Espresso Engineering Workbook

A Scouting Crossword Puzzle
March 1940 Boys' Life Article

March 1940 Boys' Life

Table of Contents

The Boy Scouts of America has published Boys' Life since January 1, 1911. I received it for a couple years in the late 1960s while in the Scouts. I have begun buying copies on eBay to look for useful articles. As time permits, I will be glad to scan articles for you. All copyrights (if any) are hereby acknowledged. Here are the Boys' Life issues I have so far.

Prolific crossword puzzle creator Eugene Sheffer is somewhat of a mystery on the Internet. His name appears in the by-line of crosswords dating back at least into the 1930s, while also appearing in contemporary crosswords. A little investigation suggests that Mr. Sheffer died in 1981, but that King Syndicate owns the right to the 'By Eugene Sheffer' and still uses it today. I was not able to locate a biography of Eugene Sheffer, and he does not even have an entry in Wikipedia. Some forum posters question whether there ever was a 'real' Eugene Sheffer. Regardless, one place his (or its') crossword puzzles were printed was in Boys' Life magazine, published monthly by The Boy Scouts of America.

I created a few model aviation themed crossword puzzles that were published in the AMA's Model Aviation back around the year 2000.

A Scouting Crossword Puzzle

A Scouting Crossword Puzzle (March 1940 Boys' Life Article) - Airplanes and Rockets

<click for larger version>

A Scouting Crossword Puzzle Across Clues (March 1940 Boys' Life Article) - Airplanes and RocketsA Scouting Crossword Puzzle Down Clues (March 1940 Boys' Life Article) - Airplanes and Rockets




















Posted December 19, 2015

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