The rains came and how the wind did blow - last day at the National
R/C event. Walt Good, left, with "Wag"; McEntee in cap, slicker.
"This just proves what I've been telling the boys," said director deBolt at the conclusion
of the R/C competition at Willow Grove. "If you know what you're doing you can still
win with rudder control only." His words were backed up by the performances of 1st placer
Port who racked up the highest score on the stunt pattern - 70 points, and Richard C.
Allen of Dayton, Ohio, 3rd place flyer with rudder only who made the greatest number
of precision pattern points - 57. Allen tied with "Doc" Good who used a single channel
tone control rig operating only the rudder.
In spectator interest among both casual visitors to the Naval base and other contestants
radio outdrew all other categories. The number of autos present equaled those at the
combined free flight sites; this was the case day after day. Entries numbered 141, with
40 piling in during the final week end. About 10 multi-channel systems were present,
the remainder being rudder only or rudder plus one other control on one channel.
When activity lagged, event director Harold deBolt would whip out
a Live Wire and stir things up a bit. Pop deBolt at right assisted.
Dark Horse Jack Port from Fairborn, Ohio, with his original-design
ship which won with "rudder only," 7 points ahead. of Harold Bonner.
Claude McCullough with his "Wizard of Ah's," drastically changed from
last year. Farmer Mac hadn't flown ship since 1952 Los Alamitos meet.