Espresso Engineering Workbook

PEP Engine Advertisement
June 1960 Aero Modeller

June 1960 Aero Modeller

June 1960 Aero Modeller - Airplanes and RocketsTable of Contents

These pages from vintage modeling magazines like Flying Aces, Air Trails, American Modeler, American Aircraft Modeler, Young Men, Flying Models, Model Airplane News, R/C Modeler, captured the era. All copyrights acknowledged.

Prior to the advent of the Internet, receiving information on foreign modeling activity was pretty much limited to what the U.S. publications like American Modeler and Model Airplane News decided to print. Even that was limited to things like flying events and not to specific products. Before a few years ago, I had never heard of PEP engines, a product of Electronic Development, Ltd., of Surrey, England. This full-page advertisement from a 1960 issue of Aero Modeller magazine promotes PEP's line of diesel engines. Along with the English spelling of words like "aluminium," it mentions a type of metal called "Mehanite" and another called "Hiduminium." Another advantage of the Internet is the ability to look up unfamiliar terms like that which would never be found in the Webster's Dictionary on my bookshelf. Mehanite (aka Meehanite) is form of cast iron, and Hiduminium (Hi-duty aluminium) is an of aluminium developed by Rolls Royce during World War II. Now you know.

PEP Engine Ad

PEP Engine Ad, June 1960 Aero Modeller - Airplanes and RocketsPut "PEP" into your models with the new ED™ "PEP"

• 8c.c. Diesel

Ask for a "PEP", it's the top quality, top value and the lowest priced small diesel obtainable. Insist on a "PEP", no plugs or accumulators required, easy to start and gives an astonishing performance. When you buy a "PEP" you will be the proud possessor of a first class engine backed by the usual E.D. Guarantee. Like all E.D. Engines, it's easy to fit, simple to operate and It's All British.


Stroke: 0.375 in.

Bore: 0.410 in.

Height: 1 7/8 in.

Length: 2 5/8 in.

Width: 1 1/2 in.

Weight: 1 3/4 in.

Crankcase Unit: Light Alloy L.N.2. Pressure Diecasting.

Piston: Mehanite.

Crankshaft: Hardened Steel.

Con Rod: Hiduminium.

Cylinder: Hardened Steel.

Main Bearing: Bronze Bushed

Spraybar: Brass.

Tank: Aluminium.

E.D. New type Multi-Channel Radio Control Units

These new models, produced after months of experiment and exhaustive flying tests, are the most advanced Radio Control Units available and up to the traditional standard of high quality and value always associated with E.D. Products.

Illustrated Folders giving full details of all E.D. Equipment including Engines, Spare Parts, Radio Controls, Mechanisms etc., are free on request.

The E.D. Range of Engines also includes:

E.D. 0.46 c.c. "Baby"              

E.D. 1.0 c.c. "Bee"

E.D. 1.46 c.c. "Hornet"

E.D. 1.49 c.c. "Super Fury"

E.D. 2.0 c.c. "Comp. Special

E.D. 2.46 c.c. "Racer"

E.D. 3.46 c.c. "Hunter"

Air cooled and Water Cooled versions of all models available.

E.D. Electronic Developments (Surrey) Ltd

Development Engineers

Phone: Molesey 6037-6038

Island Farm Rd. West Molesey. (Surrey) England.



East Molesey

Made and printed in Great Britain by the Croydon Times Ltd., 104 High Street, Croydon, for the Proprietors, The Model Aeronautical Press Ltd., 38 Clarendon Road, Watford, Herts. Published by the Argus Press Ltd., 8-10 Temple Avenue, London, E.C.4, to whom all trade enquiries should be addressed. Registered at the G.P.O. for transmission by Canadian Magazine Post.



Posted June 22, 2019

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