The object with these stick and tissue fighter airplane
shaped kites is to use the sharp-edged sand that is glued to the kite string to saw through your opponent's
string until it breaks. Part of the trick is that there is a long section of rubber in the kite string
so that the kite is continually zooming back and forth, up and down. This provides the sawing motion
needed to cut the string. The original plan calls for a single string, but it might be possible to work
out a dual string control so that the kites can be maneuvered, thereby allowing more aggressive combat
"Killer" Combat Kites

Ever flown "killer" kites? When these semi-scale profiles are aloft you'd swear a MiG-19 and F-100
were in mortal combat! Object is to cut your opponent's kite string. Using 50-50 mixture of cement and
dope, glue model railroad ballast sand to the 50' of line nearest kite. Glue 2 feet at a time; glued
string picks sand off newspaper, shake off surplus.

Both sides of all surfaces and fuselage are "dry" covered with Silkspan. Glue paper to balsa with
dope; don't dope the finished kite. Remove warps.
Start flying with line in middle loop on bridle string. If calm, move string toward rear; windy,
toward front. If you don't get enough "climb" bend adjuster-elevators up. As wind increases move hook
forward and bend elevators up. Rigged and balanced for kite performance, model can't glide forward,
so when string is cut it descends as if dethermalized.

Rubber-Tow Kite Flite provides plenty of fun when the wind's too strong for R/C or F/F activity.
As towline you use T-56 flat 1/16" rubber. Let kite out from hand in nose-up attitude, playing out rubber
"line" as fast as wind velocity permits. When line begins to stretch-h-h-h let kite go downwind as you
hold rubber tight. When rubber stretches to capacity kite will zoom overhead. Then play out more line,
kite again goes downwind. Hold line tight, kite soars overhead when rubber tension overcomes drag. Altitude
depends on background obstacles; rubber will stretch about 5 times its length.

Killer Combat Kite Plan #1

Killer Combat Kite Plan #2
Full-size construction drawings for both the semi-scale F-100 and MiG-19 combat kites are available
from Hobby Helpers, 770 Hunts Point Ave, New York 59, N. Y., as part of Group Plan #754 (50c).
The AMA Plans Service offers a
full-size version of many of the plans show here at a very reasonable cost. They
will scale the plans any size for you. It is always best to buy printed plans because
my scanner versions often have distortions that can cause parts to fit poorly. Purchasing
plans also help to support the operation of the
Academy of Model Aeronautics - the #1
advocate for model aviation throughout the world. If the AMA no longer has this
plan on file, I will be glad to send you my higher resolution version.
Try my Scale Calculator for
Model Airplane Plans.
Posted October 11, 2014