My smaller size models typically don't use hinges large enough to benefit from using the Slot Machine.
It works fantastically, especially on harder balsa trailing edges where cutting and picking with a knife
can be painful. I have only used this a couple times, and the blades are still razor sharp. The spare
set has never been used. Also included is the hinge Cutting Guide for keeping the blades in the correct
location in the balsa. The Slot Machine, Spare Blades, and Cutting Guide sell for over $30 new.
From the Great Planes website:
"A single airplane kit may have as many as 30-40 hinge slots. Cutting each hinge slot using a manual
tool (such as a hobby knife) takes 2-3 minutes each. Do the math—you spend hours doing nothing but cutting
slots! No wonder so many modelers loathe the job. But now there's a better way: With Great Planes' patented
electric-powered Slot Machine, you can cut ALL of your kit's hinge slots in about 30 minutes!
- Quickly cuts clean, perfect hinge slots-without gouging or being hindered by hard spots in the wood;
also works well for cutting sheet stock such as aileron servo openings
- Comes fully assembled and ready to use
- Rugged, injection-molded body is comfortable to hold and lasts a lifetime
- Low-profile power switch ensures that the Slot Machine will be turned 'on' only when you're ready
to use it"
Posted August 14, 2016