Du-Bro Tristar Helicopter Wanted - Airplanes and Rockets

Andrews (AAMCo) Aircraft Models S-Ray Kit

Andrews (AAMCo) S-Ray Kit Box and Contents - Airplanes and Rockets

Andrews (AAMCo) S-Ray Kit Box and Contents

Andrews (AAMCo) S-Ray Instruction Supplements - Airplanes and Rockets

Andrews (AAMCo) S-Ray Instruction Supplements

Andrews (AAMCo) S-Ray Plans Sheets - Airplanes and Rockets

Andrews (AAMCo) S-Ray Plans Sheets

Andrew Aircraft Model Company's S-Ray H-Ray - Airplanes and Rockets

The Andrews Aircraft Model Company (AAMCo) produced a radio control airplane, the S-Ray, which was the shoulder wing version of the H-Ray (my first successful R/C airplane). An advertisement from a 1964 edition of RC Modeler is shown to the left. It includes both the S-Ray (shoulder wing) and the H-Ray (high wing).

After years of watching eBay for either an H-Ray or S-Ray kit that would sell within my budgetary range, I finally won an auction for an S-Ray a couple months ago. The kit is in excellent condition and appears to include all the original material.

Update: I finally got an AAMCO Andrews H-Ray kit off of eBay, so the S-Ray got sold (can't afford to keep both).

Wingspan = 50", Length = 38", Flying Weight = 2-1/4 to 2-1/2 lbs., Wing Area = 435 sq.in.

Andrews (AAMCo) S-Ray Balsa, Plywood, and Hardware - Airplanes and Rockets

Andrews (AAMCo) S-Ray Balsa, Plywood, and Hardware

Read the AMA's published biography of Louis J. Andrews.

AAMCo (Andrews) S-Ray Plans (FreeRCPlans.com) - Airplanes and Rockets

Download AAMCO Andrews S-Ray Plans




Posted November 14, 2015

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