RF Cascade Workbook - RF Cafe

With the Model Builders
December 1939 Flying Aces

December 1939 Flying Aces

December 1939 Flying Aces Cover - Airplanes and Rockets Table of Contents

These pages from vintage modeling magazines like Flying Aces, Air Trails, American Modeler, American Aircraft Modeler, Young Men, Flying Models, Model Airplane News, R/C Modeler, captured the era. All copyrights acknowledged.

To the average Joe model builder who otherwise has no shot at national recognition, having his model airplane featured in a magazine like this 1939 issue of Flying Aces was a major source of pride. Even today with easy access to making yourself known on the Internet, there is still something special about seeing your self and/or your model appear in print. The Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMAs) has each month a "Focal Point" section in its Model Aviation magazine consisting of a collection of photos and descriptions of models submitted by members. Most seem to be radio control, with an occasional control line or free flight model. I even managed to have my scratch built 105% Aquila sailplane in there a few years ago. As you can see in this "With the Model Builders" page that there were no R/C models at all. The Good brothers (Walt and Bill) were still in the early stages of developing reliable radio systems at the time.

With the Model Builders

With the Model Builders, December 1939 Flying Aces Lowrie McLarty - Airplanes and Rockets - Airplanes and RocketsHold on there a - moment! Do our eyes deceive us, or is that really a Hawker "Fury" on the tail of a Polish PZL-6? Heck, we thought they were allies! But don't get worried, fellows, because this is just a shot of two of Lowrie McLarty's jobs.

Curtiss Navy F11C-2 Arlo Koonz - Airplanes and RocketsArlo Koontz, of Onawa, Iowa, says that he's been trying to "make" this page for a long time. But he won't have to worry any more about having his photos published - for this shot of his Curtiss Navy F11C-2 is tops!

John Pope, of Durham, NC, Baby Cyclone - Airplanes and RocketsA few weeks ago John Pope, of Durham, N. C., dropped into the office for a short visit and gave us this view of his "Baby Cyclone" powered gas job. But don't let the smallness of the photo fool you, for the model is plenty big - having a 6' span and a 48" length. John says she flies swell in all types of weather.

Mighty Mite (May, 1938, F.A.) Jim Shutt, Columbus, Ohio - Airplanes and RocketsThis gas-powered "Mighty Mite" (May, 1938, F.A.) was built by Jim Shutt, of Columbus, Ohio. The craft is powered with an "Atwood Phantom." According to Jim, the ship made a full loop and pulled out a bare three inches above the ground on its first hop.

Members of the Hi-Y Aeronauts Fairfield, Iowa - Airplanes and RocketsHere's a line-up of some of the members of the Hi-Y Aeronauts, of Fairfield, Iowa. Don Fuqua, who supplies many of our Workbench Tips, is second from the left. And Claude D. McCullough, who designed the "Cub Coupe" (October, 1989, F.A.) is third from the left. Looks like the boys have got many nice models.

Dan Williams Gadsden, Texas Quaker Flash - Airplanes and RocketsIt took Dan Williams, of Gadsden, Texas a full 160 hours to finish off this "Quaker Flash." And we think that the time he spent on it - from April 24 to May 22 - was well spent. For she's a honey! The ship's powered with a "Syncro Ace," has a 5'-7" span, and weighs 3 lbs., 8 oz.

High Climber (August, 1989, F.A.) Bob Babskie, Glen Lyon, PA - Airplanes and RocketsNow we have the "High Climber" (August, 1989, F.A.). This craft was built by Bob Babskie, of Glen Lyon, Pa., and seems to be a striking replica of Earl Stahl's original, model. Bob tells us he's had over 31 flights to date without even one serious crack-up!

Charles Glock workbench New York - Airplanes and RocketsWe've seen many neat workbenches in our time, but this one of Charles Glock's really takes the tail-skid! Charley, who lives in New York, has been building models from F.A. plans for many years, and his pride is his enlarged "Moth" (August, 1937, F.A.), the up-ended fuselage of which is in the center of the bench. That's a Stinson there to the left, of course.



Posted October 29, 2022

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