Herb Lozier, of Brooklyn, New York, forsakes his cardboard
models for the moment to pose for this shot. Herb's contributions are popular
with many Flying Aces readers.

One of the finest producers of miniature metal aircraft
is Joseph Battaglia, of the Bronx, New York. Leading airlines use his excellent
models for display purposes.

Michael Diaz, of New York, a member of the Air Screws Club,
prefers baby engines. He's shown here with his seventh Atom craft which he
flew at a Creedmore. N. Y., meet.

This beautiful built-up scale job is a replica model of
the English Percival "Vega Gull." Although the builder did not give his name,
notes on the reverse side of the photo state that the ship has folding wings,
complete cockpit layout, movable controls, and hatches.

Here's Herbert K. Weiss, of Phoebus, Virginia, enjoying
his favorite outdoor sport. H.K.W. is associated with the aeronautical experimental
division of the NACA at Langley Field.

Joe Kopas, of Socorro, New Mexico, an oil geologist by
profession, sent us this shot of his six-foot gas job. The floats were built
from plans appearing in Nov. 1940 F. A.

The latest fashion in headgear is effectively modeled by
Timer Joe Nelson at the Chicago Park District's recent championship contest.
Walter Fromm, the lad on the left, isn't feeling for raindrops. He just launched
his ship which remained aloft to win the cabin event.