AMA Headquarters Staff Photo, 1968 March 1969 American Aircraft Modeler
is a photo of the entire staff at the Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA) headquarters in 1968. John Worth was the
Executive Director at the time. Thirteen people ran the organization's administrative functions. The AMA began in
1936 and had grown to 25,000 members and 459 sanctioned clubs by 1968. In 2010, those numbers are 150,000 members
and 2,500 clubs. Headquarters moved from its 1968 location in Washington, D.C., to Reston, Virginia in 1983, and finally
to its current location in Muncie, Indiana in 1992. I visited Muncie in November of that year, just a couple months
after the grand opening. The paint still smelled fresh, and there was a lot of work in progress. Hard to believe that
was nearly 20 years ago, and I haven't had the occasion since then to visit. A LOT has changed, and I'm really wanting
to go back.

The AMA Headquarters staff, responsible for servicing over 25,000 members and 459 clubs in 1968. L to R: Helen Costello,
chartered club secretary; Carl Whee ley, Publications Director; Gretchen Cantrell, membership clerk-typist; Lisa Katel,
membership/film library clerk-typist; Jocelyn Cardin-ale, FAI/Contest/Records secretary; Giselle Jackson, accountant;
Frank Ehling, Technical Director; Pamela Walker, membership clerk; Lucille Ward, Office Manager; Lesley McGill, Mail/Supplies
secretary; John Worth, Executive Director; Dorothy Severson, addressing clerk-typist; Jim Stone-back, National Meet
secretary. About two-thirds of those shown are full-time employees - most do at least two basic jobs and share several
Posted January 30, 2011

Academy of Model Aeronautics

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