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Lionel Trains Advertisement
December 1935 Boys' Life Advertisement

December 1935 Boys' Life

December 1935 Boys' Life - Airplanes and RocketsTable of Contents

The Boy Scouts of America has published Boys' Life since January 1, 1911. I received it for a couple years in the late 1960s while in the Scouts. I have begun buying copies on eBay to look for useful articles. As time permits, I will be glad to scan articles for you. All copyrights (if any) are hereby acknowledged. Here are the Boys' Life issues I have so far.

Who among us that is older than 45 or 50 did not have an HO-gauge Lionel model train set as a kid? I know I did... well, at least I think it was Lionel, but given our family's low financial status, it was probably a knock-off brand of some sort. Still, we've all had a mode train set at some point. Lionel Corporation started in business in 1900 and stopped production of its original line of model trains in 1969 (I was 11 years old at the time). When my kids were about 12 years old, we made an N-gauge model train layout on a 4'x4' hunk of 3/4" plywood. It was much better than anything I ever attempted as a kid. If you're interested, you can out N-gauge model train layout here. 

Lionel Trains Advertisement

Now the Whistle! First Times! A Locomotive Whistle on a Model Train!

Any Railroad Signal Any Time - and So Realistic It'll Stir You to the Heels

Lionel Trains Advertisement (December 1935 Boys' Life) - Airplanes and RocketsOn comes your Lionel streamliner, streaking down the track, clipping away split-seconds. Out pops the gateman from his shanty to wave it by - bells ring - gates lower -lights flash. Thrills! Excitement! Action every second! But wait - Down goes your finger on the tiny button of a control box. Instantly, the locomotive lets out a long, loud, blasting, railroad whistle!

Or short, sharp, piercing ones, just as Your finger commands. The tap of that tiny button opens to you the whole range of the official railway signal code. There isn't a whistle signal in railroading you can't sound, when and as you want it, whether your Lionel is swinging around a curve, flashing to a crossing, switching, backing, loafing along or standing still. Greatest achievement in all Lionel's history of model railroad building - and right "on time" for Christmas. No other train has anything like it, or can have. It has been invented and perfected by Lionel, so only in a Lionel can you get this whistling thrill!

And don't miss the thrilling Lionel story of complete remote control - how you can make your train go forwards or backwards, fast or slow, without even touching it, And read how, from an engine and a couple of coaches, you can build a great railroad system, with bridges, tunnels, signals, everything I And how you can own a genuine Lionel, built to the high standards of Lionel quality, with eight accessories.

But That's Only Half the Story

A hundred questions bob up in your mind. Where is the whistle located? Does it sound like a regular train whistle? How can it signal anywhere along the track, moving or standing still? Where can you see and hear it? So we've printed a big 44·page book in full colors - and it's got all the answers.

And, In Addition, All This -

On page after page, rail kings of the nation parade before you. Glittering new streamliners. Powerful, massive steam types. Not just one or two - but scale-models of all the great new speed trains of America - built right from the original railroad blueprints. Don't miss Page 31, which tells how that gateman scoots from his shanty as the train approaches, flashes his lantern, and magically disappears.

All the Details of Remote Control

And don't miss the thrilling Lionel story of complete remote control - how you can make your train go forwards or backwards, fast or slow, without even touching it. And read how, from an engine and a couple of coaches, you can build a great railroad system, with bridges, tunnels, signals, everything I And how you can own a genuine Lionel, built to the high stand-ards of Lionel quality, with eight accessories, speed-control transformer, tracks, 24 pieces in all, for as little as $6.75.



Posted December 10, 2016

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