Espresso Engineering Workbook

Ambroid Liquid Cement
Annual 1960 Air Trails Hobbies for Young Men

Annual Edition 1960 Air Trails
Annual Edition 1960 Air Trails Cover - Airplanes and RocketsTable of Contents

These pages from vintage modeling magazines like Flying Aces, Air Trails, American Modeler, American Aircraft Modeler, Young Men, Flying Models, Model Airplane News, R/C Modeler, captured the era. All copyrights acknowledged.

Ambroid was probably the biggest name in model aircraft cement. It has been around in one form or another since the early 1900s. The name is a portmanteau of amber (its color) and celluloid. By the time I got into the balsa model building scene in the late 1960's, Duco cement was being fairly widely used, and since it is what was on the shelf of my local convenience store, that's what I used. A few years later when I was driving and could visit hobby shops, I tried Ambroid cement, but never really took to it, primarily because it seemed to get brittle quickly. There was never a joint failure I could attribute to Duco cement, so I stuck with it (pun intended). About ten years or so ago the price of Duco cement began going way up, so nowadays I use mostly Sigment*. I had used Sigment occasionally prior to that and had confidence in its integrity. It appears Ambroid cement is no longer being manufactured, but Sigment is, so I highly recommend it as a general purpose glue for balsa structures. Ambroid cement does not appear to be sold anymore. Here is a nice history of Ambroid cement.

 Sigment is currently $7.46 for 4 oz. (1.87/oz.), while the cheapest price I can fid for Duco cement is $3.17/oz. if you buy a 6-pack of 1 oz. tubes.

Ambroid Liquid Cement Ad

Ambroid Liquid Cement, Annual 1960 Air Trails - Airplanes and RocketsChoice of the Model Industry

No idle claim that heading statement! It's a fact that more model airplane industry manufacturers endorse Ambroid, than all the other brand cements combined. Every one of the model builders in the adjoining photos hos long been a user of Ambroid, the original and still the finest cement that money can buy. Add up the number of years these leaders in the model kit and engine fields have been using Ambroid and you get a total in excess of two centuries - since all were Ambroid fans even before they entered the model business! Better try a tube of this wonderful cement on your very next model!

"Regular" Ambroid

1-3/4 Oz. Tube 30¢

4 Ounce Tube 60¢

1 Pint Can $1. 75

Ambroid Solvent

1 Pint Can $1.35

"Synthe-Wood" (ideal as a filler & for fairings)

4 Ounce Can 40¢

At last! After Five Years of Research - New Ambroid Plastic Cement 2B cc. Tube 15¢

In Every Field There's a Leader - In Cement it's Ambroid

Ambroid Co. • Box 30 • Weymouth 88 • Massachusetts



Posted November 12, 2022

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