Take a look at the jet fighter design
submitted by Lorry Burchett of Detroit, Michigan, and see if it looks somewhat familiar
to you. Except for the horizontal stabilizer spanning between the twin tail booms, it
reminds me a lot of Scaled Composite's ("Scaled") X-Prize-winning
This and two other 'futuristic' aircraft designs were part of a run by Air Trails
Hobbies for Young Men in 1954. The chosen three are nothing like each other. First
prize was awarded $50, which in 2014 is the equivalent of $434.79 (per the
U.S. BLS Inflation Calculator). Scaled founder Burt Rutan, the man
who single-handedly popularized canard configurations, was a model airplane builder during
his youth. If I wasn't me, I'd want to be Burt Rutan.
"ATH" Airmen of Vision Aircraft Design Competition
Rules governing this competition are as follows: Three-view sketches of envisioned
aircraft will be required. These should be not less than 8 1/2 x 11 inches for the entire
three views. Give sketches of complete airplane or space craft in three-quarter front
and rear positions. Photos of a model of proposed design may be included. Information
on powerplant (s), estimated performance, dimensions, and explanations of any unusual
features are required. Data as to age, occupation or schooling of the entrant will be
welcomed. The design may be of any type; space craft, commercial, military planes (fighters,
bombers, troop transports), planes for private flyer and sporting or racing airplanes.
Entry each month judged most practical or of greatest significance will receive $50;
$25 for second place and $10 for third. Mail entries to Airmen of Vision, c/o Air Trails
Hobbies for Young Men, 304 E. 45th St., New York 17, N. Y. The editors regret they cannot
enter into any correspondence on submissions.
Lightweight, carrier-borne reconnaissance fighter by Giorgio Barilari of Brescia,
Italy. Powered by two turboprop engines driving two contrarotating propellers each delivering
a total of around 3500 hp, plus additional thrust from turbine exhaust, This plane weighs
only 6000 lbs. when fully loaded and is capable of more than 450 mph.
Rocket-turbojet interceptor by Tech. Sgt. William R. Kneller. Craft can take-off and
land vertically using two-stage rockets, or by dropping one fin become a conventional
aircraft. 10,500 lb. thrust turbojet is used in flight. Pilot is in prone position.
Jet fighter by Lorry Burchett of Detroit, Michigan. An unusual design featuring a
pentagon wing planform. Lateral control is achieved by spoilers. It is powered by a 10,000
lb. thrust turbojet engine and is capable of 720 mph. Armament consists of four 20-mm
SpaceShipOne Courtesy of Scaled Composites, LLC
Posted March 15, 2014