engines and airframe configurations. A trainer version was amongst them. Some online
accounts claim the Spitfire Mk II, with its 12-cylinder Rolls Royce Merlin
engine, made its maiden flight on March 5, 1936. That means it was functional prior
to the mid-1940 Battle
of Britain, the event that put the Spitfire in the history books as formidable
dogfighter in the hands of a skilled and valiant pilot. The
Spitfire Mk V model, put into service in late 1940, was the most-produced,
and last unpressurized version.
Supermarine Spitfire-2: 3-View
Pride of the RAF - Supermarine Spitfire-2
Supermarine Spitfire-2 Model 3-View
Posted February 15, 2020