RF Cascade Workbook - RF Cafe

Wild Bill Netzeband's Control Line Capers
October 1961 American Modeler

October 1961 American Modeler

October 1961 American Modeler magazine cover - Airplanes and Rockets Table of Contents

These pages from vintage modeling magazines like Flying Aces, Air Trails, American Modeler, American Aircraft Modeler, Young Men, Flying Models, Model Airplane News, R/C Modeler, captured the era. All copyrights acknowledged.


Mag Tag: Include Comic on page

Wild Bill Netzeband's Control Line Capers

The Vancouver Bi-Liners MAC "Bi-Line" tells us that the Thompson Trophy Racers (July 1961 AM) are catching on there. Seems Alan Nichols has things his way in the event. They plan other contests for it and you might do well to try some in your club. Lots of fun for a little money and the ships are slow enough to enjoy operations.

Shower Of Emblems. The boss suggested some space be devoted to explaining to irate clubs, that AM receives thousands of letters on just about everything each month and that they have on hand right now several hundred club crests and descriptions. Since there are exactly 12 regular issues and an Annual or two, obviously only a few of them can be used. Acknowledgment of each individual letter is also impractical, so be patient. Sometimes we can lose sight of the fact that there are a million of us interested in models. When we all start funneling info into a magazine, it must snow letters!

Worn Out? A further point from the June Bi-Liner, by Alan Nichols, contends "common notion that all models are worn out after 6 months, is untrue." Right! He has a year old Nobler still flying. Me, I just retired the original Fierce Arrow after some 5 years' service. The cowl fell off and simply cannot be reglued. Have had three sets of controls (each time they failed in the air) and many flights. Same old Fox through whole life, and the engine is now 8 years old. Just getting broken in? With good care, and solid construction they can go on and on.

Memories. Reading Bill Johnson's account of the McDonnell Aircraft Comany's picnic Air Show in the Tri City Steelers "Bulletin" (St. Louis Area), brought back a flood of memories. Your reporter was in about 6 of them from 1951 thru 1957. Each year Phil Hamm flew his Jet. He did it this year too. An all metal job (maybe a new one) it always ran without the usual tank trouble. We were speaking of longevity, he's really got it. That one hour demonstration is a real pressure suit. Used to get 18 flights and as many as 25 planes in the air during them. See Gil Frankenburg is still in there. Used to have 10,000 people wandering around on picnic days.

Southern Calif. Control-Line Assn. Just formed and rolling, Jack Fox, editor of the Newsletter, provides info. Such names as John Gudvangan - Pres., Bob Haren - Vice., John Barr - Sec., and Ralph Cozad - Treas., indicate this will be a real comer group. Also notice that Art Palowski is out there now, still winning stunt in Xpert class. Jack asks anyone interested in their affairs to drop him a note at 4708 N. Arden Dr., El Monte, Calif.

Detroit's new speed circle in Rouge Park.

Detroit Area-Metropolitan Speed Assn. George Blass sent pies and info about the newly organized MSA. Such a beautiful circle deserves record performances. This seems an example of satisfactory liaison with city officials. The circle itself ran $8,000 and the area surrounding can hold six 60' circles. The Strathmoor group and specifically Harold Saincome, VP, built the fire under park officials. The MSA is shooting for an organized speed circuit, and with this momentous start might just do it.

Contact George at 921 N. Drexel; Dearborn, Mich. Also says CL activity in general is increasing. Speed is definitely coming up. All healthy signs.

Magician 15 & The Tee Dee 15. Product test this time is the Technical Model Products "Magician 15." The kit is excellent with rock hard, die-cut fuse and good wood throughout. Plans are clear and cover most points well. Went together nicely. First flights were with a Super Tigre Jubilee. I know it can't be done, but had to try. The engine is heavy (6-oz) so needed 1-oz lead in rear for balance. The CG shown is exactly right and any other hurts performance. Wing loading is rather high, resulting in wide smooth turns, but then it is a trainer and holding speed up helps the tyro.

The ST engine had trouble forgetting it is a bored-out racer, so replaced it with a Tee Dee 15. Such a pretty engine. It, too, is timed for racing and FAI power, but when I finally ran it peaked all the time, it worked perfectly throughout the pattern. Running TD racing fuel, found it a little more tolerant with the Olympic head. If you want a good stunt 15 engine, be sure to try this one. It's a power house.

After unflapped tests, we hinged the flaps, as suggested on the plans. This makes a whale of a difference. Now, squares and hourglass are a breeze. Full pattern, no sweat. Using 60 foot .010 lines, took the 3/4-oz tip weight out. With AYSC lines, leave it in. Oh, flap and elevator were moved thru the same angle of about 30 degrees (1:1 ratio). All up weight is 17-oz with 5 coats of Aero Gloss and Silk-span covering.

Am becoming more convinced that compact stunt has a real place in things. What else will give you 12 full pattern flights on a pint of fuel?

Calm Combat? How about using 70' lines in Combat? Slow down angular speeds, give more maneuvering room and make things more predictable. Since cutting engine size is unfair to manufacturers, the long lines should solve reaction time problems. Think it over.

Also, annudder thought. The engine men are now using ball and needle bearings to satisfy our urge for power and speed. What sense this? Precision bearings are assembled to fantastic tolerances in the millionths of an inch, and under extremely clean conditions. So where do we land them? Pow, in the dirt. The new Johnson BB 36 uses 2 precision instrument bearings and out of the box will turn over from only piston weight. Smooth. Am breaking it in and will report later.

Screws Cooled. Pioneer Mfg. Co., makers of the "Equalizer," have informed me that the manufacturer of the high strength screws has backed down. Reason, too many government contracts and difficulties in production. So, regretfully, Pioneer must leave out that feature. They say the rest of the kit will remain at same and even better quality. My tests show that commercial grade screws in the non-plated condition are fairly good. Trouble is the wide variation in quality due to lack of rigid requirements. Allen and Unbrako make high strength screws, but they have Hex recess heads.

"Ingredients aren't listed!"




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