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Flying Aces Club News
February 1941 Flying Aces

February 1941 Flying Aces

Flying Aces February 1941 - Airplanes and Rockets Table of Contents

These pages from vintage modeling magazines like Flying Aces, Air Trails, American Modeler, American Aircraft Modeler, Young Men, Flying Models, Model Airplane News, R/C Modeler, captured the era. All copyrights acknowledged.

Flying Aces magazine has been around since nearly the beginning of motorized model aviation - October 1928 to be exact. I specify 'motorized' because people have been building and operating various sorts of flying models since mankind figured out how to construct a device that looks and performs somewhat like a gliding bird. Flying Aces clubs have been around as long as the eponymous magazine, from what I can tell. However, there seems to have a more recent incarnation of the Flying Aces Club News publication that began in 1967. Mr. Ross Mayo was president of the Flying Aces while I lived in Erie, PA, but I see he has relocated to the North Carolina mountains. Anyway, here is the February 1941 edition of the Flying Aces Club News for your education and ejoyment.

Flying Aces Club News

Mr. Old Year has at last been Kayoed and Baby New Annum is the champion! But is Clint sorry? Not a bit, fellows. Instead, he's mighty glad - because we've got twelve more issues to gab and make more friends before again warbling "Auld Lang Syne"!

by Clint Randall

National Adjutant, Flying Aces Club

Pilot Dave Cooke and Co-pilot Jess Davidson gave 'er the gun - Airplanes and Rockets

Hey! What's going on here? Well, bless our buttons if it isn't the whole F. A. gang - once again taking - off to wish you F.A.C.'s a Happy New Year! And it looks like Pilot Dave Cooke and Co-pilot Jess Davidson gave 'er the gun too soon, 'cause Clint missed out entirely, Joe Archibald and Don Keyhoe are just hangin' on, and Ed Smalle wos left -in the slipstream. But Arch Whitehouse takes it easy through it all - still reading his war news!

Hell Clubsters! What say you leave your ships out -there on the F.A.C. tarmac and bounce right into our hangar? All here? Okay! We're holding a meeting of the biggest and best flying club in the Yunivoice - the Flying Aces Club! Yes, fellas, the letters that have been pouring into headquarters every day have certainly made your ol' N. A. feel right proud. Squadrons are being formed everywhere - North, South, East and West-and that includes Canada, too. Don't know whether it's the war in the air, aviation headlines, or what have you. But, by golly, when Clint checked back on his log book and saw the increase in the number of Clubsters that three-pointed down on this tarmac during the last twelve months, the "dog ears" of the pages almost stood up in sheer astonishment.

Anyway, it's been a great year for the F.A.C. membership drive. Think of it, you feather sprouters, there are more than one hundred thousand of you - all over the world! But Clint hain't satisfied yet. It's the million mark - or bust!

So before we get into the real news, your N. A. wishes to remind you Flying Aces readers that joining the Club is the easiest thing in the world to do, and it's never too late - young or old. So c'mon, all you Cadets, Pilots, Aces, Escadrillions, let's bind together and strive to increase the membership to the Flying Aces Club on to its next one hundred thousand!

C.O. Ross Smyth is still on the job up there in Toronto, Can., and recently sent us the thirty-third report of his Squadron's activities. His letter reads:

"Our guest speaker at the first meeting for the Fall season was Mr. James Davidson, inspector and engineer for the Fleet Aircraft Company at Fort Erie, Ont, He drove over a hundred miles to address the members of our unit. At the end of the session the Club presented Mr. Davidson with a little gift in appreciation for his interest in our work.

Among those present at the meeting were Bob Grossman, Ronald Bell, Malcolm Inglis, Milton Patterson, Murray Sommers, Bud Wyatt, Bill MacLaren, Ben Bramble, Niel Gillespie, Gord Batley and Ross Smyth. Guest Speakers were Mr. Frank Walker, Business Manager of "Commercial Aviation," and Miss Helen Harrison, one of the foremost flying instructresses in the Empire.

"The reason for not reporting this meeting earlier is that Sec.-Treas. Malcolm Inglis is employed by the DeHavilland plant here in Toronto and has been on night shifts. Norman Dawber is now serving with the Royal Canadian Air Force in Trenton, Canada's largest military aviation center.

"Former member Bob Currey, who moved to Niagara Falls, Ont., has obtained his private pilot's license. Ben Bramble, who has not missed a single meeting since the inauguration of the Squadron in January, 1938, was presented with a silk scarf as a token of recognition for his splendid record."

As you other Clubsters probably know, the Toronto Squadron is one of the most active organizations in Canada. And it might be a good idea for some of you other C. O.'s to have various aero personalities visit your club meetings and address the members. The best method would be to form a committee of three and visit the person in question and ask him. Your N.A. is quite sure these "regular guys" will go out of their way to help do it. Since we're all working for the same "boss" they'd be more than glad to further the cause through educational talks and tours around the local airport.

Quite a number of letters addressed to the N. A during the past year seemed to be bent on finding out whether Clint still gets a kick out of flying. Now that's a fair question and deserves a fair answer. And just as we were about to go to press, a letter from Ed Mathiew, of Yonkers, N. Y., arrived, wanting to know about the whole gang up here and when we manage to do a bit of cloud hopping to keep fit.

In answer to your question, Ed, you're right about Clint being a pilot. Your N. A. has a commercial rating and he buzzes around most of the neighboring New York air fields. Also, Arch Whitehouse has been flying since the days of the First World War. Don Keyhoe is a Reserve member of the Marines and at this moment is standing by for immediate call. Joe Archibald is a Navy man who has had wide experience. Model Editor Jesse Davidson is an active amateur pilot and Editor Dave Cooke also manages to get his hand in whenever time allows. As for Major Freddie Lord - ah, there's a flyer's flyer. He flies everything from Cubs to winged machine gun nests.

So you see, Ed, Flying Aces has one of the best group of experts any aero mag can boast. As far as paying a visit to the F. A. office, I can only tell you this: The boys here are busy all day long with very little time to devote to "visiting firemen," so to speak. Your N. A. drops in once a week to pick up mail, say howdy to the gang, and then dashes right out again. Since trips to the office are so irregular, it would be difficult for Clint to make a definite appointment. However, if there's something important on your mind, the boys up here will be glad to help you out.

Henry Struck (Hank, to you) popular F. A. model designer - Airplanes and Rockets

Shhh! Genius at work! Here's Henry Struck (Hank, to you) popular F. A. model designer pondering over some intricate problem. Probably about that super-super for the i941 Nationals.

A short note from Charlie "Chuck" Barranco, of Chicago, Ill., advises the F. A. headquarters of a new unit to be called "Flight 13" because it has been organized with thirteen members. All meetings will be held at Charlie's home, 1321 Elmdale Avenue. Chicago readers who live in this vicinity are welcome to join the club. Following is a list of the original thirteen members: Bob Casey, Santo Abbato, Tony Hibbs, Bob Peterson, Tom Wright, Edward Houlihuro, Robert Dremmer, Earl Podowsky, George Hughes, Norman Rose, Bob Miller, John Dickens, and Charles Barranco.

From Frisco, Texas, Ben Parker writes: "I've tried unsuccessfully to get boys interested in aviation and model building by organizing a club and holding contests. So when our school library started to subscribe to new magazines I spoke to the teacher in charge about listing an aero magazine among them. She asked me which one would I suggest and I told her Flying Aces. I believe the new issues of F. A. will make these fellows sit up and take notice."

Well, Ben, don't fret if your efforts were to no avail in attempting to get the boys to join the bandwagon. We're sure, though, that they will if you keep plugging. And thanks for suggesting F. A.

Cecil Dorminey, of 1211 Mortimer Place, Atlanta, Ga., would like to join the local squadron and would appreciate its secretary informing him if members are still being accepted.

Clubster Robert Flapnick, of Ambridge, Pa., who is down with rheumatic fever, writes us of a new movement in his district which is going a long way in making the folks air minded. The movement, called "The Flying League of Pennsylvania," is aided by a plan through the cooperation of local merchants who pass out "Flying League" stamps. Six hundred of these stamps entitle the holder to one flying lesson. Bob has saved up 400 to date and hopes to be well enough soon to get his first lesson.

Well, Bob, the N. A. admits this plan of collecting aviation stamps is an original one. It would be a swell idea if some national food concern would offer such a plan. The experience of flying at least once would then come within reach of thousands. And here's hoping, Bob, that you get well in short order so's you can take that hop.

Edmund Wood. Jr. of South Bend. Indiana built-up S.E.5 - Airplanes and Rockets

Club member Edmund Wood. Jr. of South Bend. Ind., turns out to order such excellent jobs as this built-up S.E.5. The models are made to a scale of three quarter inch to one foot.

Because of the many letters that piled up during the Xmas rush, GHQ has been so loaded down with other pressing duties that it's been impossible for the Brass Hats to get together on the choice of this month's Distinguished Service Medal winner. Besides, when the DSM letters were separated from the rest of the pile and opened, a hasty glance showed that the photos were pretty poor. Tsk, tsk, tsk.

Now, fellows, you know this contest is the easiest possible way to win a handsome DSM, and we're really ashamed of the results you have been turning out. This monthly special award feature was started in the first place to make decoration winning a little easier for you Clubsters. If the response doesn't get better, though, we'll have to ditch the whole idea. And that means you'll be able to earn the handsome DSM only through the Escadrille or by performing some outstanding deed in the promotion of aviation. They were the rules in the first place, you know, but we changed them just to make it a little easier for you Clubsters to win the small DSM.

Sorry Clint has had to bawl you boys out like this, but it just had to be done. And there's only one way you can salve his feeling, too - enter the Distinguished Service Medal Contest right away. Don't be discouraged if you don't win the first time; just keep at it, and one of these months you'll be sporting one of the most outstanding medals in the world.

Here's a note from John J. Jeckell, of Wilkes Barre, Pa. His communiqué says:

"I read about your Club while I was stationed with the National Guard encampment in up-state New York recently, and, as you see, I've decided to join the F. A. Club. I've been building models for the last twelve years, the first being out of cigar-box wood. I belong to the NAA and am also a charter member of the Wilkes Barre Aero Modelers, the most active club in town. Anyway, Clint, I thought I'd better tell you to reserve a nice D.S.M. for me - for I'm quickly completing a 'Plecan Paragon.' "

Okay, Johnny. You just send in that snapshot of the "Paragon" and if it shows up as good as you hope, the judges will all agree, then we'll call you the "Master."

Personal to Bob Flapnick: Sorry, but there are no complete "Trail Blazer" sets available. However, we may have some back issue containing certain plans you wish. Write to the Subscription Dept., c/o this magazine.

Well, fellows, this winds up our session for this month. Adios, Amigos Mio.



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