Thimble Drome TD-1 Control Line Airplane

Box Top, Thimble Drome TD-1 C/L RTF Model - Airplanes and Rockets

Thimble Drome TD-1 Box Top

Thimble Drome TD-1 C/L RTF Model - Airplanes and Rockets

Thimble Drome TD-1

Box Edge, Thimble Drome TD-1 C/L RTF Model - Airplanes and Rockets

Thimble Drome TD-1 Box Edge

Cockpit, Thimble Drome TD-1 C/L RTF Model - Airplanes and Rockets

Thimble Drome TD-1 Cockpit

Thimble Drone - later to become Cox - sold its first ready-to-fly control line model, the Thimble Drome TD-1, beginning around 1959. Reports have it that the original selling price was $9.99, which according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics' inflation calculator, is about $95 in year 2021 dollars. The wings were of built-up construction with ribs and thin, molded sheets of aluminum skins. A modified Space Bug .049 engine was used for power. There was no spring starter on the early .049 engines, but a rubber finger guard was provided to help spare the modeler's finger.

As I write this, there is a TD-1 being auctioned off on eBay. With 8 hours left, the price is at $870 !!! I wouldn't be surprised if it topped $1,000 before it's over.

I was close - it sold for $998!!! (see below)

Thimble Drome TD-1 Auction on eBay - Airplanes and Rockets

Here is the manual for the Thimble Drome TD-1 manual.

Here is a great website that documents many of the early Thimble Drome / Cox model airplanes, boats, cars, and helicopters: The Cox Model Database models (they must be worth a small fortune!)

Accessories, Thimble Drome TD-1 C/L RTF Model - Airplanes and Rockets

Thimble Drome TD-1 Accessories

     Fin & Rudder, Thimble Drome TD-1 C/L RTF Model - Airplanes and Rockets

                Thimble Drome TD-1 Fin & Rudder

Box End, Thimble Drome TD-1 C/L RTF Model - Airplanes and Rockets

                    Thimble Drome TD-1 Box End



Posted October 16, 2021
(updated from original post on 7/2/2011)

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